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Awesomest CM Ever
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Changelog Version 8.137

Dear community,

it has been quite a while since we had a public changelog. But that doesn't mean that we haven't been busy working on the game! Since the beginning of the year the development team resolved 378 tasks. Upon those were 85 bugs which we fixed in the recent months. These ranged from account related issues like players being unable to verify their account, restart on a world or change their username to bigger issues like flags not being properly withdrawn from villages, commands arriving in the wrong order players not getting achievements.

We also worked hard on improvements of our backend infrastructure. For example we implemented a new Push Notification system, to send push notifications more reliably to your mobile devices and be able to track down issues more efficiently. We of course also worked on frontend issues like missing translations or formatting/spacing issues. And last but not least implemented smaller quality of life improvements in several places. For example we made it easier for you to do certain actions, like being easily able to select all villages in the troop request screen. Or we now warn you if certain actions in the game would have automatic consequences; like your troops withdrawing from villages when you leave a tribe. We also continued to work on measures to fight cheating in the game and implemented detections for several popular scripts and bots. We also worked on improving our Android app. We fixed bugs, improved the usability, stability and implemented missing features. And while the app has already improved significantly over the last few months we kill keep working to make sure that you can play Tribal Wars on the go without any issues.

While most of these are smaller changes that are not that obvious, your certainly have seen our bigger changes to the game. We reworked our "Beast of the Black Mountain", "Traveling Merchant" and "Spectaculum" events. We also developed a Server Merge technology to allow our players from smaller language versions to continue playing Tribal Wars on this international version in their own language. Just recently we also released a completely new endgame condition, called "The Great Siege". It is already live on beta (check it out!) and we are very much looking forward to getting it into your hands soon on world 103!

With Tribal Wars turning 15 years this year we would like to thank you for your continued support. Without you we wouldn't have reached this amazing milestone without you! Your dedication is what allows us to continue working on and improving the game. We are looking forward to the years to come!

Best regards
The Tribal Wars Team

It's love, not just a game!

Changes and Improvements

Scout Info in Simulator
The simulator now shows an overview on which information scouts will be able to reveal.


Dynamic Group Filters for Resources
Dynamic groups now allow to filter for available resources by fixed amount as well as percentage.


Top Kills Badges
We added tracking for the top kills as a supporter. We added art for the badges for top kills as supporter, attacker and defender. The later two were already tracked for a while but lacked an icon. These badges can be gained retroactively, but only for worlds which closed after the tracking of this statistic was implemented.


Incoming Attacks Player Name Filter
Filtering for player names in the incoming attacks overview now uses an auto-completion. To filter for a player you only need to write parts of the name, the results will automatically be filtered for these.

Auto-Completion Performance Improvements
We also improved the performance of the player name auto-completion feature in other screens of the game. Filtering for player names should now be much faster everywhere.

Reports Sorting in Village Info Screen
The village info screen now sorts reports by the report creation date. Old forwarded reports will no longer show on top.

Village Info Pop-Up improvement
The village pop-up on the map now includes the loyality and wall level of that village.


Push Notification for Tribe Quests
When a tribe gets a new tribe quest, the tribe members will receive a push notification.

Player Names in Reports
All instances of player names in reports now link to the player profile.

Past Contacts
When a world is closed, tribe members will be automatically added as past contacts, making it easier to invite them to a new world

Scavenging Sitting Restriction
Sitters can now be restricted from using the Scavenging feature


And that's it! These are the changes which were implemented with version 8.137.
If you have any feedback for us, please let us know in this thread. We are looking forward to hearing from you!


Awesomest CM Ever
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Update to version 8.138

Dear community,
Our new update to version 8.138 has been released. Here you can find an overview on the important changes:

Changes and Improvements

Construction Manager Templates
You can now easily export and import Construction Manager templates. The options can be found by choosing "Manage templates" in the Construction Manager.

Casual Attack Block
When trying to attack a player outside of your attack block point range your current point range will be displayed in the error message.


Village Note Spoilers
The spoiler tag now works properly when used in village notes.

Banned Tribe Members Info
Fixed an issue which sometimes prevented barons and dukes seeing the icons for banned players.


If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so in this thread.

The Tribal Wars Team


I am a co-duke in Casual 1 and have some concerns that I hope will be considered before this is implemented on Monday despite this being late Friday night ST already. Let me provide a bit of context. Casual 1, like worlds before W76., have been on a 120 sit limitation rule with decreased sitter function after day 60 with both attacks and supports being limited to only the sat account villages. Recently sits over 60 days received a message when they tried to move troops within the sat account villages that sitters were not allowed to do so. Several ticket were submitted raising some of the concerns and issues.

Players who left their account in the hands of a tribemate or friend to go off on a holiday, temporary military service, 8 week sabbatical from their job, or receiving chemotherapy had expectations that their account could at least be self supported and attacked and requests for support could still be shared by their sitter until day 120. In the past when an account was placed in Permanent Sitter Restrictions after the 120 days sat limit had been reached the account would often barb in 7-10 unless it had PP where then it seemed be allowed to continue a bit longer.

I have no objection to changes proposed however it does concern me that they were applied to Casual 1 without notice and now it appears the update will occur on Monday the 10th however those players who are away from the game with plans to return before the end of the 120 days will now be surprised to return and find their account on Casual has barbed. I tried to find another situation similar to help me get a perspective on this situation and a couple came to mind. First as a school teacher I have seen many changes in rules for various sports over the years. They are always announced and usually have a comment time for coaches and players to raise any issues or suggestions before they become a part of the official rule book. Players always are advised of the changes before they take to the field to compete. Of course there is a process as well to handle emergency situations that require a rule change but those are few and far between and obvious to everyone as to why the process is on the fast track. Another situation that came to mind is the way traffic laws are changed in my area. There is a lengthy process where all who have concerns can become familiar with the proposed changes and timeline as well as an opportunity to make suggestions and raise concerns. The changes also go through the legal process and are decided by elected lawmakers who are also open to concerns and suggestions of their constituents before the law is passed with a period of time allowed for educating the general public as to what the changes are and when they will take affect. I am very thankful that I have never been subjected to a traffic law changing without being well aware of it before it takes affect. The last example is a simple old-fashioned board game with the rules usually on the inside of the game box. If it has been it while since it has been played then it is normal in my household to do a quick review of the rules and to have them available if anyone needs them during the game. Have we ever made a decision to change or modify a rule in a board game? Absolutely but those playing the game are the ones who suggest and agree to the changes BEFORE they are applied.

My concern here is that Innogames has made several changes to rules in Causal 1 to end the world sooner including setting a new end game condition that includes an end date if the condition is not met, the end date has been changed to allow another year, the fake limit rule was changed as well as the rule concerning attack restrictions based on account points. Some have been applied with no notice and some have been overturned when requested while some have been announced as they were applied and some have been applied over time to gradually move toward the final rule. Changes are a challenge in a game based on strategy and if Innogames wants to make that part of the game they sure can but it seems that it should be made very clear on day one how often this will happen and what type of time period will be allowed for players and tribes to make adjustments.


OTTO dominating HP rounds forcing support to close them early xD


Skilled Soldier 18 & Master Commander 21 & 22
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Innos recognition that im the best player in the game obviously



Awesomest CM Ever
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To break @Mintyfresh 's bubble (sorry not sorry! :D ), the history of Paul the Paladin is simple:
In front of InnoGames Headquarters there is a big statue in the shape of the Tribal Wars paladin. After all, Tribal Wars is where it all began! The Paladin has been named Paul years ago, when the statue was created. Since then, all paladins related to Tribal Wars have always, internally, been named Paul: Paul the Paladin.

For those interested, Paul even has his own Facebook page (rather inactive, but it counts :D ):



Awesomest CM Ever
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Update to version 8.144

Dear Community,

Our new update to version 8.144 will be released on monday, October 15.
Most of the changes are improvements to our backend infrastructure but there are two small changes we would like to inform you about.

Changes and Improvements

Report Player Profile Images
You can now report player profile images separately from the player profile, so even when no custom player profile is set up.

In a day Ranking
The In A Day rankings are now sorted by the time a player achieved the score. When several players managed to get the same score the one achieving it earlier will be placed on top.


If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so in this thread.

The Tribal Wars Team


Awesomest CM Ever
Reaction score
Update to version 8.145

Dear Community,
Our new update to version 8.145 will be released on Monday, October 22.
Among other changes this version brings some improvements for the "The Great Siege" endgame.

Changes and Improvements

Great Siege: Adjusted return time
Units traveling back from districts now have the same travel time as when traveling to the district.

Great Siege: Adjusted commands time from districts
Units attacking other villages from a district now always have the same travel time, unless the target is further away than 15 fields (3 fields for scouts). Then the actual traveling time is used.


Great Siege: Abandoned districts
If a district is abandoned it will no longer be renamed to "barbarian village".


If you want to share your feedback with us, you can do so in this thread.

The Tribal Wars Team
Reaction score
hello and thanks for the improvements

A how can we disable the highlight on buildings that are needed for missions/quests ?

B i didnt understand how can we find the New Tutorial Quest and what does it add on our gaming