[Discussion] 15 Tech System


Since this world is a 15 Tech world, I think a lot of people might be new to 15 tech world, Like i am. I would like the community to discuss strategies for 15 tech world.

Here are the basic information regarding 15 tech world that i know.

Tech systems

3 level system

This research setting is also sometimes referred to as the '15 tech system', due to each village only being able to research a total of 15 times.

Units typically start at research level 0, or in other words, not researched. The exceptions areSpear fighters and Swordsmen - these are researched from the start, and cannot be downgraded.

Each unit can be upgraded up to a maximum level of 3. At level 1, you are given the ability to train the unit. At level 2, they will be 25% more powerful in battle. At level 3, their bonus will increase 40%.

Since you can only have 15 active research levels in a village, you will need to carefully choose what units to research. It is possible to downgrade research levels all the way down to not researched.

Units strength at each level and research cost.

Spear fighter
Scout (At level 1 you see troops/resources inside the village, at 2 you can see the buildings, at level 3 you can see troops outside the village.
Light cavalry
Heavy cavalry

Some strategies guide.

Openeye’s HC/Cat Strategy
HC Strategy

I suggest this setup for Research.

Defensive village research

Spear = 3
Sword = 3
Scout = 3
HC = 3
Catapult = 3

Total = 15

Offensive village research

Spear = 3
Sword = 2 or 3
axe = 3
LC = 3
HC = 2 0r 3
Ram = 1

Total = 15

If you use TWFR or Farm Assistant you require level 2 scout, In that case either research HC or SWORS.

If you want to recruit Catapult revoke Ram level 1 and research CATAPULT.
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Its a good system, after playing W19, and still am. It's the one im used to most. You just need to know how to use your tech levels rights. Never make an offensive village with no D tech levels researched. Otherwise you will lose a lot of defence trying to defend them. And also develop a strategy where they can be converted easily and quickly. Sure you can all figure that out.


I love the settings. great system for the active players and disadvantage to inactive players in this stage. Morale is not a big problem for me with tech system.


I like the simple tech system better for late game. Right now its easy to manage, but when your getting to late game, where u take 10 new villages a day, it is a mess to keep track on which is full upgraded, and which still need lvl 3 LC's etc.

But in the beginning I totally like tech :)


I like the simple tech system better for late game. Right now its easy to manage, but when your getting to late game, where u take 10 new villages a day, it is a mess to keep track on which is full upgraded, and which still need lvl 3 LC's etc.

But in the beginning I totally like tech :)

not really, you can manage it easily trough the tech overwiew when you have premium


simple tech system is the best if your active and use a Sp/HC defense which is also the fastest build defense . It also enables you to have techs proper in your offensive villages for defense


simple tech system is the best if your active and use a Sp/HC defense which is also the fastest build defense . It also enables you to have techs proper in your offensive villages for defense

? How does activity affects research in Simple tech system? If it does they have to leave TW as they ll be unfit to play other tech syatem. :lol:


been using the HC/axe since w16 and never looked back. works wonders, thats for sure.


Bonus is increased by 40% ?

I've been trying to figure this out for a while, can anyone explain that?


Bonus is increased by 40% ?

I've been trying to figure this out for a while, can anyone explain that?

It means at level 1 the attack power of LC is 130, at level 2 it is 163 so 25% more, and at level 3 it is 182 so 40% more of the basic strength i.e. 130.

If u click a unit in the smithy u can see what ur troops current attack and defence power is.

you can also click this Light Cavalry, here u can see that their is a table for 3 tech system as follows;

Tech-level Research costs
1 2200 2400 2000 130 30 40
2 8800 9600 8000 163 38 50
3 35200 38400 32000 182 42 56


oh so 40% added to initial strength and the 25% bonus

thanks :)


? How does activity affects research in Simple tech system? If it does they have to leave TW as they ll be unfit to play other tech syatem. :lol:

reread my initial post plz

simple tech system is the best if your active and use a Sp/HC defense which is also the fastest build defense . It also enables you to have techs proper in your offensive villages for defense

The purpose here was to basically say not to use mixed villages but i didnt want to promote a flame fest as this thread is for players that dont understand the effectiveness of the simple tech system.


I don't think anyone is doubting this system.. it just makes the game more interesting and you have to think more on how you build your villages =)


I don't think anyone is doubting this system.. it just makes the game more interesting and you have to think more on how you build your villages =)

Nobody accept SearchOfGod who hasnt responded to my rebuttal but anyway i tried to stay on topic without Nub bashing i really hate getting my arm twisted :icon_eek:


Be nice to the man slink he just needs to go to a class on how to tell jokes so the teacher can tell him hes hopeless and kick him out.

But i like this system its simple to build early its easy to maintain and even gaining lots of villages a day it's simple to change the tech to fit your own style even without premium although if ur gaining 10 villages a day without premium ur not gonna last through a huge war id hate to try tagging 1000+ incomming a day without premium.

I use a mix which is a bit of a problem for it but in defense i max out spear sword scout and hc then have level 1 lc axe and ram just for fake purposes.
In offense i have level 3 axe level 3 lc level 2 spear level 2 sword level 2 ram level 2 hc and level 1 scout mostly although some may only have level 1 hc and also have level 1 cats in them.

So atleast it offers a decent defense value for supporting men unlike some players i know whos opinion is my village is offense so it needs no defense tech because my tribe will stack me.
Good for you but your tribe is going to lose a heck of a lot of men against fully teched nukes.


I suggest this setup for Research.

Defensive village research

Spear = 3
Sword = 3
Scout = 3
HC = 3
Catapult = 3

Total = 15

Offensive village research

Spear = 3
Sword = 2 or 3
axe = 3
LC = 3
HC = 2 0r 3
Ram = 1

Total = 15

If you use TWFR or Farm Assistant you require level 2 scout, In that case either research HC or SWORS.

If you want to recruit Catapult revoke Ram level 1 and research CATAPULT.


Imo, you want HC at 3 all the time. Push down spear to lvl 2 if you need scout 2.

Push down swords to 1, non makes em really. Slow things and you will never get that extra defence your looking for, as most people will train HC and have 1 sword and 3 HC tech.

Yeah, push down ram to o, up cats to 1 make x push down, make ram again etc. Will be boring in the longrun, so i suggest downgrading scouts later on to 0. (when all barbs hit 2500) and just send 50-200 lc each time with no scouts!

D vill, looks alright. No real need for sword tech, but if you had some tribemate that made em, send em to D vills..