As with all of these posts, it gonna be biased to your locations, I barely know of anything that happened outside of the areas I dealt with.
1. Best All Around Player:
2. Best Attacker:
3. Best Defender:
Was waiting to post so I could give these to someone else but with the merge there hasn't really been a chance for other people to show anything.
I think I attacked well throughout though and that defending v FFF early on was really tough to get through while still being relevant after attacks.
4. Best strategic player:
If CGI v Colour/FFF actually happened she would have had a great couple of clusters to grow from and if CGI were more strict on barbling she probably would have been able to farm enough to challenge for rank 1.
5. Best Player that got rimmed:
Everyone was ripping on him back when he was around but he was good, only thing was he panicked too much but he would defend well and think about counter attacks when most just give up or go full turtle. Hes done well in w85 since as well.
6. Biggest Barb Taker:
Probably the toughest choice here but 621 barbs under 3k points is tough to beat and this guy almost got 3rd in rankings...
7. Best Tribe:
Think there win is down to Storm, a handful of other accounts being threats and the failures of Colour dukes which pushed people towards CGI.
8. Runner up Tribe:
Just poor dukes cost the tribe, the players overall were better then CGI imo but them being dicks to certain players backfired.
9. The most enjoyable player to piss off:
10. The player you never want to piss off:
Everyone is fun to piss off
11. Best team (group of players):
Me, Tommehh/Pahii and Von
During the war v FFF, we did pretty good as a team. Pahii helped loads sitting Tom and Von held of Ckong/Klaus nicely, if it weren't for Invictus botting tom's interest might have lasted longer and we could have actually survived as a group, without having to join Colour.
12. Funniest Player:
Tough to think of who looking back on world, colour chat was pretty good at points, Sluggy for some random stuff probably
13. Biggest ass hole (or Diva):
Eddie or Kelly
14. Best War:
Gnome v FFF
15. Who would you most like to meet?:
16. Who's computer would you most like to break?:
To see if he would notice lol
17. Most over rated player:
Don't think many are rating her but still she's been given too much credit for helping CGI win, once Attila barbed FFF were kind of irrelevant, just a trigger point for deletes at the end.
18. Most Improved (went from noob to killer):
I dunno if he was even bad to begin with but he defo was good at the end.
19. Most Annoying Player:
The amount of messages were crazy!!!
20. Luckiest Player:
21. Best Alliance:
Colour - FFF
22. Greatest Farmer:
Robber (Gold - Level 4)
Loot a total of 100.000.000 resources.
Total: 46.673.249.980
23. Best mail:
Something with Tom - Heyoo early on in world. never save mails
24. Most Dramatic:
Eddie would launch some fakes, I get 10 messages from Pahii...
25. Most Paranoid:
Didn't think I would be putting his name as much, just panicked too much back then.
26. Most Underhanded:
The original shit duke.
27. Most Loyal:
FFF members during Heyoo times
They should have realised he was bad but they were soo blindly following him that they ignored all the signs.
28. Greatest Spy:
I told Storm some stuff when Colour dukes were pissing me off but she never acted on most of it. Think someone else might have been giving more info, prob knew loads from FFF as they had been talking longer.
29. Biggest Stat Padder:
Dem barbs tho
30. Best Leader:
I think a lot might have fallen in her lap with me and FFF but she still had to manage it all and she did that really well. I think she knew if it was a straight fight v Colour then CGI wouldn't win so that early merge and then good diplo (would own rob on some border agreements) from that point won it. She kept her own account pretty high in points which helped stop anyone doubting what she was doing as well.
That early merge did ruin the world though but it was obvious Colour and FFF were working together so it's either they merge or lose, so can't blame Storm on that.
31. Worst Leader:
Colour/FFF Leadership
Both had huge egos and wanted everyone to do what they said but didn't have the accounts/ability to back it up.
At one point FFF had the whole east side of the world, book ended by me in north and trex (think hes meant to be good) in the south but it all collapsed because of Dukes pissing people off and then not being able to noble the ones who left.