So many old names... makes me soo happy.
As to the question, there is no doubt it was TW.
1) Came to the game after the top teams of the day had a decent head start (RoBaC, Death, a few others)
2) Signed up en masse at the Outer Rings. Then used Massive coordination efforts to establish a stranglehold on everyone within the "Blue Ring of Death".
3) Managed to frame (i think) Destiny (2nd largest tribe in w1 at the time) for betraying our alliance, and used that framing as an excuse to attack and crush their leadership and end that tribe of over 200 players in under 48hrs.
4) Proceeded to move inward eventually defeating RoBaC and Death.
5) Had Admins create rules to try and reduce our strength (Tribe Limits, etc)
6) Got an Admin to quit
7) Best Propaganda Threads ever - TY LogRoller
8) Got Many other Strong tribes to pay Tithes without even having to attack them.
And the Topping on the Cake. TW stood for a Tribes Fansite... and the only reason we came over to is we felt affronted that they were "trying to steal our name". It was posted on our forums (and our primary game was years dead so we had the time), and people started signing up On a Lark... and we ended up with over 300 members within a week and took it all over.