Well, you guys like to run wild, which means EB-GBs will be perfect for you guys. EB-GBs and SubV are practically complete opposite, in the fact that we do things together instead of individuals. You've been in SubV, so you must also know how DeathAngel handles the tribe as the co-duke. And the Coord Operators are quite dedicated to the tribe as well. Even if RC quits, we'll try our best to preserve the tribe for her sake. So, dont count on us falling, not at least we are totally annihilated.
And what do you expect, we're all noobs in SubV:icon_cool:, so we need to be controlled. Otherwise, we'd run wild and get ourselves killed because of gang-banging.
Hmmmm, you want to come on here and flame. So we are not co-ordinated, yet I'm best known for my war co-ordination :icon_confused: We dont work together or by the sounds of it fight. Yet we are top ODA (dont make me start this arguement), and everyone here admits we eat up tribes quite easily. Yes Subv's stats have been good, but have you had multiple fronts? I always have them, why? It stops people getting bored supporting or faking only, its important for lots of local wars due to the noble limits.
In regards to "as individuals", look back to start of BP where I was posting on here about owning areas etc. In a long sustained war I bet we would benefit more than subv's set up, why??? Because we are not spread over multiple k's, hense why we cant have so many noble the same target at once.
A very good prime example of this is our war with Mighty. As players like myself, mike mags, zidany hazyjake etc are 80%+ clustered in our starting point, it was alot easier to shift, stack and noble. Mighty were not, they only had a few nukes locally, if died meant couldnt attack for some time, also we could hit the same player on multi fronts if we wanted too, like your new recruit Veiling in k35, north k46 and k47. Now how can he stack so many front line clusters. He would need to be active 24/7 to snipe so much. Also if you small clusters and take villages, you are vulnerable to lose villages more as you only have a few local troops to stack and if cleared it could tale 1-2 days to get your own support. Yes tribe mates can help, but RL, time zones etc can prevent this at times, why I always plan what I can do on my own and anything else is a bonus.
I could spend all day trying to explain why your statements are poor, but feel it might be wasted on you. Yes we are noobs, yes we are all out for ourselves, and yes we have no co-ordination :icon_rolleyes: