yes true in the first 10 worlds but correct me if im wrong they never had domination in 100 ks out of 100 like DNY do?
Im not taking anything away from ctrl, frankly they were a bitch to play against very very good regardless pf that DNY hae 100% k dominance onw12, and have won the world quicker than ctrl ever did
You also need to keep in mind the density of w10 comparatively to w12. Continents in w10 are a hell of a lot denser than pretty much any other world on .net server.
Whereas DNY had 1 billion points and owned their world. CTRL had more points, more villages, and we only covered about 33-40% of our world.
w10 was the first speed 2 world, and it was very popular for that reason. Most continents span anywhere from 10-30 million. Most of our continents encumbered 30-60 million points.
It's a lot easier to cover more ground, when you actually have that ground to cover. When density plays a huge factor in things, of course it's going to slow a tribe down.
Which would stand to reason why DNY conquered their world, being a hell of a lot less dense, as well as having the same settings as w10. It's simple logic.
Take Shadow in w27 for example. Less than 20,000 villages and they own their world. They did it a lot quicker than DNY did. But they also had a lot less villages to capture. Whereas a handful of w10's biggest players could quite litterally encompass that entire world.
As a tribe tho, CTRL arguably accomplished more than any tribe on this server has ever accomplished. Without tribal hugging their way through the world. Having fought the world twice in massive gangbangs in which we were grossly outnumbered, and coming out on top. Every opponenet we faced we beat into inactivity. The remainders were not even worthy of the activity of the tribe, so things fell apart.
Not many people want to stick around for the whole map to turn blue, and when you've played for almost 3 years, and you're only covering 40% of the world. You begin to see what lengths you would have to go through in order to take the remaining 60%. Not many have an inclination to sink another 3-4 years into the same world they've already been playing for 3 years, when all real opposition has been beaten into submission.
Maybe you see things differently.. But I know thats one of the reasons I took off. We'd beaten everyone and everything worth beating. The world became pointless. And at some point in time, everything comes to an end.
Yes I think they near enough were a family. Then again for most of this world did you not hug top tribes as well?
Difference between hugging and diplomacy. I can see where people get confused, seeing as there were a small few in w10 who actually knew what an alliance was, or what they were all about.
Most of our allies turned on us, or abandoned us. So don't give me BS about hugging. We played the way we played, and we won. We were also the most agressive tribe w10 saw. And arguably one of the most aggressive tribes .net has EVER seen.