Bad Leadership Tactics - A K15 Story


Tribalwars is more a game of mind and Diplomacy than a game of skill and experience .

If you play the game that way yes it can be a game of mind and diplomacy. Personally i prefer a nice good punch for punch war with evenly matched sides but to each there own


Yasss, something on the forum which is actually half close to where im situated!
I feel famous.


Aliella you are a closer friend than you realize. That is all that I am going to say :p

oooooohhhhh... a secret admirer ;) YA! I like those... FYI ... i like chocolate and spearmen (just in case you wanna get me something, and please no chocolate covered spearmen, i hate those)

Its absoultley hillarious that we call this guys bluff and one 4-5 of his members are actually attacking. Real scary stuff! lol I know its a game of intimation sometimes, but at least have what it takes to back it up. His tribe is crumbling now, its gonna be fun to watch. (muah hahaha <--- my attempt at a creepy evil laugh) FAIL! lol


Just one thing, what does the red face next to the topic mean? It says the description of it in german for me...


Pleased to report that bad leadership is a thing of the past :)

Or maybe not - long story and boring at that lol

Suffice to say they are their own worse enemy lol
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Looking at Mingator stats (sitter for Engre...w/e his name is) he just merged his tribe and by looks of things kicked them all!! hahaha!


Yet another example of how this guy treats his members:

This is an extract from their "leader" to one of their members - such a delightful chap dont you think - I have made the player anonymous for obvious reasons:

on 26.09. at 14:10
oh well

mingator on 26.09. at 13:57
go learn the game with the erj or goo we only need warriors that take a direct order without crap goodbye and do defend you will be killed today

mingator on 26.09. at 13:53
your dismissed and will be killed go defend you r worthless to me

on 26.09. at 13:51
lets get something straight ya i am a soldier and still learning this game. so as to u being rude i dont need this. also get some one that has a rank to talk to me since i dont think you have any pull. and till some one that has rank can verify your story than go bug some one else

mingator on 26.09. at 13:43
forward me a report not that djdfjffffjjf stuff soldier

on 26.09. at 13:42
the player sent the URL for a report

mingator on 26.09. at 13:39
ist of all you have no idea who i am im the reason wehave two tribes period .. ok your orders are to attack the enemy above you asap email me what your attacking with and ill get some coordinated attack s to help u ..

on 26.09. at 13:26
i would like to point out that I'm not a refugee. Some of us here are here as a merger. As to say who are u to give me orders? as far as i can tell your not a leader here and by looking at it your just a troopy.

mingator on 26.09. at 13:06
to stay in this tribe you must attack our enemys .. i see you have kingphil next door scout or attack asap and forward me a copy we dont keep refugees you must clean your 15 x 15 and we will help u but you will attack


Mingator the tribeless - I cant imagine why that should be the case - maybe this little extract might give some clues:

mingator today at 01:51
well im having fun watching the seahawks beat chargers and eating wings and pulled pork sandwiches if thats what your talking about hey nice cartoon loved it when the troll came in and killed all the soldiers dude

today at 01:43
Not really, I heard you were a bit of an ********, is that true?

mingator today at 01:07
im just praying its alot of cats .. hope all your neighbors are your allies like coke nuke and others because im sure going to send them all the backtime information hahha im nice like that


Mingator has screwed himself.


He is now stuck in a war in W64 with his tribe (MMS) versus 5, possibly 6 others. You're right. He can't bloody read.

I mailed him to try and get him to stop farming a member since we had an NAP, and we ended the conversation with me on their #1 target hitlist.

Here's the chat we had (Sorry its a bit long):

mingator Jul 31,2012 12:44
Will u help kill 2 enemys with us

1) [coord](440|560)[/coord] we have him scouted

25 [unit]spear[/unit]25[unit]sword[/unit]100[unit]axe[/unit]30[unit]spy[/unit]28[unit]light[/unit]s

2)[coord](438|556)[/coord] has just been cleared help farm him ok..

PLeaseforward me asap any reports on either one asap.. Thanks MING

mingator Jul 31,2012 12:48
[coord](437|552)[/coord]has also been scouted and no troops home and we farmed him took over 2500 in supplies .. email

mingator Jul 31,2012 12:49
any information send to me ok...

This message has been forwarded by mingator.

mingator Jul 31,2012 12:49

This message has been forwarded by mingator.

TheNuma Jul 31,2012 12:55
kk I'd only scouted the guys you already cleared, I'll help farm.

mingator Jul 31,2012 12:57
hi its ming here lets be friends ok what reports can u forward me on the 3 elite guys ?? i would appreciate all your help

TheNuma Jul 31,2012 12:58
A one from a bit back on [coord]437|552[/coord]

I'll get it, one sec

TheNuma Jul 31,2012 13:00

mingator Jul 31,2012 13:00
ok how many scouts do u have now ?? were all fake attacking jameslondon05 can u at least send a fake 1[unit]spy[/unit]ss

TheNuma Jul 31,2012 13:01
I have 3 scouts to spare. However, before I do anything else, I'd like to know why you keep scouting our members.

mingator Jul 31,2012 13:02
who are u talking about us scouting ??

TheNuma Jul 31,2012 13:04
You scouting [player]SalvatorS2[/player].

TheNuma Jul 31,2012 13:04


Wrong person

mingator Jul 31,2012 13:04
salvators2 is not considered your member he was our enemy before he joined and i also emailed your duke about what a noob he is .. if your supporting him take them out he has noooo clue how to play and again he is a huge noob

TheNuma Jul 31,2012 13:07
I'll chat with him and our duke.

TheNuma Jul 31,2012 13:07
Oh, and everything here was supposed to be in blue.

mingator Jul 31,2012 13:07
yes get him kicked

mingator Jul 31,2012 13:08
your duke agreed to a nap until we actually help each other in coordinated attacks

TheNuma Jul 31,2012 13:09
You were farming him when he was tribeless, is that correct?

TheNuma Jul 31,2012 13:10
Send me every report you have of him. EVERY ONE.

mingator Jul 31,2012 13:21
can u support gibbomd1 ok the devil monster is scouting him twice scout support ok.. gibbomd1

TheNuma Jul 31,2012 13:23
Answer my question. I want to know who's right here. No, saying "but im right" doesn't actually automatically make you right. Sorry.

mingator Jul 31,2012 13:24
dude salvator is our farm leave it at that ... he is a noob and again if u have troops supporting they will die

TheNuma Jul 31,2012 13:27
Answer. The. Question.

Were you farming him from before he joined, and if so, actually send the EARLIEST clearing report you have.

mingator Jul 31,2012 13:29
ive emailed your duke ... again he is our farmmmmm and if u want to support him expect them to dieeeee

TheNuma Jul 31,2012 14:39
You scouted him twice before he joined, and both times he killed all the scouts. That doesn't make him "Your farm"

mingator Jul 31,2012 14:44
whats your fasination about the noob did u see all his troops dead or is it because he set u as sitter u think were going to stop hahhahahahahahahahah like i said he is a farmmmmm and if u ask me again ill order you scouted and farmed

Whats funny, is that now the person that I sent the report of is fighting with us.


Mingator has screwed himself.


He is now stuck in a war in W64 with his tribe (MMS) versus 5, possibly 6 others. You're right. He can't bloody read.

I mailed him to try and get him to stop farming a member since we had an NAP, and we ended the conversation with me on their #1 target hitlist.

Here's the chat we had (Sorry its a bit long):

Whats funny, is that now the person that I sent the report of is fighting with us.

So true, we have a wonderful forum to deal with him.


just for fun everyone, this guy is now on world 66, being the same kind of pain.

you want more information, contact gypsy butterfly, or just send fakes to his village in that name, lol
his villa is at (371|421)