DSy4 VS Ronin


Hello there W70ers!

The time has come for another DSy4 PnP. Maybe not as classy as old ones, and rather lacking in ‘surprise’, yet we feel it only right to create a thread dedicated to Ronin vs DSy4 (the original one having devolved somewhat, and never having contained proper PnP).
To avoid taking up the community’s precious nobling time, the reasons for this conflict and what has been ongoing since are explained in the spoiler below.
-It is important to note that DSy4 and Ronin have never had any diplomatic agreement in place. So both tribes are free to act how they like.
-DSy4 began hearing rumours of N.W.O and Ronin working against DSy4 (through Ronin sitting N.W.O accounts), and decided to retaliate. Ronin recruitment more recently from N.W.O to us gives more credence to these rumours.
-DSy4 then recruited ~DT~ members, many of whom were not under attack by Ronin nor ever had been. A couple had, which DSy4 accepts was provocative. Ronin and ~DT~ had been at war, despite the huge distance. Many, including DSy4, did not view this as a real war, but instead a farce for Ronin to avoid any fights with closer tribes including PWM and Infect.
-When Ronin made it clear they disliked the move, they began launching on players in DSy4 during talks; in our view one of the greatest of diplomatic insults.
-When one account reported nobles inbound, DSy4 responded by making the war these attacks started official.​

That is back-story. Both tribes feel the other caused the war. Both have a point. Isn’t that always the way of the world? Either way, it no longer matters who started the war; all that remains to be done is to see who comes out on top!

With that in mind, let’s explore some statistics! :icon_eek:

Before this weekend, the war (as you all know) remained quite boring, basically consisting of a few small skirmishes:

Basically a lot of troops dead, very few villages actually changing hands. :icon_rolleyes:

Understanding the world’s boredom and concern, we finally executed DSy4’s first planned offensive; nothing fancy, just a little weekend blitz. The war statistics are now thus:


DSy4 isn’t going to waste time discussing stats with random players included on either side. Dubiously was not in DSy4 when the war began and neither asked for nor received help from DSy4 in any form - before, or after leaving. If Ronin feel he should be included for any reason in the statistics then they are more than welcome to fiddle!
We have very little interest in the South. We have different sights in our eyes. DSy4 wants the North-West. And we shall have it.
And so our message is simply this:

Ronin… we are coming.
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So you have an op land and decide because of that to make a second PnP thread to showcase you took a step forward in the war? Attention whore much?

Have you already forgotten the original thread you made when you declared? If so, allow me to help you out by providing a link.


Non-stop Poster
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Thanks for the update. Seems to be moving along a bit now. Best of luck to both sides and all on the front lines!

sidd 271

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Ronin had good record of taking villages from inactive accounts.Fun days are over for them.:icon_evil:


Lol, love it. Ronin need to step up. You can't defeat an account by sending thousands of fakes to it, you also have to send nobles there. Glad to help.


The original thread contained plenty of pnp. It just started off as a song and dance number.

You're an extremely brave player, Miles; usually when all of the evidence is laid bare and the world knows why a war began it is left at that. But you, sir, are not content to let the past be drab and static. It only took you a couple of weeks to come up with a clever skewing of events, single-handedly sweeping aside the notion of the past not bowing to anyone's whims.

-It is important to note that DSy4 and Ronin have never had any diplomatic agreement in place. So both tribes are free to act how they like.

Stop here. This is the truth. This is enough to declare war. Even if we both know you did it in a fit of rage.

-DSy4 began hearing rumours of N.W.O and Ronin working against DSy4 (through Ronin sitting N.W.O accounts), and decided to retaliate. Ronin recruitment more recently from N.W.O to us gives more credence to these rumours.

This is a lie. Please refrain from lying.

-DSy4 then recruited ~DT~ members, many of whom were not under attack by Ronin nor ever had been. A couple had, which DSy4 accepts was provocative. Ronin and ~DT~ had been at war, despite the huge distance. Many, including DSy4, did not view this as a real war, but instead a farce for Ronin to avoid any fights with closer tribes including PWM and Infect.

This is a lie. Please stop it. We had launched on all of the targets recruited. Two of them had incomings en route when they were recruited. This was, as I told Googly, because you had already taken in your pets and we politely glowered but didn't bother launching on those you had taken. We launched on two you had not. You recruited them shortly afterward. You, yourself, contacted me demanding to know why we were attacking Motor "after" he was in DSy4 - then immediately backpedaled and stated those were attacks sent *before* he had been recruited. We have been through this. Please stop the charade. No one cares and the consistent lying is making even me feel awkward. We all know why you declared. Please stop repackaging the dead horse.

-When Ronin made it clear they disliked the move, they began launching on players in DSy4 during talks; in our view one of the greatest of diplomatic insults.

You are hardly one to talk about great diplomatic insults, dear, but I'll let it slide. Instead, I will point out that Ronin had at no time agreed to stop any on-going ops during talks. We would not engage in any further ones, but we certainly weren't going to have hundreds of hours worth of troops go to waste while sitting down for an embarrassing tea party while DSy4 tried to figure out whether we'd let them administer the lube.

-When one account reported nobles inbound, DSy4 responded by making the war these attacks started official.

Wrong. You exploded after an individual in the discussion room became offended at you slapping him in the face with your "honesty, integrity, loyalty" nonsense in the same breath as refusing to acknowledge your refugees. When he slapped you back you took your toys and went home. Nobles were already en route during the talks. The op was already underway. You were told this. I can cite it if your memory fails you.

You know, there's no harm in admitting why you began this war. As I have said many times, I don't look down on DSy4 for the war - even with your latest habit of recruiting mostly inactives and refugees - I know there are some wicked players in that tribe and like to think the best of them. You are entitled to recruit whomever you want - but be a dear and try not to pretend to hold the moral high ground. You're not dealing with thousands of rabble rousers; the bulk of the players left in this world have been here for a while. Trying to pull one over on them isn't terribly appropriate.

In addition, I find it amusing that you won't be bothered to count player you've kicked. But some people get caught up on stats, so if that trifling detail makes you happy who am I to take away a smile?

The northwest, as has been pointed out, is a long-range war away from our core. DT always had the upper hand when we launched on them; they chose to flail rather than exploit it. We are, again, a long way from our core when fighting DSy4. When you are surrounded on all sides by the enemy, you expect to take losses. However, our guys have lost, gritted their teeth, and kept fighting. Yours...well, I'm sure you're having fun sitting them. But hey, they make a nice conversational piece, right? I know we have fun talking about them. And they are, if nothing else, points in your pocket.

We should never have been able to accomplish what we have up north. We built a core 200+ hours from our base because we are "cowards" who won't fight a war or...whatever it is you accused us of not doing. I do believe we cleared everything in our area except for Infect and PWM. If I recall correctly, you have cleared, well, your corner of the map, except for TR and Infect. Where we have tidied up all but two tribes on our border (forgive us, TR, little birds said that you simply wouldn't be good neighbors and we in the Neighborhood Committee insist on tidy lawns with neat landscaping), you have been struggling to take down a tribe that you spent months ridiculing for being poor players.

And even still I see faces from months ago that may be hurting, but are far from dead.

You have the upper hand. In wars numbers tend to go up and down, and in large wars that is even more common, so it does not surprise me that you were able to get caps. Especially with location being in your favor.

But the war is still new and pushing us back is not removing us entirely.

Congratulations on what you have done. After the embarrassing display with NWO (and the hundreds of flailing-nukes sent to Avenger for reasons we have yet to figure out) we were a bit concerned that all of the fight was gone from you.

The northwest is ours, DSy4. Your best players are on your border and you will push on that border hard. But I find it hard to believe that your new pets will have the same fortitude. Especially since Pec has already quit and the others are getting awfully lazy when we nudge and nip (kudos to Sidd for finally starting to stack CLC).

Two down. Four to go.


sidd 271

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wow long post. But we will take north west ;)

btw I saw you writing some where that we were failing in beating NWo,smoke ,virus or whatever even after fighting for months. FYI when we started the war they were rank 1 tribe and now see where they are.

when they were smoke we won by 493-363
when they were virus we won by 1240-140
when they are nwo we are leading by 1265-161

so net gain from them 2300+

and I am not even counting their minion tribes

on the ronin has a net gain of 1250 in their entire w70 history from war. (less than 50% our gains against smoke ,virus, nwo)

So far Ronin have done well in north west. But fun times are over now :)
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Jen, my dear,

we havent talked personally, which Im sometimes glad about, cause this way I dont have to say certain things I normally would. But, that doesnt change the fact, that I fully know, whats going on.

This is, stop all this crying and blaring, cause noones listening. I didnt even read that speech of yours fully, simply cause its just words, but not much content. Miles said, the war was caused by both, Ronin and DSy4. Accept it, you didnt help with your new attacks on our members :) We arent 100% responsable for this war.

As for the NW, well, NWO was a laugh. Anyone, who fought them, knows what I mean. But hey, NWO is pretty much gone, and you havent cleared us out of the way yet. So get on with it, lets see it. We over here are doing, as poor old bombo had to find out yesterday. +21 in about 10 seconds, well, not too bad. Its a shame really, that you went through all the effort to support him and then find, that he lost all those vills about 35 hours before the support started landing. Oh well, maybe next time.



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I just want to take this opportunity to point out to W70 that Motor is a fraud

[12:35:54 AM] rickyson11: did you actually count the amount of vills you are up on ronin and put that many caps? or is it just some random number
[12:36:17 AM] Motor: hahah ive got 30 caps
[12:36:22 AM] Motor: but that pic is just random

One Last Shot...

Contributing Poster
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so net gain from them 2300+...and I am not even counting their minion tribes

on the ronin has a net gain of 1250 in their entire w70 history from war. (less than 50% our gains against smoke ,virus, nwo)

I find it hard to take any of the comments seriously about DSy4 when I saw the jibes about our war with N.W.O. We've never said all of N.W.O are bad players so far as I know (if anybody has made such a bold claim, such comments are woefully inaccurate).

It takes time to take 1000s of villages to move across the map. Especially when only 25-30% of the tribe has been involved in that war at any one time until the past month. I'm sure we could have ignored everywhere else in our region and focused on N.W.O had we chosen to do so, but that isn't effective strategy :)


Thanks for the update. Seems to be moving along a bit now. Best of luck to both sides and all on the front lines!

Sitting back eating inactives Jake tut tut how boring why you think most people quit must be getting bored there Jake ;) i'll have to give you and scott some fun on 77 when it starts by rimming you noobs :D


I really see this posts as pointless, we can talk all we want but it really comes down to action and seems like DSy4 is winning at this point. Whatever the reason for the war, doesn't matter, were still fighting it (coming from someone living in a hole on the east side of the map XD)


Sitting back eating inactives Jake tut tut how boring why you think most people quit must be getting bored there Jake ;) i'll have to give you and scott some fun on 77 when it starts by rimming you noobs :D

Theres another Scott that plays both 70 and 75!?! With a sidekick named Jake?!


Non-stop Poster
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Sitting back eating inactives Jake tut tut how boring why you think most people quit must be getting bored there Jake ;) i'll have to give you and scott some fun on 77 when it starts by rimming you noobs :D

HA! Ill see you in W77 little lady! Unleesssss your gana man up and come back to W70?! :icon_razz:

Theres another Scott that plays both 70 and 75!?! With a sidekick named Jake?!

YEP! I'm Jake and my buddy/Co-player is Scott!


a slight warning before I start:

this post won't make much sense, because my brain is too tired to organize its thoughts in a manner, which would be fully understandable to a person, speaking in non native to me language (although, don't worry, there is no swearing included).

If I recall correctly, you have cleared, well, your corner of the map, except for TR and Infect. Where we have tidied up all but two tribes on our border (forgive us, TR, little birds said that you simply wouldn't be good neighbors and we in the Neighborhood Committee insist on tidy lawns with neat landscaping), you have been struggling to take down a tribe that you spent months ridiculing for being poor players.

I have noticed this long ago, you keep trying to use/using loud words all the time. claiming how brave Ronin is and how it has kept itself free of chains all of the time. also you personally (if it is you behind this forum name), have accused TR in being slaves of DSy4 several times without even knowing the full story, or even being interested in it. I have said, TR does not care about your, or anyone else's opinion about this and nor we consider ourselves as anyone's slaves.

despite that, you keep mentioning us and trying to poke/provoke us in your posts and by your actions ingame (not personally, on tribal level).

I'll just shed some light on our skirmishes, which have been happening between TR and your members, on the south and north.

first, I have mentioned numerous times during our chat sessions, TR had no bad intentions towards Ronin at any point in the past. and our southern cluster is prove to it. we could easily stack those villages to a point, so nobody would even think about attacking those. we had time and also we had reasons for it. but we didn't and one of the reasons were my words about them not carrying any hostile intentions. our capability to fight down there should not be questioned, as players attacking us there, were not that skilled to take those villages without some major losses (aside from cartrasuma, who is a jewel in Ronin ranks). really, what we've seen during those fights, were some crappy attempts to break our defenses and some crappy trains. if not cartrasuma's short range attacks, that fight would go on for long.

now for the north. you guys caught a nearly inactive account and attacked it. now I won't start, how good TR did in defending it, I don't like that "pretend I'm great at everything" crap. I'll just say the truth, it was inactive and instead of letting it sit there and lose villages, I kicked it and let everyone around have a piece of it. although you could notice the amount of support going to it, we did try to help him out, but in the end, it didn't work out as it should.

as for the rest of our western members. well, I won't jump ahead and say, we will crush everyone in our path, but we won't be staying out of fun for sure.

also, you keep mentioning some birds all the time, in here and in private chat rooms.

one word of warning for you: beware of who you talk to and about what, you're not the only one who has eyes and ears in this world. others do have them too and most of them do not like to talk about it at all (there is some stuff, better done quiet).

as for bird in TR... sorry to say, but only bird we had was a chicken and... well, our court monkey caught it and this is what happened :(

EDIT: again, sorry if my post didn't make much sense, I'll try better next time -_-
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as for bird in TR... sorry to say, but only bird we had was a chicken and... well, our court monkey caught it and this is what happened :(

EDIT: again, sorry if my post didn't make much sense, I'll try better next time -_-

Is that supposed to be me? :icon_cry: Shows what you see me as :icon_eek: