Not to start anything
First I want to let you know who I am. I am tryandcatchme.
I am not here to start trouble or to pick a fight. I do not get in the forums here at all. this will be my first and last time.
There was some awful things said in a thread that was closed down. I had read everything that was written.
And I just needed to say what I saw, and what I know.
s33ujimmy had made a post, and right away verbal attacks were flung at him. To me it did not look any different then the beginning of any other thread. An insult was shot at him, and he fired back. At first it looked to be banter between two people. Then it started to get very hostile and I saw more then just one throwing insults at s33ujimmy. And I saw him fire back. Which is something I think anyone of you would have done. And if you were to be honest about it, if s33ujimmy had backed down or left the forum, there would have been laughs and whoops, and everyone would be saying he left as a coward, and I am sure all of you would have said that was typical of Ad Inf as well. s33ujimmy was caught between a rock and a hard place.
I had even seen where he tried to stop and start talking fact. but more insults were flung at him. I do not see where anyone gave him the chance to do anything else. The truth is it looks to me like everyone wanted 1 of 2 things. Either to chase him off the forum so everyone could say he was a coward as is his tribe. Or you would keep it going and not give him the chance to speak with out insults. And continue to try and make him look the fool. (you really failed) Anyone who reads with an open mind would see that,
What I know as fact is that s33ujimmy is a very good person, he is smart and he does have pride. I also know that he does know how to play this game and is very good at it. And he is as loyal as they come.
And everyone here would have seen this if they had not flung insults at him, and had tried to carry on an intelligent conversation. And yes there could have been if you had given the chance. But then this is why I don't like coming on to this forum, everyone seems to think that because there from a huge tribe with a lot of points that is enough for respect. No it is not! being big and able to beat anyone in your way does not make you great. that just makes you powerful. A really great tribe is one that has the power and knows not to abuse it. A great tribe knows how to be objective and fair. A great tribe should be able to talk about the events that are taking place with out wise cracks and insults. And in reading back through other threads it seems to me that Bang!? for the most part has been the one to throw the first insult and make jokes about the other tribes. It takes a big tribe to be able to do that, but an even bigger one to not to do it.
s33ujimmy has a lot to offer and any tribe would be lucky to have him on there side. But you wouldn't know what he is really like or what he could offer because you never gave him the chance.
Now I am pretty sure, that after I post this there is going to be someone if not all of you picking apart what I wrote. And trying to bait me to have a come back. Well here it is in a nut shell. I have had my say and you can act as immature as you wish and prove my point. there is my come back.
And to the mods, You were right for closing the other thread. I just hope that you read through it all and can look with an objective eye and see that s33ujimmy did not start this.
I wish Ad Inf all the luck they need in this war, and the same to PNX.