Eltharian the noob!

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You so funny
The fact you inviting members and telling them to attack us is proof you want us gone.
Im glad I was getting bored of all this hugging anyhow.

If ifarm/WIE members fall for your tactics they deserve it, once again you will get another tribe too attack a ally.
Whoever win's you will hit when troop count down.
Well good for you if people are that pathetic that they will fall for it they deserve it.
It is a good tactic.

Well hopefully you guys will get your hands dirty too.
I would hate to see us only fighting the old iFarm members.

Lannister is a refugee no matter how you want to try and spin it any other way.
I was sorting a op on him awhile before you invited him and supplied Bang goes the draw the proof of it.

Again you saw what we were doing in K42 and got scared so you recruited to get the K.
Again not a bad tactic but when will you ever fight you guys use such cowardly tactics all the time.
Why are you so affraid of a fight/

Damn we only 1/3 your size and still you go to the cowardly tactics.
I dont really care what happens in this war.
We ~Sith~ have already won because you had to go to cowardly tactics to fight us.
We will always now have the morale high ground because we did not stoop to your tactics.
So enjoy your win if you actually do win.

But a win won by your tactics is not a win at all.
Its not about winning or losing its about how the game is played.

You fools have shown you have no backbone or morales and if I was in your tribe just out of principle I would leave.
I do not think I will be playing this game again after 63.
I do not think it is worth while playing a game called tribal wars where really all it is, is backstabbing wars.
I dont understand why a tribe your size would play the way you do.

You have nobody anywhere near your points and yet you still use these tactics.
Are you really that afraid of a real fight.
I just find it really depressing that any tribe can win a world the way you guys have played.
It has shown what tribalwars has become. A place where all it takes to win the world is fast growth from the start you dont even have to know how to fight. All you need is alot of villages and thats it.

Well I will have fun fighting you all.
Hopefully in the time it takes you to take on Sith we will give another tribe the opportunity to grow and hopefully take you on.

I hear solo is planning on attacking you in 2 months so this should give them the time they need to hurt you.

Well have fun and argue and try and say how everything I have posted here is not true and a lie.
But in a few months time anyone will be able to come back and see the truth was foretold.
Just as it was denied about the merge for the secrets win.

So go for it all of you try and say how much lies I have just told and make yourselves out to be the real liars in a few months.

O yeah and thats if Fools can actually budge ~Sith~ I got a feeling they gonna have alot more of a fight than they realise.
Considering there tactics so far they cant fight either.
So it should be fun.
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Still Going Strong
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You so funny
The fact you inviting members and telling them to attack us is proof you want us gone.
Im glad I was getting bored of all this hugging anyhow.

Was this the answer? Provide proof that we went and mailed players asking them to join us and attack you? To the best of my knowledge we have not done that. Truthfully speaking I want every player who's not in Fools Family or Solo to be gone, that's a given. Do you not wish that we be destroyed as well?:icon_razz:

If ifarm/WIE members fall for your tactics they deserve it, once again you will get another tribe too attack an ally.
Huh?! We have one ally and we aren't plotting against them. Post proof

Well hopefully you guys will get your hands dirty too.
I would hate to see us only fighting the old iFarm members.
Well no we won't get our hands dirty. We will only let the old Ifarm members attack you guys who are situated far away from you guys. We'll send nukes and trains from 100 hours away instead of 30 horus away because we so loath OD:icon_rolleyes: Not to mention it makes complete battle sense to do that.

Lannister is a refugee no matter how you want to try and spin it any other way.
I was sorting a op on him awhile before you invited him and supplied Bang goes the draw the proof of it.

Refugee?! LMAO! What basis do you claim Jaime as a refugee? Jaime joined us on the 5th of february. The last conquer against him was on 30 November 2012. I also see him taking 8 Sith Villages before joining us. And I see hardly any movements in his ODD in the week before he joined us. You call that a refugee?! Hahaha!

Fair enough. Its possible that the ops could of been instituted before we invited him. If this is true. It takes you about 10 days for 1 op to take place against 1 player who is surrounded by Sith. Wow, impressive. Real capability you have there.:icon_rolleyes:

Again you saw what we were doing in K42 and got scared so you recruited to get the K.
LOL. The top members of K42 delete, become barbs. You lose control of the K and then Hop all over the Barbs. Yeah that's real scary stuff right there. If I was that scared i'd have mailed the current top 10 members in that K asking to join, Have I done that?!

I hear solo is planning on attacking you in 2 months so this should give them the time they need to hurt you.

Really?! Wow so we are going to noble out Zomby and Sith in 2 months?! Solo and Fools will fight each other when we rid the world of all significant threats. So factor in your own defeat before you try and guess when Solo and Fools war.

Well have fun and argue and try and say how everything I have posted here is not true and a lie.
But in a few months time anyone will be able to come back and see the truth was foretold.

So go for it all of you try and say how much lies I have just told and make yourselves out to be the real liars in a few months.

O yeah and thats if Fools can actually budge ~Sith~ I got a feeling they gonna have a lot more of a fight than they realise. Considering there tactics so far they cant fight either.

I'm calling you a liar! Post proof of any statements you made. Otherwise you just grasping at straws. What I said i've backed up with proof. And since you claim that we can not fight, well then fighting us would be easy right? Zomby is much smaller than solo and is holding them at bay. You can do the same:)


I can't wait to see everyone start kicking the .... out of each other in game instead of insulting each other on here.


Max maybe you aint seen that you recruiting the members of iFarm and WIE
The proof about Solo turning on you I will not provide as I will not turn on that friend.
Lannister has been op'ed a few time and all failed so I was organising it to go through with no issues.
That is why it took awhile to organise.(dont give me that stupid op post I put in forums. That was not the real op the real op was done with 4 select members)
Again I dont need to post proof of what I am saying in a few months anyone will be able to come back and see what I posted came true.
I got nothing I need to prove to anyone.

Hey Dex nice to see you again.
Just think if we had actually wared I would probably not be here now.
But now me and Mike are having fun together.

WaTz PopPiN?

Bingo. Make an example out of him, promise to clear and rim him, until he goes public, then take him back in, probably with a promotion and a corner office. Can't wait to see what you offer the next guy who doesn't fall for your intimidation tactics...probably boot him, and then beg to join HIS tribe.

I can't really fault him for what he did, I did send a bunch of fakes to a guy in our academy but did not expect to get kicked and a bunch of attacks being launched on me before anyone even mailed me about the situation :p

With the issues I had with Broken I lost faith entirely in leadership, my mistake was not giving him (Eltharian) a chance.. As well as posting an IGM in the worlds :/ But like I said, with my previous experiences with this leadership group (mainly Broken) I had no faith and was fed up entirely.

After all is said and done I am pretty impressed at how Eltharian handles himself in the here and in the tribe considering this is his first world, he is saving this group from the terrible decisions that were made by his predecessors. I have to give credit where it is due.

I will end this by saying the iFarm merge was complete garbage and FOOLS are all about the merge for the win.. But we already knew that. Maybe this world will be smarter the second time around... Also fools know the secrets win was terrible game play (I don't think they actually conquer a single secret, just recruited them), and more or less meaningless :p
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I will end this by saying the iFarm merge was complete garbage and FOOLS are all about the merge for the win.. But we already knew that. Maybe this world will be smarter the second time around... Also fools know the secrets win was terrible game play (I don't think they actually conquer a single secret, just recruited them), and more or less meaningless :p

I will agree with this partially as former iFarm I'm sad that they did but considering just how many of us quit and moved on to W67 (myself included) don't blame them. From what I understand the only large accounts left after we all left was Ersh and Dianna and possibly few small others. Not defending fools in any means still hate your guts and if get opportunity to kill any of you on 67 prob will ^^ but then again I'm not the one with a to do list of Jester members on 67 lol *Cough* pictoplasma ;)

But back on topic out of respect of my tribe I respect they're decision to merge as was only logical thing close to them. With all the deletes from iFarm would have been far too easy for Fools to engulf them and gangbang from anywhere they felt like.


I will agree with this partially as former iFarm I'm sad that they did but considering just how many of us quit and moved on to W67 (myself included) don't blame them. From what I understand the only large accounts left after we all left was Ersh and Dianna and possibly few small others. Not defending fools in any means still hate your guts and if get opportunity to kill any of you on 67 prob will ^^ but then again I'm not the one with a to do list of Jester members on 67 lol *Cough* pictoplasma ;)

But back on topic out of respect of my tribe I respect they're decision to merge as was only logical thing close to them. With all the deletes from iFarm would have been far too easy for Fools to engulf them and gangbang from anywhere they felt like.

Technically speaking i am not a FOOLS member and was only for a short period of time but i am on W67 if you want some Lurve :p


well the externals have seriously changed lol
i remember in the day you could have a good convo with someone from a tribe your at war with, laugh n joke and discuss things like an adult and still noble the hell out of them in game without resulting to playground antics as this world has brought forth.

To be honest i don't agree with some things Eltharian has said n done etc but this guy has come here as his first world and lead his own tribe to 2nd in the world, how many other ' noobs ' have done this or better, please say if your a noob and done as much !
And as for his grammar i am sure you have all seen worse in your own tribes, i know i have lol.

If you believe he is such a noob then show your skills on the field of battle with your own skills of sniping, back timing, millisecond noble trains etc and put him on the rim instead of talking about it, TW isn't about talking s**t and bragging, it's about offensive skills, defensive prowess, working as a team and defeating your enemy in a GAME, and most of all about making friends, yep i said it, friends.

and yes i expect i will get s**t for this but really i don't care, i left school years ago !

Eltharian ( won't use your real name ) forget all this, do your talking in game .

just my 2 cents


I will agree with this partially as former iFarm I'm sad that they did but considering just how many of us quit and moved on to W67 (myself included) don't blame them. From what I understand the only large accounts left after we all left was Ersh and Dianna and possibly few small others. Not defending fools in any means still hate your guts and if get opportunity to kill any of you on 67 prob will ^^ but then again I'm not the one with a to do list of Jester members on 67 lol *Cough* pictoplasma ;)

But back on topic out of respect of my tribe I respect they're decision to merge as was only logical thing close to them. With all the deletes from iFarm would have been far too easy for Fools to engulf them and gangbang from anywhere they felt like.

Yeah there a few things that iFarm/WIE have not told and this is what made me angry.
We as Sith had been allies with them for awhile.
We had recently shared a forum and noble planner.
There was a chat going with WIE iFarm Zomby and IR...
So the members from WIE/iFarm had more than enough allies to help them with what they needed.
They have literally just gone and spoilt something that could of been a good alliance to fight fools.
It has been a very cowardly thing to do.
There really is no excuse for it.
All it has done is given fools a meat shield against Sith.
The fact the WIE and iFarm members can not see this is beyond me.
But hey ho its off to fight the traitors we go....



Hard to argue against the topic title now.

WaTz PopPiN?

After all is said and done I am pretty impressed at how Eltharian handles himself in the here and in the tribe considering this is his first world

I spoke to soon, I have seen enough.. I regretfully have to point out that this statement that I previously made is completely wrong and I guess bias at the time..


I spoke to soon, I have seen enough.. I regretfully have to point out that this statement that I previously made is completely wrong and I guess bias at the time..

you changed your mind quikly you sure it hasnt any thing to do with fools declareing on sith? mayby if you mail solo nicely they wil accept you to lol

WaTz PopPiN?

you changed your mind quikly you sure it hasnt any thing to do with fools declareing on sith? mayby if you mail solo nicely they wil accept you to lol

It may have to do with his reaction to the declaration (youtube videos), but not to do with the declaration itself. You have to understand as me being the thread maker here that my praise could obviously be bias seeings as he is my leader, then again I don't expect you to grasp that with your display of illiteracy.. I don't expect you to understand anything in depth for that matter :p


It may have to do with his reaction to the declaration (youtube videos), but not to do with the declaration itself. You have to understand as me being the thread maker here that my praise could obviously be bias seeings as he is my leader, then again I don't expect you to grasp that with your display of illiteracy.. I don't expect you to understand anything in depth for that matter :p

lol so my english is not perfect who cares ^^ its just your post sounds to me that your looking for a way out of this just like cowards always do when things get heated

WaTz PopPiN?

lol so my english is not perfect who cares ^^ its just your post sounds to me that your looking for a way out of this just like cowards always do when things get heated

Read my initial post and you might understand the relationship I have with leadership here a little bit better (or at all)..

Instead of being accusing towards me maybe you should thank me for giving you an area to grow in, your soft target (sunlightsparkle) is soft because of me.. Also your one of the recruits I was so much against, you are the mass recruitment I spoke out against so often and have been so pissed off about. You have no place in a tribe with me :)
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My prediction. Eltharian tucks tail between legs, deletes, never uses Eltharian again in TW and hides under a different name due to embarrassment for being so immature. Like I've always said he is in his 30's and acts like a child.


Read my initial post and you might understand the relationship I have with leadership here a little bit better (or at all)..

Instead of being accusing towards me maybe you should thank me for giving you an area to grow in, your soft target (sunlightsparkle) is soft because of me.. Also your one of the recruits I was so much against, you are the mass recruitment I spoke out against so often and have been so pissed off about. You have no place in a tribe with me :)

thanking you for giveing me a area to grow in? lmao your funny dude wel i guess you can always try to get me out of my area if you want :) and for does sunlight sparkle villages yes they are nice to but you give your self to much credits for that ^^

WaTz PopPiN?

thanking you for giveing me a area to grow in? lmao your funny dude wel i guess you can always try to get me out of my area if you want :) and for does sunlight sparkle villages yes they are nice to but you give your self to much credits for that ^^

Considering I cleared them all while he was the enemy and you were his tribe mate :p Not 2 weeks ago!
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