100 barbs nobled in a week. Must be an all-time record.
here iz your reward
here iz your reward

100 barbs nobled in a week. Must be an all-time record.
here iz your reward
My butt is hurting....
Your attempts at trolling are as weak as your thread. Get some practice offline before you try again.I realize that, that thingy is called a button, but that does not implicate you should put it in or on your butt.
My sincere apology for not explaining properly.
I dont know, its been quite big barb nobling in the world lately. It starting to look like no haul already...
How is Panda not winning this war then? Must be because they suck. At least make these criticisms when your tribe is actually winning.
I can't see any Panda players criticizing in this thread...
How is Panda not winning this war then? Must be because they suck. At least make these criticisms when your tribe is actually winning.
Small world is small and people already settling into end game mentality.
In what phase of the game do people munch at so many barbs? O wait...