Rizz some of us love you (hug)
Ideas on making a w65 pre-made for the next no-haul world?
Sorry for off-topic if anyone even cares about these forums anymore.
Just read this post.
Thanks ana for the sneaky comments, Im sorry I had to leave, but its all worked out as I got a great grade on my degree and have just been offered a scholarship to a Masters Course, so probably made the correct decision.
I can vouch for all of the hard work that was done during the mid-game. The bitchiness was unbelievable, with drama after drama after drama after drama. I was the busy little bee working with Deb and the other council members to soothe wounds, plan operations and keep tabs on who was happy and who was sad. One thing most people won't know is of the constant dramas within the council itself. I pretty much remember every member of the council excluding Muso falling out with another or all the others on a number of occasions and me being left in the middle as the punching bag. I was one of the few people to actually be duke for awhile and I think only about 3 players even knew I was the duke (was only there to fill a gap, and Arith was the front of house leader for the week), but then Anna came back and I knew long term I wouldn't be staying in the world and without question just returned her and Muso to the leadership position (sorry for dumping it on you).
I don't think Anna's post was trying to gain recognition where she didn't deserve it, it was a last hazzar of an end of world, an appraisal and thank you note to the members that graced Wobble. Everyone who was ever in the tribe, even the likes of the spies and idiots who decided to leave, had a hand in shaping its future. I think my account was one of the oldest in the tribe, having been in it pre-bunny merge, my pre-made had merged into wobble within about a week or two of start up (which I think was always the plan). Tman probably remembers better. I was pretty much always inactive in the world, until in the mid game, just around the Yarr war I was involved in OP planning, and then I ended up on the council just as sumner left, only to then have to pick up the pieces of his disappearance and work with Anna who essentially knew no one in the tribe.
If you were to rate my history in wobble, you would call my contribution a solid 1 out of 100 (pretty much I did jack shit), but I came here to say well done to all the idiots and crazy people that stuck out the world and won it. You might have been mad, but you deserved your mad victory.
Shut up Rizz and sit me <3