Continent Discussion


Don't know about the tribe, but that post was pure pwnage


Im not the one treating eveyone like second class citizens and implying everyone else is insignificant. Gee, yet another leet TW messiah that thinks they hold the key to all that is holy in the TW lexicon. I have news for you, players better than you have been put down by players lesser than I.

The basic PnP strategy of this type of player goes as such : If they win and are successful, they get to gloatl qnd gloat they will. If not, it is in no way becasue of a lack of skill, they are just too great for that. We all know this. Ahem. Pethaps a lack of interpersonal skills. After all, this game is as much a social exercise than a war game. I find it hard to believe the attitude and personality exhibited here will be endearing to anyone, let alone inspire them to follow into battle or belive you wont exploit them and throw them aside. So no matter the writ of the strategy that is used to secure a downfall, they will use the maytyr card "There was too many, you all had to gang up on me!", perhaps the Noob Card "You are just turtles! I lost all my nukes, I quit." (because if you build defense, certainly you dont know what you are doing)... maybe blame others or tribal structure "Yeah, we all quit cauz this world is fail, nobody worth fighitng, we all went to world X." etc etc etc

Plenty of back slapping and I-told-you-so's when they win, and no acceptance of any responsibility or any self examination if they fail. Any of this sound familar to anyone? Exactly. Keep talking though, gives me something to do.

But why even listen to me? You are the mighty, with masses of cryptic unnamed armies arrayed before you, waiting to do your bidding. I am the fail, with speer nuks and a tribe full of mass recruited point whores. I mean, if you can remove me at will... Do it then. Have it. Jump. Smoke me like the n00b I am.

No? Thats what I thought.

Save the "Im just letting you grow my farms" or similar comment... Its been done and is tired.

That was really well written..and had truth in it. Even though I am in IKEA, I will admit that better premades have failed because of arrogance and chest beating on the externals..Respect.


That was something I would have written if i wasn't too lazy. And because i didn't want it to turn around and bite me when i am bashing some noob. :icon_biggrin:


Im not the one treating eveyone like second class citizens and implying everyone else is insignificant. Gee, yet another leet TW messiah that thinks they hold the key to all that is holy in the TW lexicon. I have news for you, players better than you have been put down by players lesser than I.

The basic PnP strategy of this type of player goes as such : If they win and are successful, they get to gloatl qnd gloat they will. If not, it is in no way becasue of a lack of skill, they are just too great for that. We all know this. Ahem. Pethaps a lack of interpersonal skills. After all, this game is as much a social exercise than a war game. I find it hard to believe the attitude and personality exhibited here will be endearing to anyone, let alone inspire them to follow into battle or belive you wont exploit them and throw them aside. So no matter the writ of the strategy that is used to secure a downfall, they will use the maytyr card "There was too many, you all had to gang up on me!", perhaps the Noob Card "You are just turtles! I lost all my nukes, I quit." (because if you build defense, certainly you dont know what you are doing)... maybe blame others or tribal structure "Yeah, we all quit cauz this world is fail, nobody worth fighitng, we all went to world X." etc etc etc

Plenty of back slapping and I-told-you-so's when they win, and no acceptance of any responsibility or any self examination if they fail. Any of this sound familar to anyone? Exactly. Keep talking though, gives me something to do.

But why even listen to me? You are the mighty, with masses of cryptic unnamed armies arrayed before you, waiting to do your bidding. I am the fail, with speer nuks and a tribe full of mass recruited point whores. I mean, if you can remove me at will... Do it then. Have it. Jump. Smoke me like the n00b I am.

No? Thats what I thought.

Save the "Im just letting you grow my farms" or similar comment... Its been done and is tired.

Sounds to me like you're just making excuses for the loss you know that's coming


Ok. Good flaming here :)
Thank you for the stars!

Regarding the ranking of k 46. We have a new entry: ~Glad~
Build up after -Hell- falling in ranking. They recruit some agressive players. Interesting OD. Low numbers. Too spread out on the map for now.
Are many angry people in ~Glad... . Ex -Hell- players who have grudges against their former leadership and colleagues who remained in -Hell- or who joined Moar !

Are info and rumors about -Hell- becoming an appendix for Moar !

But can be this considered mass recruitment for Moar ! and selective recruitment for ~Glad~?
Can this be, the war spark? Will ~Glad~ get closer to IKEA, only to revenge on their mates? Or on Moar ! ? A secret alliance and then a kind of a merge IKEA - ~Glad~? Or is just a well prepared plan to settle things down by persuasion instead of war (useless now without noblemans)? Is not a new strategy. Merge only to disband. Ally only to betray...The fog of war in k 46 start to settle, thicker then ever. Blood (my tribe) control the east of k 46, for now. This area can become important for Moar ! as well for ~Glad~ because is giving legitimacy on k 46 ruling and also is giving the escape/expansion route to east/rimm areas.

~ can be the gate who will open wide for IKEA invasion, unless, the main local tribe Moar ! will not be able to fix this matter.

It is possible to have a first important war Moar ! + -Hell- against ~Glad~ and IKEA.

Where is TBS in this situation? TBS interest must remain in k 46 cards. But they cannot wait to fight with the winner! They cannot afford! So, TBS will be forced to take stand. IKEA and ~GLAD~ are exclusive tribes. Or close...
This will keep TBS in Moar ! side?

After the New Year we will know better!
A point of view from TBS leadership will be very important to see.
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You really make me lol with how far off the loop you are sometimes blueway :lol:


Come on man...let me dream this :) Maybe is like making the Earth a a clean planet, hunger eradication, making TW a ...better place...
Why you wanna demolish my joy? :) And if I am fishing why you wanna scare my fishes? Huh? Is Christmas, man! Be a better person...a charitable one.
Let me win my beautiful yellow gold stars! Let me become a media corporation. I want to see many more threads merging here, into mine. I wanna be the first player of this forum!...:)

Now, seriously, why this cannot happen? alliances/deals are lasting as much is needed. And are not a life time commitment! :)


Im not the one treating eveyone like second class citizens and implying everyone else is insignificant. Gee, yet another leet TW messiah that thinks they hold the key to all that is holy in the TW lexicon. I have news for you, players better than you have been put down by players lesser than I.

The basic PnP strategy of this type of player goes as such : If they win and are successful, they get to gloatl qnd gloat they will. If not, it is in no way becasue of a lack of skill, they are just too great for that. We all know this. Ahem. Pethaps a lack of interpersonal skills. After all, this game is as much a social exercise than a war game. I find it hard to believe the attitude and personality exhibited here will be endearing to anyone, let alone inspire them to follow into battle or belive you wont exploit them and throw them aside. So no matter the writ of the strategy that is used to secure a downfall, they will use the maytyr card "There was too many, you all had to gang up on me!", perhaps the Noob Card "You are just turtles! I lost all my nukes, I quit." (because if you build defense, certainly you dont know what you are doing)... maybe blame others or tribal structure "Yeah, we all quit cauz this world is fail, nobody worth fighitng, we all went to world X." etc etc etc

Plenty of back slapping and I-told-you-so's when they win, and no acceptance of any responsibility or any self examination if they fail. Any of this sound familar to anyone? Exactly. Keep talking though, gives me something to do.

But why even listen to me? You are the mighty, with masses of cryptic unnamed armies arrayed before you, waiting to do your bidding. I am the fail, with speer nuks and a tribe full of mass recruited point whores. I mean, if you can remove me at will... Do it then. Have it. Jump. Smoke me like the n00b I am.

No? Thats what I thought.

Save the "Im just letting you grow my farms" or similar comment... Its been done and is tired.

I got bored after 3 words.

The fact is i get threatened every world, and every world the other side always loses, my last example of this can easily be Pajuno being owned for annoying me on externals and as you say "he used an excuse of quitting whatever".

You are just another player, with some other tribe, because he merged to rank 1 thinking he is oh so holy, and because he has the time he writes a big post using a load of shit i cant be arsed doing because im some dumb dyslexic who cant spell or write general coherent sentences.

But wow, well done, you understand the aspects on pnp, sorry for having the mind of a mod and not doing pnp like i used to. But i base on what i see, and so far its pretty poor.


I like Blueway, if for nothing else, he is enjoying himself and trying to add to others enjoyment. Thge point of all this is fun after all! :D

But yeah, hes tripping balls :p

I like wild war predicitons, they are great. Specially for agro players, as they usually are crazy inaccurate... I know personally, if I pick a fight, everyone will know it. lol

(channeling Will Ferrell from Old School) "YOUR MY BOY BLUE!!!"

Leave MOAR ! out of war predicitons. We dont do that sort of stuff. Im lead hugger, the Care Bear of sammiches.


I got bored after 3 words.

Of COURSE you did. You only speak to hear yourself speak and discount everyone around you. Thank you for SLAM DUNKING my point home for me.

+1 for self-immolation PnP fail.

You are out of your depth, Ill leave you alone now.

Your welcome.


Of COURSE you did. You only speak to hear yourself speak and discount everyone around you. Thank you for SLAM DUNKING my point home for me.

+1 for self-immolation PnP fail.

You are out of your depth, Ill leave you alone now.

Your welcome.
Out of my depth? You claim i fail to read yet i used parts of your post in my post, which surely means i read it... you proved my point that you know nothing apart from speaking big words.

+1 Smart Guy.


and there are those that say this world is boring and uninteresting... me thinks they are wrong :icon_razz: