Decide vs the world?


I liked your response to spleen atreaus. It makes more sense now why you put him in there. I am still decided now since you have put the true topic of the thread on that post whether Friar is relevant or not.


Its all up to the reader. My original goals were simple, 1. to put into perspective the reality that Decide is fighting on multiple fronts, and to express this unbiasedly, and 2. to show what it is Decide is doing right now. Edit: I was experimenting with this thread, but it was not a key goal to it.

If a person just reads THE vs Decide stats, and they think that is the whole story for Decide, they are being mislead. It may be the whole story for Decide vs THE, but it is not the whole story for THe or Decide alone. This thread is to demonstrate the situation of Decide. My goal was not in any way to mislead the public, so if anyone sees any means of this happening, let me know so that I can keep the data as clean as possible. Having said that, I expect everyone to read the clean data and make up their own minds what it really means. Is Decide sucking, are they holding OK against the odds, does it even matter? Again, its up to the reader.
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You must know, that in the GREEN war, for every 1 village Decide took GREEN took 5 villages from others.

DECIDE arent doing this, and are shrinking in the war.

They have a nice little attack going on me though.

spleen mage

Before I continue, I want to reiterate the purpose of this thread. I am merely attempting to consolidate the various wars that Decide is fighting, and put into perspective the level of opposition they face. This was in no way meant to indicate where any of Decide's enemies stand, but rather, where Decide herself stands, and Decide alone.

@ Spleen Mage:

First of all, Friar is not a random player. Friar allowed AK Iceman to sit his account before getting dismissed for this reason. Friar stated he was trying to have some fun before quitting as his reason for letting THE have the opportunity to read Decide forums. THE attacked shortly afterword. Some time after that, having not quit, Friar began attacking Decide, at which point his profile had two THE members stating that they were there on the account. He has since removed the THE members on his profile, but has continued to fight Decide. Having said that, he is directly related to THE for reasons mentioned, that can also be proven.

Now, even if he wasn't directly related to THE, he is still a player attacking Decide, and as this thread is focused on all conflicts that Decide is facing, I consider him relevant to the topic of this thread. Had Decide not chosen to focus on nobling this aggressive presence within their core first, I would not have mentioned him.

Having said that, I disagree that your stats accurately reflect Decide's state in the world. Again, the focus of this thread was to indicate Decide's state of conflict, which my information does. (Note: I am not familiar with some of the tribes you mentioned, so from here on, I am presuming they are enemies of THE. If I am wrong, it is not an intentional implication.) Now, your stats bring into the mix tribes not related to Decide. Had this been a thread dedicated to THE, and how she is faring, then I would agree to add any of her enemies to the mix, to depict accurately all the fighting that THE is doing (and as such, remove from the list Friarstale, BD and Plague, unless THE is in fact working with these parties). But such is not the case here.

Cliff Notes: Friar is relevant to the topic of this thread, and your stats do not accurately depict Decide's state in its various wars.

I know the other tribes aren't relevant to DECIDE; I would never even bother adding them to a normal war tally. I was simply making a mockery of your way of counting the score, which is quite ridiculous.

Friarstale might be relevant to DECIDE, but he's not relevant to this conflict. No THE members sat him while he was under attack, I'm sure you're more then aware that he took the account back well before and apart from sitting his account for a few days, has nothing to do with THE at all.

The fact that you even feel the need to add one small player to the score, to make it look like DECIDE have achieved something, is a joke. You even say yourself that you're trying to "consolidate the various wars" - one player is not a war, and it's not even a big player. One player can't defend himself against an entire tribe, at least without support.

Here's a few phrases which make me laugh.

have been focusing their coordinated efforts

Wow, DECIDE sure have their priorities sorted. Attack the person that doesn't attack back. Perhaps it's because it's the only sort of target DECIDE are capable of beating?

"And once they move form Friar to some other coordinated targets, will we see a turn around in some of those stats?"

You seem to imply that if they weren't taking them of Friar, they would be taking them of another tribe, and use that as a basis for DECIDE potentially doing better against the other tribes in the futures. A tribe fighting a sub 1mill player without support is considerably different to actually fighting an active tribe....

You're using him to disguise your appalling war score. I'l do you a favour, and post the stats without him.

Side 1:

Side 2:
Tribes: DECIDE

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 93
Side 2: 23
Difference: 70

I can see why you felt the need to add him now. Since, however, you want an overall view on DECIDE, rather then war scores it seems, you might aswell just do your conquers/losses for the week. Which are as follows....

277 caps
181 losses

Decide are ranked number one in lost villages this week, while only rank 8 in villages gained. I think that sums it up nicely. All the other tribes have (roughly) 6 caps for one loss. DECIDE don't even have 2 caps for one loss. I think this is definetly a better overview of how DECIDE are really doing :icon_wink:
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Decide are ranked number one in lost villages this week, while only rank 8 in villages gained. I think that sums it up nicely. All the other tribes have (roughly) 6 caps for one loss. DECIDE don't even have 2 caps for one loss. I think this is definetly a better overview of how DECIDE are really doing :icon_wink:

And that puts the best perspective on it. Stats can be skewed and the presentation of them as well.

It had me thinking though, still a good post for Atreaus.

Do want to see some effort put in by Decide though, common underdogs.

spleen mage

Here are the exact figures.

Caps - 383
Losses - 63
= 6 caps per one village loss

Caps - 321
Losses - 40
= 8 caps per one village loss

Caps - 277
Losses- 181
= 1.5 caps per one village loss

That's including the easy caps from Friars. What happens when those run out? :icon_wink:

Is Decide sucking, are they holding OK against the odds, does it even matter? Again, its up to the reader.

Like you said - up to the reader to "DECIDE"!
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I know the other tribes aren't relevant to DECIDE; I would never even bother adding them to a normal war tally. I was simply making a mockery of your way of counting the score, which is quite ridiculous.

Friarstale might be relevant to DECIDE, but he's not relevant to this conflict. No THE members sat him while he was under attack, I'm sure you're more then aware that he took the account back well before and apart from sitting his account for a few days, has nothing to do with THE at all.

The fact that you even feel the need to add one small player to the score, to make it look like DECIDE have achieved something, is a joke. You even say yourself that you're trying to "consolidate the various wars" - one player is not a war, and it's not even a big player. One player can't defend himself against an entire tribe, at least without support.

Here's a few phrases which make me laugh.

Wow, DECIDE sure have their priorities sorted. Attack the person that doesn't attack back. Perhaps it's because it's the only sort of target DECIDE are capable of beating?

You seem to imply that if they weren't taking them of Friar, they would be taking them of another tribe, and use that as a basis for DECIDE potentially doing better against the other tribes in the futures. A tribe fighting a sub 1mill player without support is considerably different to actually fighting an active tribe....

You're using him to disguise your appalling war score. I'l do you a favour, and post the stats without him.

Side 1:

Side 2:
Tribes: DECIDE

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 93
Side 2: 23
Difference: 70

I can see why you felt the need to add him now. Since, however, you want an overall view on DECIDE, rather then war scores it seems, you might aswell just do your conquers/losses for the week. Which are as follows....

277 caps
181 losses

Decide are ranked number one in lost villages this week, while only rank 8 in villages gained. I think that sums it up nicely. All the other tribes have (roughly) 6 caps for one loss. DECIDE don't even have 2 caps for one loss. I think this is definetly a better overview of how DECIDE are really doing :icon_wink:

Here are the exact figures.

Caps - 383
Losses - 63
= 6 caps per one village loss

Caps - 321
Losses - 40
= 8 caps per one village loss

Caps - 277
Losses- 181
= 1.5 caps per one village loss

That's including the easy caps from Friars. What happens when those run out? :icon_wink:

Like you said - up to the reader to "DECIDE"!


*coughs and wipes tears from his eyes*

Now lets add a few more just so we are unbias.

Gains - 421
Losses - 55
= 7.7 per village lost

Gains - 371
Losses - 70
= 5.3 per village lost

BH (new up and coming tribe...)
Gains - 339
Loses - 133
= 2.5 per village lost

Gains - 302
Losses - 54
= 5.5 per village lost

Gains - 295
losses - 84
= 3.5 per village lost

Gains - 203
Losses - 117
= 1.7 per village lost

Gains - 156
Losses - 125
= 1.2 per village lost

Gains - 108
Losses - 120
= .9 per village lost

Gains - 93
Loses - 78
= 1.2 per village lost

Gains - 104
Losses - 108
= 1 per village lost (because of rounding issues)

I only did tribes that were on both the loses and gains. Reason being I am to lazy to check the people not on both. Spleen I had a good laugh at your post though I love the font size.

Edit: OHHHH and the average of these tribes listed is 3.5 not the "roughly 6" spleen was talking about.
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spleen mage

Well, y'know, I thought if I posted bigger font size, it might get the message across. :icon_wink: (I wasn't rubbing it in at all!!!)

And my apologies, I wasn't specific enough; when I meant average, I was referring to the tribes Atreaus mentioned in his first post (BD, THE, PLAGUE, MF). It's actually higher then 6, but I didn't include MF (which would significantly lower it) since I couldn't find them in the losses or gains, and I'm also too lazy.

So, DECIDE are actually doing worse then NADS, PMP, DIE. All lower then them in ranks. Most of the other tribes in that list are only tribes in the loose sense, they're better known as "food". The only other significant tribe doing worse then DECIDE is HAMMER, which isn't surprising.


You have taken out of context the nature of this thread Spleen, and have cast an inaccurate image on it.

No, one player is not a war, but he is a target (conflict), and I merely disagreed with your terminology when you referred to him as a random player. We can argue how tied to THE Friar is, and that will be irrelevant. What is relevant is that Decide wanted to clear him out, and has been. This proves, if nothing else, what Decide is doing (past the twenty-three caps against the enemy tribes), which is an honest depiction of the current state. I had no intentions of trying to pad stats with Friar, and clarified this fact in an earlier post, and have since rectified any misconceptions the opening post could cause on the matter. Friar may not be relevant to Decide's war with THE, or Decide's war with Plague, or Decide's war with BD, or even Decide's war with MF, but it is relevant to the current state of Decide, and once more, that is the nature of this thread. It is not intended to focus on any one war alone, but Decide's position in them all.

Having said all of that, lets touch on some of your points.

Wow, DECIDE sure have their priorities sorted. Attack the person that doesn't attack back. Perhaps it's because it's the only sort of target DECIDE are capable of beating?

Friar took four caps on Decide this week. That would indicate he is attacking back, and again, even if he wasn't, it is worth knowing what it is Decide is doing, whether it is attacking THE or not.

You seem to imply that if they weren't taking them of Friar, they would be taking them of another tribe, and use that as a basis for DECIDE potentially doing better against the other tribes in the futures. A tribe fighting a sub 1mill player without support is considerably different to actually fighting an active tribe....

I don't see how you could have taken that from me. All I did was include those stats to indicate that Decide is fighting him to give a complete picture. I made no further implication, though you do seem interested in trying to put that image on my stats. I posted them fairly, and honestly, giving the populace the right to choose how they view them. You are trying to skew this fact with a false image. (strawman? :icon_eek:)

Next up: the stats you posted are on my original post, so that's nothing new chief.

And finally:

Decide are ranked number one in lost villages this week, while only rank 8 in villages gained. I think that sums it up nicely. All the other tribes have (roughly) 6 caps for one loss. DECIDE don't even have 2 caps for one loss. I think this is definetly a better overview of how DECIDE are really doing :icon_wink:

I stated quite clearly in my post that Decide were losing. I never indicated otherwise. And your added stats here are good, but it is still a result of fighting four tribes at once, something that deserves to be acknowledged. You may want to over emphasize the fact that Decide is losing, but you are also trying to hide the fact that they are losing to more than just two tribes, or that they are doing anything at all to fight back. [/spoil]

Conclusion: Look, I understand your drive to make Decide look worse than what it is, but you are attacking me and this thread for no apparent reason. I posted stats as clearly and honestly as possible. I accepted responsibility for the stats being presented inefficiently at first, and rectified the fact, though you neglected to acknowledge this. You have instead instated a false image on the nature of the thread in the effort of degrading Decide's successes in the face of adversity. All of this comes off as just more over the top need to discredit your enemy, and lets face it, that does you no good. Your blatant disregard for the degree of opposition that Decide faces indicates a distinct lack of sportsmanship, or perhaps a bias to degrade Decide's image intentionally.

Well whatever the case, I think you have missed the point of this thread.
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Well, y'know, I thought if I posted bigger font size, it might get the message across. :icon_wink: (I wasn't rubbing it in at all!!!)

And my apologies, I wasn't specific enough; when I meant average, I was referring to the tribes Atreaus mentioned in his first post (BD, THE, PLAGUE, MF). It's actually higher then 6, but I didn't include MF (which would significantly lower it) since I couldn't find them in the losses or gains, and I'm also too lazy.

So, DECIDE are actually doing worse then NADS, PMP, DIE. All lower then them in ranks. Most of the other tribes in that list are only tribes in the loose sense, they're better known as "food". The only other significant tribe doing worse then DECIDE is HAMMER, which isn't surprising.

I like the specifics. :icon_smile:

I am trying to be unbias here. So don't flame me in being bias.

As this thread is suppose to analyse Decide's situation and current wars I will add my 2 cents. You say Decide is doing worst then those tribes and you are correct. Decide is this week, statistically. However, Decide is still gaining villages faster then they are losing. Also none of those tribes are in the same position as one another. Maybe if this thread doesn't get to off topic we can track how well decide does week after week and make a better judgement on how they are doing. All in all I just don't think there is enough data to make a clear call that they are doing badly or they are doing great.

For example, Die.'s caps for the past 24 hours is 70. Now most of us can see that is an extreme for them and for most on this world. Outliers happen, how do we know this week is one of those outliers?


I like the specifics. :icon_smile:

I am trying to be unbias here. So don't flame me in being bias.

As this thread is suppose to analyse Decide's situation and current wars I will add my 2 cents. You say Decide is doing worst then those tribes and you are correct. Decide is this week, statistically. However, Decide is still gaining villages faster then they are losing. Also none of those tribes are in the same position as one another. Maybe if this thread doesn't get to off topic we can track how well decide does week after week and make a better judgement on how they are doing. All in all I just don't think there is enough data to make a clear call that they are doing badly or they are doing great.

For example, Die.'s caps for the past 24 hours is 70. Now most of us can see that is an extreme for them and for most on this world. Outliers happen, how do we know this week is one of those outliers?

Cannot agree more that against all the obvious we should try to keep their morale high. Otherwise it would be no fun fight. So for different obvious biased reasons, we both agree that they should be shown a small light at the end of the tunnel. So, get a grip Decide, till you are done you are in for a good fight.


The first post basically sums this thread up.

DECIDE is fighting in 2 wars.
They are skirmishing with 2 other tribes.
3 of the 4 tribes they are fighting, they initiated the attacks.
They are losing in the war stats against all 4 tribes.

However, they can still outnoble a tribeless player.

Cliffnotes: DECIDE sucks.




second word

Please do take a look at the first one :)

Question: did it already take a few hits (I see the wall is level 17)

The first post basically sums this thread up.

DECIDE is fighting in 2 wars.
They are skirmishing with 2 other tribes.
3 of the 4 tribes they are fighting, they initiated the attacks.
They are losing in the war stats against all 4 tribes.

However, they can still outnoble a tribeless player.

Cliffnotes: DECIDE sucks.

Truth. Ima wait for this little op to hit me and see if it propells me into the top 20 ODD :)
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i remember when awaken pulled this stunt, to try and gain world wide support... instead they took an even worse beating i put decide on a par with awaken. enjoy as the current stats you have are just but a taste of things to come.

erevos also tried (well me with my bad pnp) to add every tribe known to man to the stats to try and gain favour and ak,s cliff notes sum that right up

decide are a combination of awaken and EREVOS :lol:


i remember when awaken pulled this stunt, to try and gain world wide support... instead they took an even worse beating i put decide on a par with awaken. enjoy as the current stats you have are just but a taste of things to come.

What stunt is this?


What stunt is this?

to try and gain support from other tribes/sympathy vote. in a nutshell

i suspect i will get a reply with 19 paragraphs with quotes even with presidents comments even gordon brown ! saying how wrong i am and how biased my opinion is apparently "shrugs"



to try and gain support from other tribes/sympathy vote. in a nutshell

i suspect i will get a reply with 19 paragraphs with quotes even with presidents comments even gordon brown ! saying how wrong i am and how biased my opinion is apparently "shrugs"


So like this

Decide: makes thread on how much their getting gangbanged
Decide: Aww we had no chance:icon_cry::icon_cry::icon_cry:
Decides enemy: because you suck
Random tribe: Aww your so hard done by
Random tribe: *Declares war on Decides enemy*
Decides enemy: *Disbands*
Decide: Win:icon_cool:


Alcohol warning in effect. Hurray thanksgiving parties!

How many of these tribes did Decide start with?

- It declared on Green, now Plague, and tried what some argue was an underhanded tactic to win that war.
- It declared on MF, or at least started that fight when MF was being snuffed by just about as many people as Decide now faces.
- It started a fight with Parmenion when it refused to handle diplomacy with him.
- Friars is ex-Deciide, if I recall, so his caps are really just Decide fighting itself.

The only war Decide didn't have a say in starting was the one with THE. In effect, this leads me to argue, simply, "Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it." Decide's diplomacy is a joke, and you don't need to be, what, six shots of vodka into the night? To laugh at it.


Alcohol warning in effect. Hurray thanksgiving parties!

How many of these tribes did Decide start with?

- It declared on Green, now Plague, and tried what some argue was an underhanded tactic to win that war.
- It declared on MF, or at least started that fight when MF was being snuffed by just about as many people as Decide now faces.
- It started a fight with Parmenion when it refused to handle diplomacy with him.
- Friars is ex-Deciide, if I recall, so his caps are really just Decide fighting itself.

The only war Decide didn't have a say in starting was the one with THE. In effect, this leads me to argue, simply, "Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it." Decide's diplomacy is a joke, and you don't need to be, what, six shots of vodka into the night? To laugh at it.

Offtopic but funny:

Everyone was saying happy thanksgiving in the internal forums and then I said 'I thought thanksgiving was on the 4th of july' lol. shows how clueless I am about holidays

Well this thread is going down into TW's 'crappy thread sewerage system' soon enough, sorry Atraeus.