Farewell from Martin


Martin Longbow was not my first choice in names. It was just the first that was not taken. Hes a character from some books I really love. A summary of is his life is that he was the son of a duke who was never to be Duke, through a series of events of quite some time leadership was thrust upon him. He spent much of his life with the long living elves. He lived with honor. His best friends all lived well past him.

I’ve always thought it odd how much I played to the character.

I never intended to be in any leadership. It was thrust on me in a sense. That is from times bygone though.

I also happened to spend time with some of the finest players in this game. Many will play on while quite some time ago my devotion diminished. Now though all you who are here to the end. I’m done. Play on without me.

I always tried to keep my word and keep to my principles. Others will judge that.

I would like to remember just a few who had a great impact on me and who I am happy to have met.

All of G.Khan ( Estoy, Zoquelle, Stillkill, Hakushaku, Torsion, Poteux….the names go on and on) You drove me to try to keep up , to try to be my best, and eventually to try to lead the best.

Our Allies Legion and eventually T~S Especially, JM, Nick,Kman, KingDarius, Rip Van and there are many more. I’m proud to have been your ally. Akitar as well…

~S~ my final tribe, I was late to see your greatness and added little. I hope you will do right though and I strongly appreciate your leaders, and all those who supported me and sat me and tried to help me.

MM Peter, Dukefan, Slupmi….and many others you all played your part and I know you will do well. I hope you will do right and fight hard. I hope that you will stand by ~S~ and not just kinda. Full commitment is right and trust is the only way in my humble(or not so humble) opinion.

Apoc, you are the greatest enemy I respect you much I especially appriate Zain for taking the time to talk to little ole me, and Rashelle, Andrew, David, Qu1ncy…among others. I got no problem with you guys and I think you all know it.

W 18 as a whole, was in my opinion the greatest world I participated in and that by a wide margin. I dont think we will see these settings anytime soon because this world will also die much quicker than others. Still the compilation of players made for some great competition and the ability to farm at such a high level has been the stomping ground of some of the finest. Also The power tribes with staying power and the greatest family tribe i've ever heard of. Props to world 18.

The forum, I’m glad I participated but I think this is my last post and I bid you all farewell, and God Bless.

With Honor,

Martin Longbow

If I forgot anyone sorry best wishes to all.
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another good player gone..bye mate..hope you do well in RL..


I appreciate your dedication and leadership.

Your insights were well written and thoughtful and brought a certain class to this forum that it does lack without you.

It is also unfortunate that we have only met on the battlefield briefly towards the end of your game here.
In fact i have some 40 nukes sent 100+hrs ago heading towards your villages as i speak. I'd sad that you might not snipe my noble train when it arrives.


Goodbye Martin. Was nice "meeting" you, however briefly. Good luck in RL.


Good luck Martin, it has been interesting to read your thoughts over the short space of time I have been here. I cannot help but feel that we have lost one of our greater posters.



I was sure you stay untill Apoc gone m8 :(

I wish you all the best in real life.

May your days be filled with happiness and growth.



Good bye my friend, good bye my lover.. (hum oO)

Hope the best for you in RL!


Good luck Martin, I have to agree with the others, I think we have lost one of the best posters on these forums :icon_cry:


It was always entertaining and I'll say educational, for someone like me who has English as second language, to read your posts.

I always believed that you have played this game with much integrity and honor.



Sorry to hear of your departure Martin :-(

I always look forward to your posts and, in turn, enjoy your responses to mine. Although we may have some difference of opinion, I suspect we are far more alike than different.

Whatever you do to fill the gap liberated by giving this game up, I hope you are both sucessful and happy.

All the best,



All the best Martin, in all your future endeavors. Cheers!



With a feeling of extreme sadness, I bid you farewell Martin. You will be remembered well.
Your leaving will create a void hard to fill :(

wish you all the best for your future endeavours


Good luck to you, Martin. It was a pleasure reading some of your posts. Not ALL... but some.


Martin left? uuuuuhhhhhhhhh. That sucks. Martin was always cool and outspoken. Never crossed the line. A great player and an even greater person. Thank you for playing Martin, you were good to all.

Cya in rl.