Your Ops against Apoc in the south were clearly successful. I cannot dispute that. But you know as well as I that Apoc-R was not the strongest of the Apoc tribes (although a number of its players are now important members of the Apoc team). Apoc-W had one or two useful barons but its leadership was generally poor. However... they carried the Apoc flag and so we can't offer any excuses. You did well.
Substantial presence in 22 or 23 Ks? I'd love to know your definition of substantial! I don't have a substantial presence in that many and I am bigger than you ever were and would claim to be more strategically spread!
P.S. I am not trying to imply that you and many of your confederates were not good players. I just object to your continuing assertions that Apoc lacked any such players.
It means I didn't have just 1 village and had a whole cluster - enough to cause trouble for my neighbours
I didn't attack any Apoc-R players, I hit players in -F, -D, -N and -W but defended against every single Apoc tribe
I have never said you lack good players. In fact, this is what I said last year:
Your Favourite Tribe:
1- Obviously my own
2- The BA of old.. the only tribe that earned my respect early on via CottenClown.
Least Liked Tribe:
1- I do not dislike Apoc per se but I do not like the UA concept at all. The core players in Apoc are awesome.. it's just a shame they feel they have to be surrounded by a massive meatshield.
Best Leader
1- All the top tribes left have a decent leadership team with one particular player being the stand out. For example, APOC has Zain with players such as Zurtle, Masterfool, Wolfhunt & Andrew backing him up.
That was my opinion back then and it has never changed.