Can we liven the Forums for NOOBS?

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 11252347
  • Start date


I think you are looking at it incorrectly. I'm not applying anything I'm saying to Screw here at all, but you cannot use recruitment policy to say someone is a bad commander. Someone can recruit and still be a great commander but choose to minimise risk instead.

True, and as I've said before, it's impossible to get a 100% accurate view of a leader from the outside. By definition, I will hear more from the less happy Screw members than from the very happy ones. The same self-selection bias applies within a tribe, where the people who stuck around are more likely to be positive about their leader than the ones who didn't.

I'll happily admit I'm trying to form an assessment based on incomplete data...and so is everyone else ;) That doesn't make it wrong or pointless, simply hard/impossible to prove.

EDIT: I'm using Screw as example because this is the only world I played in the past 5 years. I'll happily continue this with tribes from W16 or W45 as an example, I just doubt most people would be able to add anything to that.


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
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W89 was because DST started off as a rim tribe, which eventually merged in the rank 1 premade @Night when it collapsed. The majority of the tribe changes come from that I imagine. I find in these newer worlds, the average is somewhere around 200 or so across the world.

89 lasted a fair bit longer on top of that. Assuming the mighty screw finish it shortly.

Losing tribes always (usually) mass recruit to offset losses it's pretty much a given. Winning tribes have to deal with player burn out and such so there is usually some recruitment to compensate. But having over 300 changes in a 7 month period during which they have been, from what I can tell, extremely dominant for the majority of the time is tad excessive? To me that would indicate a mass recruit / hug strategy of their own


Being apart of Screw and knowing what has gone on this world, I'd say it is a loooonng way of mass recruitment.
Early game, certain "issues" that are public if you bother to find out/look meant that a major switch up in the Screw Roster. Other than that, from what I have witnessed only minimal recruitment in each area only.
If Screw wanted to mass recruit then they could of accepted the xx amount of pleads for invites and instantly finished this world, but we'd rather fight them all.
If you'd bother to look into the tribe changes rather than assume and suggest on things, like you have been doing for sometime then you'd realise why there appears to be so many.


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
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You'll notice i did mass recruit / hug so clearly the implication is that its one of the two and not necessarily the first.

I did as you suggested and looked into the tribal changes and there were 117 within the first week of the world opening, i guess that was the 'major' switch up you mentioned although it looks like they were all changes from screw. to screw so was that sister tribes or something?. The other interesting thing i found is how the recruitment appears to target certain areas in what looks to be predominantly territory driven - Inc in the south then Avatar in the NE and RoyalE in the south (ish). Also appears to have been an academy tribe (screw-) at some point which again is pretty impressive given the already high member cap allowed.

At the end of the day there is nothing wrong with recruiting people for the area they control and then use them to subjugate the area. Once a world is over nobody will care or remember anyway

Deleted User - 11252347

I do want to say that SCREW have been at war since day 1. Internally and externally.
Even prior to me joining SCREW - they had intelligently begun warring tribes that were a threat to them (Like inc. & panda) while ignoring nooby tribes and faking relations with those we knew were going nowhere but if angry could be a nuisance.

SOLO has done something 90% of TW players cannot - he has adapted to the changing game & he is damn good at it. For you to come on and bitch about the superior "the old ways" of TW well sorry but you can't play that way with only 16 Ks on the map.

Minimal diplomacy was enacted at times by screw to protect the tribe - that is smart leadership not hugging. Despite all this you'll notice solo has stopped replying to you - it's because he doesn't need to. If you haven't accepted diplomacy is needed in new TW than you are beyond helping.

I like that you come here just to stir the pot Minty But please atleast do it with issues that don't bore me to death from overuse.


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
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Thread says "liven up the forums", i can either bash a losing tribe or a winning tribe.


Deleted User - 11252347

I like that you come here just to stir the pot Minty But please atleast do it with issues that don't bore me to death from overuse.

The hugging thing doesn't really work as well when there's just two tribes left init ? :p Works especially worse when the other tribe we're facing utilized more diplomacy than us :D


You can liven up the forums without bashing anyone imo :p


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
Reaction score
You can liven up the forums without bashing anyone imo :p

Certainly agree with that although a quick read of other threads and this one gives a certain amount or precedent to that :D

The "In a day" standings seem remarkably low for this world. Its lower than 94 by a fair margin for attacking/defending and even the #1 ranking on w95 is higher than 93 which is kinda wierd considering its several months younger. Any comments on why this is the case? No big ops going on in this world?


Certainly agree with that although a quick read of other threads and this one gives a certain amount or precedent to that :D

The "In a day" standings seem remarkably low for this world. Its lower than 94 by a fair margin for attacking/defending and even the #1 ranking on w95 is higher than 93 which is kinda wierd considering its several months younger. Any comments on why this is the case? No big ops going on in this world?


SCREW's perspective.


If you haven't accepted diplomacy is needed in new TW than you are beyond helping.

This is an odd statement. It seems to imply that diplomacy was not needed in the earlier worlds. If anything, it was more important then.

Given the much bigger worlds, there was much more opportunity for players and tribes to grow and learn, resulting in large numbers of tribes that were at least competent enough to be a distraction. Since the top tribes would have maybe 40-80 players out of the 80,000 in the world, they needed to have strong diplomacy or they'd die of a thousand papercuts. Having a reputation of being trustworthy could be more valuable than a thousand villages worth of def, and it could take years to cultivate some relationships. Being tribal diplomat could easily be a full-time job.


This is an odd statement. It seems to imply that diplomacy was not needed in the earlier worlds. If anything, it was more important then.

Given the much bigger worlds, there was much more opportunity for players and tribes to grow and learn, resulting in large numbers of tribes that were at least competent enough to be a distraction. Since the top tribes would have maybe 40-80 players out of the 80,000 in the world, they needed to have strong diplomacy or they'd die of a thousand papercuts. Having a reputation of being trustworthy could be more valuable than a thousand villages worth of def, and it could take years to cultivate some relationships. Being tribal diplomat could easily be a full-time job.
The only diplo we had in w87 was a brief few days when we were deciding which players in a tribe to recruit.


When Noobs accuse Screw of barb munching.

Noobs barb munching.
Screw barb munching.

Let's make this a bit more fun. Let's say, for easier calculations Noobs have the half of points of Screw and nobled 3k barbs. Doubling that, to match Screw's points makes that 6k barbs. But screw has only nobled 1.5k (rounded it up) barbs nobled. That means for each barbarian village Screw nobled, Noobs has nobled 4 barbarian villages.

Nice logics.



Stop picking on my barbs. I had to rescue them today by taking in about 50 in my account for the day ;(