Scavenging Another Scavenging Script


Quickbar Entry
javascript: (window.TwCheese && TwCheese.tryUseTool('ASS')) || $.getScript('' +~~((new Date())/3e5),{cache:1,dataType:"script"});void 0;
Use this at the scavenging screen.
javascript: (window.TwCheese && TwCheese.tryUseTool('ASS')) || $.ajax('' +~~((new Date())/3e5),{cache:1,dataType:"script"});void 0;

What it does
  1. Fills in troops to scavenge
  2. Focuses the start button of the option your troops are intended to be used for
Behavior is configurable.

The bug reporter will run you through some Q&A and collect debug information.
Information is only collected if you report a bug.

Recommended usage
Hotkey it in your quickbar (e.g. the 2 key). Go to your first village.

1) Run the script. (Press 2)
2) Start scavenging with all wanted options. (Press enter four times) You must wait for each used option to successfully start before proceeding to the next
3) Switch to next village (Press d)
repeat for all villages

It's suboptimal, but if you want everything in one file, here it is:

Bugfixes & maintenance are welcome.

Fork it, make your changes, then submit a pull request.
If the tests don't pass: either fix your "fix", or update the tests.

Known issues
There are some edge cases with troop order that I'm not sure how best to handle.
Currently it prioritizes closeness to the target runtime a little more than troop order.

E.g. if you want spears sent before swords, it'll get as close as it can with spears. But it can sometimes chuck in a lone sword since swords have lower haul than spears which allows getting closer to the target runtime.

I don't think it really matters either way, but if somebody has a compelling argument I'll change it.

Troop assignment is all handled by this module:
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Contributing Poster
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PLEASE make that we can set time when to finish.
My scavenging is to finish every day at 23.00 so I can make a new run during the night and around during the day. Setting round hours to finish is frustrating when you miss to set it from, for example, 7 hours to 6 hours, and then I just do not want to stay awake to wait one more hour for that run to the finish.

If you can make it so we can set that we want runs to finish at HH:MM and if that is too much time it can work with two options you made, one is to max option from right to left as close as possible to HH:MM (for example if you have run at 18:00 it can set 0h/2h/5h/5h if troops for full runs are missing or 3h/3h/3h/3h as the second option for the same situation, and it can set all to 5 hours with leftover troops in barracks if you have too many troops) and that time can be remembered in cookies, so we do not have to set it every time we start script, same like amount of hours are set now.


Hey m8!
Your script is great! I love it! Just a little thing if can be changed...

I am playing both from PC and the phone, the thing is that you can't move the units order that will be sent in a scavenge and for the start of the world, in an offensive village i think you would want to send axes first then lc and other units(just to use LC for regular farming)... So, it's something that i can do by myself to change on the phone the order(now it won't allow me) or can you do something so that on the first row it won't be LC there?

Thank you and keep up the good work!


New Member
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Something happened 1-2 days ago, it doesnt work anymore my friend, if you could check it out would be great.

Good job by the way.

Thnak you

Shinko to Kuma

Still Going Strong
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javascript: (window.TwCheese && TwCheese.tryUseTool('ASS'))
|| $.getScript('');

This should do the trick

Deleted User - 11531464

javascript: (window.TwCheese && TwCheese.tryUseTool('ASS'))
|| $.getScript('');

This should do the trick

If a mod could edit the original post to include this version, it would be nice


New Member
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The script stopped working a few hours ago. Anyone has any idea why?
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New Member
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So there is no chance to have this script working anymore @Shinko to Kuma ?

L.E: found it !
javascript: (window.TwCheese && TwCheese.tryUseTool('ASS')) || $.ajax('' +~~((new Date())/3e5),{cache:1,dataType:"script"});void 0;
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New Member
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Hi there,

I am trying to run this but the settings are not displayed,

I would like to distribute all levels equally to finish at the same time.