Chill out on the world releases


Hack and destroy innogames. :icon_wink:

Unfortanatly, from what I've seen, passwords are encrypted three times. And innogames would sue the effing hell out of us. We'd end up in jail. I'm not so sure they'd download a trojan or a worm from me or anyone else on the servers that are running TW. Just too much at risk and hard work just to wreck a little game. :(


Lol, you think theres to many worlds being realsed?
I think there should be more, but on diffrent times, so people like me in austrlia can acctually get into it the hour it comes out :)

Me being an Aussie aswell, agrees with you, but only for opening at different times of the day. By the times these worlds open I am about to go to sleep, because I have school in the next morning. Which makes it a complete down fall for me and I don't get a decent position in the world.-Lc