dunno what to put here tbh


I saw this in W22 forums and though it was a good idea to bring it here as we are lacking of good threads.(dont worry chad, yours is great ;) )

I add some questions to AI´s original, and feel free to suggest any other questions :)

READ: If you wanna comment on someones reply, use spoiler on his answer please, as its a bit long. Thx.


W21 Dream Team. Who would you pick?

1. Defender (and no, this doesn't just mean turtling... sniping, dodging, backtiming, etc, are all important aspects of defending):
2. Attacker:
3. Diplomat:
4. Duke:
5. Tribe´s clown:
6. Public face in the forum:

Most loved tribe?(Past or present.)


Most hated tribe? (Past or present.)


Most loved player?(Past or present.)


Most hated player? (Past or present.)


Most amusing poster?


Most respected poster?


Poster Tags should most keep an eye on? :icon_twisted:


Most memorable war?


If TW Bosses went insane tomorrow and all tribes were disbanded, and it was everyone fighting for themselves... who would be most likely to come out on top?


If you had to recruit someone from any tribe other'n your own, who would you pick? (Ignoring the obvious flaws of spies, etc, if you chose an enemy tribe. Really just interested in where the skillz lie. And who can admit to having a worthy opponent. :icon_wink: )


Thank you for your time. And ladies and gentleman, please, dont spam this thread.

Have fun!



W21 Dream Team. Who would you pick?

1. Defender (and no, this doesn't just mean turtling... sniping, dodging, backtiming, etc, are all important aspects of defending): lonewolf
2. Attacker: busamad
3. Diplomat: daethon <3
4. Duke:backwards
5. Tribe´s clown:smaff or scarlet ash (my precious)
6. Public face in the forum:midnight

Most loved tribe?(Past or present.)


Most hated tribe? (Past or present.)

1. IMP

Most loved player?(Past or present.)


Most hated player? (Past or present.)

2.Alexis (sorry hun)

Most amusing poster?

2.Daethon (what can i say? he amuses me)

Most respected poster?


Poster Tags should most keep an eye on? :icon_twisted:


Most memorable war?

1. all of the gangbangs <3

If TW Bosses went insane tomorrow and all tribes were disbanded, and it was everyone fighting for themselves... who would be most likely to come out on top?

1.Az Gamer
3.some rim noob

If you had to recruit someone from any tribe other'n your own, who would you pick? (Ignoring the obvious flaws of spies, etc, if you chose an enemy tribe. Really just interested in where the skillz lie. And who can admit to having a worthy opponent. :icon_wink: )

3.its a secret

these are just my personal opinions, not what i think the whole of w21 would hold as their opinion :)
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W21 Dream Team. Who would you pick?

1. Defender (and no, this doesn't just mean turtling... sniping, dodging, backtiming, etc, are all important aspects of defending): errmmm... alexwong? (i have no idea tbh, so the only thibg i could use was ODD, and i cant face putting some1 from ~IMP~ here)
2. Attacker:
3. Diplomat: the person who gets a rank 100 tribe allies with PnP
4. Duke: the person who somehow leads a gangbang and beats PnP =p
5. Tribe´s clown: happy go lucky
6. Public face in the forum:midnight

Most loved tribe?(Past or present.)

2. =BcB=

Most hated tribe? (Past or present.)

1. ~IMP~

Most loved player?(Past or present.)

1. esmie (apparantly :icon_eek:)
2. draw

Most hated player? (Past or present.)

1. daethon :icon_razz:
2. sarge of flight

Most amusing poster?

1. hawkman
2. gh

Most respected poster?

1. midnight

Poster Tags should most keep an eye on? :icon_twisted:

1. amm
2. dunno

Most memorable war?

1. ye, gangbangs :icon_twisted:
2. the war of the server

If TW Bosses went insane tomorrow and all tribes were disbanded, and it was everyone fighting for themselves... who would be most likely to come out on top?

1. me
2. azgamer
3. busa

If you had to recruit someone from any tribe other'n your own, who would you pick? (Ignoring the obvious flaws of spies, etc, if you chose an enemy tribe. Really just interested in where the skillz lie. And who can admit to having a worthy opponent. :icon_wink: )

1. from an enemy tribe?
path was mostly n00bs
3. path was mostly n00bs


W21 Dream Team. Who would you pick?

1. Defender (and no, this doesn't just mean turtling... sniping, dodging, backtiming, etc, are all important aspects of defending): :lonewolf
2. Attacker:AZ (hes just a beast...or a robot?)
3. Diplomat: deathon....lol
4. Duke:esmie....gotta be said
5. Tribe´s clown:me 0.o
6. Public face in the forum:midnight...hes always there

Most loved tribe?(Past or present.)

1.PnP....coz everyone is trying to extend their life here
2.G.barb....FTW.they own virius

Most hated tribe? (Past or present.)


Most loved player?(Past or present.)

2.scarlet ash

Most hated player? (Past or present.)


Most amusing poster?


Most respected poster?

2.pitch black

Poster Tags should most keep an eye on? :icon_twisted:


Most memorable war?

1.gangbang fails FTW.

If TW Bosses went insane tomorrow and all tribes were disbanded, and it was everyone fighting for themselves... who would be most likely to come out on top?

3.someone from DR.NO probs.

If you had to recruit someone from any tribe other'n your own, who would you pick? (Ignoring the obvious flaws of spies, etc, if you chose an enemy tribe. Really just interested in where the skillz lie. And who can admit to having a worthy opponent. :icon_wink: )



*** strictly based on my personal opinion. ***

W21 Dream Team. Who would you pick?

1. Defender: I trust myself more. :icon_redface:
2. Attacker: AZ or busamad.
3. Diplomat: Daethon.. coz he really can make lots of merge.
4. Duke: backwards or dulcycka. its not easy to run the current top tribe!
5. Tribe´s clown: alexis73? she can make me laugh.
6. Public face in the forum: midnight11.

Most loved tribe?(Past or present.)

1. PnP

Most hated tribe? (Past or present.)

2. IMP.F

Most loved player? (Past or present.)

1. sandy77 :icon_redface:
2. dulcycka aka cute little girl.

Most hated player? (Past or present.)

1. none. this is just a game, i dont hate anyone. :icon_cool:

Most amusing poster?

1. sageoflight
2. amm255 for his recent post on PnP. :lol:

Most respected poster?

1. midnight11

Poster Tags should most keep an eye on?

1. i dont really care or notice any..

Most memorable war?

1. me vs Crayn.
2. me vs IMP.F

If TW Bosses went insane tomorrow and all tribes were disbanded, and it was everyone fighting for themselves... who would be most likely to come out on top?

1. i dont know because it will never happen.

If you had to recruit someone from any tribe other'n your own, who would you pick? (Ignoring the obvious flaws of spies, etc, if you chose an enemy tribe. Really just interested in where the skillz lie. And who can admit to having a worthy opponent. )

1. alexis73 so that she can stop throwing nukes from inactive accounts on me.. or stacking defence on my targets.

2. ugofree so that i can build a path from my new playground in k90 to my current location.


W21 Dream Team. Who would you pick?

1. Defender: It just had to be me
2. Attacker: AZ or Chachi
3. Diplomat: Fireborne (yes u can have a laugh)
4. Duke: Fireborne (lol at myself)
5. Tribe´s clown: alexis73, she does say some stuff that make no sence at all but the funny bit is she actually beliaves it lol
6. Public face in the forum: midnight11

Most loved tribe?(Past or present.)

1. KoN - Miss u guys
2. Dr. No - Lots of friends there

Most hated tribe? (Past or present.)

1. KNR
2. KNIGHT - 2 that we thought where strong and just collapsed on the face of the 1st dificulty

Most loved player? (Past or present.)

1. Beaver24 - Never forget u mate

Most hated player? (Past or present.)

1. Don't get me wrong cause I love TW, but to hate someone over a game is ridiculous

Most amusing poster?

Can't really think of someone, we all have our moments

Most respected poster?

1. midnight11

Poster Tags should most keep an eye on?

1. i dont really care or notice any..

Most memorable war?

1. the gangs

If TW Bosses went insane tomorrow and all tribes were disbanded, and it was everyone fighting for themselves... who would be most likely to come out on top?

1. Sorry but loyalty to each other says this would be an utopic situation

If you had to recruit someone from any tribe other'n your own, who would you pick? (Ignoring the obvious flaws of spies, etc, if you chose an enemy tribe. Really just interested in where the skillz lie. And who can admit to having a worthy opponent. )

1. Fireborne, Chachi, Mindcontroll, Questro, Silonce

Sure I must have forgot to mention someone but ....


W21 Dream Team. Who would you pick?

1. Defender (and no, this doesn't just mean turtling... sniping, dodging, backtiming, etc, are all important aspects of defending):hajesotra
2. Attacker:t b136
3. Diplomat: gotta love pitch
4. Duke:jen101
5. Tribe´s clown: falcoskater
6. Public face in the forum: scarlet ash

Most loved tribe?(Past or present.)

1. Tsoh <--- my original tribe in my times before spartancarty
2. dunno

Most hated tribe? (Past or present.)

2. Dr. no

Most loved player?(Past or present.)

1. falcoskater
2. hajesotra

Most hated player? (Past or present.)

1. ta*cough cough*cti*coug*hus

Most amusing poster?

2.scarlet ash

Most respected poster?

1.gotta love midnight

Poster Tags should most keep an eye on?


Most memorable war?

2.Dr. no VS RDA

If TW Bosses went insane tomorrow and all tribes were disbanded, and it was everyone fighting for themselves... who would be most likely to come out on top?


If you had to recruit someone from any tribe other'n your own, who would you pick? (Ignoring the obvious flaws of spies, etc, if you chose an enemy tribe. Really just interested in where the skillz lie. And who can admit to having a worthy opponent. )

1. hajesotra


Contributing Poster
Reaction score
I will have a go at this not picking myself.

W21 Dream Team. Who would you pick?

1. Defender: alexwong has had more hits than most on this world & still growing. Plus without tribe support so must be doing something right.
2. Attacker: Insert any of PnP here. If not would go for maybe Old School PuFFiN members: tumppi, Fluxdee & LT. (The players who locked our south side)
3. Diplomat: It has to be Bwah. Who needs diplomacy anyway nuke them all.
4. Duke: Backwards is doing a fine job at present plus with constant activity unlike some.
5. Tribe´s clown:
6. Public face in the forum: I always like the early work of Jimmyto, but of late it has to be Midnight11

Most loved tribe?(Past or present.)

1. PnP - has to be the monster that is PnP.
2.MoJo - If we had not had that roll back we would have I'm sure taken out MuFFiN before they got going. What a bummer it was when it happened chaged everything.

Most hated tribe? (Past or present.)

1.Do not hate others so much in a game that is after all for fun. If I had to put any tribe here maybe CRayn. for not listening when they joined the gangbang if they had the trust to understand we wanted to push East the world would have been a different place.

Most loved player?(Past or present.)

1.vilbrii - The reason i joined this world.
2. Niaome - Took a lot of arm twisting to keep her safe but has been fun playing alongside her from the start.
3.Tao136 - Never chatted to him much when in W10 but had great fun playing alongside him here.

Most hated player? (Past or present.)

1.Do not hate any players as such some can be a pain at times but it is only a game after all.

Most respected poster?

1.Midnight11 - Has always tried his best to give the goods to keep the forum going

Poster Tags should most keep an eye on? :icon_twisted:

1.Any of the current batch of rimlet spam posters.

Most memorable war?

1. The gangbang against PuFFiN
2. The Spawn war after a hard slog against SST Bwah took us to war, I had no troops or nobles what a nightmare it was at the start lol

If TW Bosses went insane tomorrow and all tribes were disbanded, and it was everyone fighting for themselves... who would be most likely to come out on top?

1.Rellim31 & Mystic Conjuror working togther no one could stop them & I do not think a fight for themselves would happen.
2.The new jackcrop could make a nasty mess of most players one on one

If you had to recruit someone from any tribe other'n your own, who would you pick?

1.Some players got a bum deal due to early location I would not have minded having some of them.
Most gave up due to being in a poor tribe but Dadster & dellid did OK for a while.

2.If not then I think the other option would be to try & help someones game play who is maybe active but just needs that bit extra to make them a great player.


1. Defender (and no, this doesn't just mean turtling... sniping, dodging, backtiming, etc, are all important aspects of defending): meeeee
2. Attacker: adrianroc
3. Diplomat: My axes. :axemen: :icon_wink:
4. Duke: Dulcy
5. Tribe´s clown: gh131
6. Public face in the forum:
midnight or shtaal

Most loved tribe?(Past or present.)


Most hated tribe? (Past or present.)

1. ~VOID~
2. Puppets

Most loved player?(Past or present.)

1. warriorllamba

Most hated player? (Past or present.)

1. There is so many, idk who to choose :D... umm Hajesotra...?

Most amusing poster?

1. Shtaal

Most respected poster?

1. Backy

Poster Tags should most keep an eye on? :icon_twisted:

1. what?

Most memorable war?

1. never really payed attention to this world(even though I played it) until after the major wars were over.
2. same...

If TW Bosses went insane tomorrow and all tribes were disbanded, and it was everyone fighting for themselves... who would be most likely to come out on top?

1. dulcy
2. busa

If you had to recruit someone from any tribe other'n your own, who would you pick? (Ignoring the obvious flaws of spies, etc, if you chose an enemy tribe. Really just interested in where the skillz lie. And who can admit to having a worthy opponent. :icon_wink: )

1. all my enemy tribes suck, I don't want their nooby members. :lol:
2. ...
3. ...


Do you have some feature that emails you when your name is posted :icon_biggrin:

Yes, and that feature is Sandy. :D

But theoretically I'm still playing this world so I lurk around on the forums too. :icon_eek:


W21 Dream Team. Who would you pick?

1. Defender (and no, this doesn't just mean turtling... sniping, dodging, backtiming, etc, are all important aspects of defending): Valsar
2. Attacker: MageWraith
3. Diplomat: Midnight11
4. Duke: Adrianroc, Bwah or Backwards
5. Tribe´s clown: Shtaal
6. Public face in the forum: Shtaal

Most loved tribe?(Past or present.)

2. D2D

Most hated tribe? (Past or present.)

1. Knight (under DJForbes)

Most loved player?(Past or present.)

1. Shtaal
2. Barocco

Most hated player? (Past or present.)

1. DJForbes
2. xfireboy

Most amusing poster?

1. Shtaal
2. Midnight11

Most respected poster?

1. Midnight11
2. Backwards

Poster Tags should most keep an eye on? :icon_twisted:

1. chadsilly
2. chadsilly

Most memorable war?

1. MPFC + PnP Vs. Knight
2. PuFFiN Vs. KKND

If TW Bosses went insane tomorrow and all tribes were disbanded, and it was everyone fighting for themselves... who would be most likely to come out on top?

1. AZ
2. Adrianroc
3. Bwah

If you had to recruit someone from any tribe other'n your own, who would you pick? (Ignoring the obvious flaws of spies, etc, if you chose an enemy tribe. Really just interested in where the skillz lie. And who can admit to having a worthy opponent. :icon_wink: )

1. Valsar
2. Brk80
3. Backwards


Good! Some life in the forums at last.

W21 Dream Team.

1. Defender (and no, this doesn't just mean turtling... sniping, dodging, backtiming, etc, are all important aspects of defending): Alexwong is a master of defense and one on one, he is better than Ugofree, hands down, but cheifly as far as defense is concerned, if I needed someone to be a wall, my pick would be Ugofree.
2. Attacker: AZgamer/Busamad. Hard to draw a line between them.
3. Diplomat: I'd take Bwah or Dulcy. Or that video clip of them dancing together :lol:
4. Duke: Backwards or Mars. There really aren't any other dukes on this server that are in the league of these two right now.
5. Tribe´s clown: Definitely chadsilly. He has the word "silly" in his name. But the person who cracked me up most back in the old school days was floopy pancake. That guy was hilarious.
6. Public face in the forum: Well, your's truly :icon_wink:

Most loved tribe?(Past or present.)

1. The monster that is PnP

Most hated tribe? (Past or present.)

Hate is a strong word. I certainly wouldn't use it for any tribe in this game. But if I had to pick from those I disliked/caused me headaches I'd go with:
1. A2A

Most loved player?(Past or present.)

1. Dragonwarriors :icon_biggrin:
2. Da Taco

Most hated player? (Past or present.)

Again, no need for hate in this game, even though I rag on people alot, I don't hate anyone. Dislike:
1. Tacticus
2. Sageoflight

Most amusing poster?

1. Floopy Pancake
2. Splitting Headache

Most respected poster?

1. Bwah
2. Mars

Poster Tags should most keep an eye on? :icon_twisted:

1. Well... me. I break a lot of rules and often don't really care. I also probably have a much higher total amount of infractions than any of the other current posters.
2. Amm, for his mindless spamming.

Most memorable war?

There have been so many great ones, two stand out though.
1. Puffin Vs Magnum/CRayn./TESB/KKND (and the offshoot) ARG! vs KKND
2. The new mergetastic TESB, made up of Magnum, CRayn and TESB vs The ARG!/Puff alliance and Dr NO.

If TW Bosses went insane tomorrow and all tribes were disbanded, and it was everyone fighting for themselves... who would be most likely to come out on top?

1. Team Rellim+Mystic (Busa is right, if shit hit the fan and everyone split up, those two would stick together and tag team the world)
2. Now that Mars is here, he would be a chance.
3. Me, cause I am a sneaky, snakey bastad.

If you had to recruit someone from any tribe other'n your own, who would you pick? (Ignoring the obvious flaws of spies, etc, if you chose an enemy tribe. Really just interested in where the skillz lie. And who can admit to having a worthy opponent. :icon_wink: )

1. Silonce would be my number one draft pick. As long as I kept him out of dukedom or barony, he would be a fine war fighter, op leader and supporter.
2. Fireborne would be an asset to any leadership team and I would gladly fight alongside him.
3. Adrianroc. The only true monster outside PnP.


W21 Dream Team. Who would you pick?

1. Defender (and no, this doesn't just mean turtling... sniping, dodging, backtiming, etc, are all important aspects of defending): Alexwong(not just for the odd)
2. Attacker: AzGameOver
3. Diplomat: :axemen:
4. Duke: Fireborne :icon_rolleyes:
5. Tribe´s clown: mm..hard desicion..i will have to go with SFI RACHAEL RAY or hawk :)
6. Public face in the forum: ---

Most loved tribe?(Past or present.)

1. =BCB=

Most hated tribe? (Past or present.)

2. North East Coalition(WORLD Family - JEDI family - ~VOID~ - TFL - ETC)

Most loved player?(Past or present.)

1. Nicolini1
2. ---

Most hated player? (Past or present.)

1. DjForbes
2. Dark Forge

Most amusing poster?

1. ---
2. clybowu :lol:

Most respected poster?

1. Midnight
2. Eleandar

Poster Tags should most keep an eye on? :icon_twisted:

1. Hawkman
2. Amm

Most memorable war?

1. TESB GangBang
2. Mefisto vs Mid term exams?

If TW Bosses went insane tomorrow and all tribes were disbanded, and it was everyone fighting for themselves... who would be most likely to come out on top?


If you had to recruit someone from any tribe other'n your own, who would you pick? (Ignoring the obvious flaws of spies, etc, if you chose an enemy tribe. Really just interested in where the skillz lie. And who can admit to having a worthy opponent. :icon_wink: )

1. none atm
2. ---
3. ---


YES!!!!! 3 mentions........:icon_biggrin:......wait.......whats that.....as most hated player?.....:icon_cry:...time to find a good bridge.......