Continent Discussion


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It is a waste of time if only 1 person wants a review, when there are other K's waiting days for reviews with many people wanting to see them. Dont be so ignorant.

Hmmm, strange Btw Argo-not what continent are you based? from my understanding reviewing k's by blueway is not selective.

Argo-not I challenge you...What is an interesting continent?...Every player want's his continent reviewed by others this is to prevent people bieng biased with their own continent that they are the strongest tribe..You see some continent tribes just annihilate everyone on site thats why its important to know if your neighboring tribe control continent is a monster or just a Nub tribe in disguised. For example if I'm based in K56(-F-) I want to know if the neighboring tribe in k57(Pluto) is a threat...And me based on K56 wants to know if my northern exposure K46( TBS)and k36 is dangerous ground....Reviews on continent is important f0r further expansion of other tribes..And its interesting to see if it will be true.

Blueways review shows what kind of players and leaders are based on those continents...And those reviews are fair in my opinion.:lol:

If you just want review of k's that will not affect you then feel free to become ignorant.

I just dont want blueway to waste his time as he is doing everyone a favour here. K57 can be summed up in less than a sentencem but blueway will try to analyze it like he did the other K that was very cut and dry. There is no point in him wasting his time in that way to appease 1 person when there are actually K's that have interesting things going on.

"Besides what if i wanted one??? i love the reading, and i enjoy each and everyone one of them being posted. So theres 2 if your happy .. "

You would enjoy it no matter which continent gets reviewed, so why dont you consider that you might want to read an interesting K over a boring one? your enjoyment (and in fact, nearly everybody's) would be no less if he didnt do k57.

I think it is greedy to ask for a discussion of every continent from one player, when not every continent deserves a discussion. Go look up the tribal rankings on k57 and tell me it really needs to be analyzed..

And if you see this greedy in your eyes...

Well the one I see who is greedy here is you. You just think of yourself. Neighbor continents(continents) analysis is important if his analysis is correct a tribe could prepare for the future against that tribe.

It's not about the Rankings, Players its about strategy of doing the right thing. And the leaders making the right decision.

Btw if you don't mind me asking argo-nut what worlds did you play in so that I could analyze if you are one of the strengths in a tribe.

Or just a nub in disguise.
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Lol really good read CMburns, great review =)

About k-25, i had to use spies coz you would live 1-2 days longer. that'ld really be terrible, we gotta farm with that troops sorry. Also I put defence to all north players minutes after i saw you emerged, i can even show you mails. So your fail attacks are nothing to do with spies, but he had helped with taking two villages, 2 out of 12, thats all. not such a big deal.

Thanks! Perhaps one day I will tell the tale of CMBurns the conqueror.


Easy on me people. I am working on it!
It will be posted in this way:
k 34, 36, 57, 23, 76, 56, 25 and 32.

And yes, I am thinking at a better system. Like was suggested here, to have all analysis on continents in the first pages. and to review them each week. So each player can easily find what he need. Until then, I will continue to post like I did until now.

This require a lot of time. Please be patient. I do not just pick up data. I must interpret them. :)


Put my review of k53 in your first thread and I'll update it whenever it needs updates.


How about continent 26? I know it is a continent behind a lot of others but there is a tribe there growing very fast and seems decent. I may be a bit biased.


Hmmm, strange Btw Argo-not what continent are you based? from my understanding reviewing k's by blueway is not selective.

Argo-not I challenge you...What is an interesting continent?...Every player want's his continent reviewed by others this is to prevent people bieng biased with their own continent that they are the strongest tribe..You see some continent tribes just annihilate everyone on site thats why its important to know if your neighboring tribe control continent is a monster or just a Nub tribe in disguised. For example if I'm based in K56(-F-) I want to know if the neighboring tribe in k57(Pluto) is a threat...And me based on K56 wants to know if my northern exposure K46( TBS)and k36 is dangerous ground....Reviews on continent is important f0r further expansion of other tribes..And its interesting to see if it will be true.

Blueways review shows what kind of players and leaders are based on those continents...And those reviews are fair in my opinion.:lol:

If you just want review of k's that will not affect you then feel free to become ignorant.

And if you see this greedy in your eyes...

Well the one I see who is greedy here is you. You just think of yourself. Neighbor continents(continents) analysis is important if his analysis is correct a tribe could prepare for the future against that tribe.

It's not about the Rankings, Players its about strategy of doing the right thing. And the leaders making the right decision.

Btw if you don't mind me asking argo-nut what worlds did you play in so that I could analyze if you are one of the strengths in a tribe.

Or just a nub in disguise.

The answer may surprise you ;). Im in your tribe, and theres a reason why I dont really want us analyzed. Guess who I am ;)


Easy... :) people. All things on the right time. And honest, I think that after 1-2 weeks from now, when many tribes will be settled, the talks will not be focused on continents but intercontinental. :)
Thanks for the help, anyway! I apreciate this!

OK, here is K 34

Rank 1 =STRH=

Members: 71
OD: Over 637,000 (30)
Leadership: One leader is gone, Another one is leading =LOCK=, their sister tribe, another one is a w8 veteran. Low OD. Only the diplomat looks better!
Noblement: 21-11 few barb noblements.
Activity: Few inactive players. Intense activity dismissal/recruitment!
Observations: They try to settle down. In my opinion they need a far better selective recruitment! Few problems with the tribes around them. Some leadership issues. They have good chances to remain there for short term! The fact that they are family tribe can help them but not much. And only on the very short term. Normally, the families are not lasting too long! And if are bad organized, are more of an issue instead of a map display benefit! I do not like families anyway :)

Rank 2 KOH

Members 87
OD: Over 251,000 (93)
Leadership: Too many leaders! Bad sign here! The main duke is low rank. Also a bad sign!
Noblement: 1-5 This is a negative balance. the first I met until now, in my reviews. This is showing bad map spreading or leadership issues!
Activity: High inactivity problems. No wonder they have negative noblement balance. Low ranks players are a graveyard! Is a tribe with many issues.
Observations: They are clearing the house now. A tribe called IOR is merging into them. If the merger will be fine, they will have a chance. Just get rid of all inactive and the dead weight and start with fresh leaders. A bad start is almost always fatal!

Rank 3 }IRI{

Members: 37
OD: Over 144,000 (144)
leadership: Too many leaders reported at their members! Very low rank and low OD. Bad, bad, bad!
Noblement: 5-2
Activity: New born tribe but already with inactivity problems. Including leadership inactivity!
Observations. They are in the building stage. Is taking too long if you will ask me. Is late for such activities. They will not last long, like I see things now! Only if they will have a good leadership. Which, honest, I doubt!

Rank 4 Party!

Members: 58
OD: Over 1,431,000 !!!!!!!! (1) what can I say more?
Leadership: Intelligent war lords. 5 ***** Nothing more to say!
Noblement: 75-5 !!! How about that!?
Activity: Only slight inactivity. But at such a stage and such war not a problem. STORM! is merging into them. Not all of them of course. I wonder what will happen with the rest from STORM!, considering Party! "is a family tribe."(this was my mistake. I considered their post as a real one! As many others did in w 54) sorry for this! It was a joke of one of their leaders!
Observations: What can we say about Party! Good leadership. War tribe! Aggressive players! I am happy because I am not in their range :) The leaders are also very aggressive. So, the members just follow the lead! They kill everybody in their sight. Definitely one of the best tribes from w 54! Nothing more can be said.

Rank 5 =LOCK=

Members: 43
OD: Over 206,000 (117)
Leadership: Relatively low rank and OD, considering their situation.
Noblement: 2-2
Activity: High inactivity issues! Immense number of dismissal of inactive players! I really cannot imagine how this tribe looked few days ago?! Like a ghost house! A large sea of red and yellow dots! This is a heavy problem of leadership. Why wait so long before kick someone who is semi-active or inactive?
They will not last. Not even in short term. And anyway, not with Party! in their sight!

This is a simple continent. If Party! will play in the same way, k 34 will belong to them. Nothing more to say! Is no other tribe there, able to hold Party! expansion. Is just a matter of farming, noblemans and time!

Soon I will post: K 57, 23, 76, 56, 25 and 32. And of course k 36 and k 46, my tribal area.
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Right you bunch of hemph's.

Calm down, as you can see blueway now has shitloads to write about, so stop begging for your continent, he will get around to it when he has time, let him cut down his current list.


A huge thank you for the reviews blueway, especially k34, where do you obtain the information, are they based soley on how you see the stats as they stand when creating the review or do you actually talk to various leaders/members of many tribes..?? ;p


blueway, if you get time can you do one on k35, after your done with the rest of them first :)


A huge thank you for the reviews blueway, especially k34, where do you obtain the information, are they based soley on how you see the stats as they stand when creating the review or do you actually talk to various leaders/members of many tribes..?? ;p

I try somethimes to talk with them, but many refuse to go in external forum. Also even some of them are telling me things, I cannot just use it. I need to control and verify the things before I post them. And I use alternative info. And, yes, I use my nose also. Numbers are important. The most important. But sometimes are not enough.

Thank you to all of you, for those kind words. I only try to make this world a bit less boring. And, yes, to help smart players and leaders to find their track.

OK. Now we have k 57. The continent of a forum argument!

Rank 1 PLUTO

Members: 82
OD: Over 805,000 (14)
Leadership: High rank. Good OD, Aggressive players!
Nobeling: 40-1 !!! very good looking!
Activity: two red players and few yellow for short time. But if we report this at their achievements...this is not a big issue. Intense housekeeping!
Observations: This is strong tribe. The kind of the hill in this continent! Well done. They will last long time if they continue in same way!

Rank 2 T.P.A

Members: 61
OD: Over 86,000 (199)
Leadership: Very low rank representative. Leadership low OD!
Nobeling: 0-1
Activity: High inactivity! Somehow new tribe. Many recruits.
Observations: Their OD just tell the story! I cannot see a future for them with this leadership!

Rank 3 T H

Members: 68
OD: Over 240,000 (101)
Leadership: One leader is in a tribe called HUNG. The rest of them are low rank and OD (except 1 player) Their NAP is listed on their forehead.
Nobeling: 2-3
Activity: Immense inactivity at low rank level. A huge number of dismissal/leaving.
Observations: No future for them! They are going down!

Rank 4 I F

Members: 20
OD: Over 11,000 (478)
Leadership: OD ????? :):):) Rank????? :):):):)
Nobeling: 0-0
Activity: High inactivity!
Observations: Very new tribe. Low OD members and leadership! No chance!

Rank 5 cheese

Members: 93
OD: Over 542,000 (39)
Leadership: Not bad from outside. Good OD.
Noblement: 15-2 (barbarian nobelers!)
Activity: Medium inactivity. High dismissal/recruitment!
Observations: I advice them to make a smart merge. They can raise their chances. They noble a lot of barbarian towns. This is their doom. If they work well, they still have a slim chance to survive a while. Otherwise...

This K is settled. All depends now on the nobleman limit. The continent will belong to PLUTO! if they will not make foolish mistakes.

Will follow: K 23, K 76, K 56, K 25, K 32, K 36, K 46 and K 35


They already did declare war on us, which we won quickly and the tribes involved disbanded/ went inactive.


I try somethimes to talk with them, but many refuse to go in external forum. Also even some of them are telling me things, I cannot just use it. I need to control and verify the things before I post them. And I use alternative info. And, yes, I use my nose also. Numbers are important. The most important. But sometimes are not enough.

Thank you to all of you, for those kind words. I only try to make this world a bit less boring. And, yes, to help smart players and leaders to find their track.

OK. Now we have k 57. The continent of a forum argument!

Rank 1 PLUTO

Members: 82
OD: Over 805,000 (14)
Leadership: High rank. Good OD, Aggressive players!
Nobeling: 40-1 !!! very good looking!
Activity: two red players and few yellow for short time. But if we report this at their achievements...this is not a big issue. Intense housekeeping!
Observations: This is strong tribe. The kind of the hill in this continent! Well done. They will last long time if they continue in same way!

Rank 2 T.P.A

Members: 61
OD: Over 86,000 (199)
Leadership: Very low rank representative. Leadership low OD!
Nobeling: 0-1
Activity: High inactivity! Somehow new tribe. Many recruits.
Observations: Their OD just tell the story! I cannot see a future for them with this leadership!

Rank 3 T H

Members: 68
OD: Over 240,000 (101)
Leadership: One leader is in a tribe called HUNG. The rest of them are low rank and OD (except 1 player) Their NAP is listed on their forehead.
Nobeling: 2-3
Activity: Immense inactivity at low rank level. A huge number of dismissal/leaving.
Observations: No future for them! They are going down!

Rank 4 I F

Members: 20
OD: Over 11,000 (478)
Leadership: OD ????? :):):) Rank????? :):):):)
Nobeling: 0-0
Activity: High inactivity!
Observations: Very new tribe. Low OD members and leadership! No chance!

Rank 5 cheese

Members: 93
OD: Over 542,000 (39)
Leadership: Not bad from outside. Good OD.
Noblement: 15-2 (barbarian nobelers!)
Activity: Medium inactivity. High dismissal/recruitment!
Observations: I advice them to make a smart merge. They can raise their chances. They noble a lot of barbarian towns. This is their doom. If they work well, they still have a slim chance to survive a while. Otherwise...

This K is settled. All depends now on the nobleman limit. The continent will belong to PLUTO! if they will not make foolish mistakes.

Will follow: K 23, K 76, K 56, K 25, K 32, K 36, K 46 and K 35

nice post blueway :)


Rank 4 Party!

Members: 58
OD: Over 1,431,000 !!!!!!!! (1) what can I say more?
Leadership: Intelligent war lords. 5 ***** Nothing more to say!
Noblement: 75-5 !!! How about that!?
Activity: Only slight inactivity. But at such a stage and such war not a problem. STORM! is merging into them. Not all of them of course. I wonder what will happen with the rest from STORM!, considering Party! is a family tribe.
Observations: What can we say about Party! Good leadership. War tribe! Agressive players! I am happy because I am not in their range :) The leaders are also very aggressive. So, the members just follow the lead! They kill everybody in their sight. Definitely one of the best tribes from w 54! Nothing more can be said.

i just have to quote that.. i don't think it is


Welcome to our Tea Party!

Founded by:
Currently lead by:
Busy blending tea for everyone:
Split Decision
Any questions should go straight to them.
If we want you, we will contact you.


They look like they are. Well, now they merge with AOE, so this might change. or maybe not.


Was actually an joke...
Was placed by TokyoTeacup, I removed that status now.