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Serious George

Non-stop Poster
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Regarding the recent update to the in-game tagger: I love to have the coordinates of the sending village in the tag, but this update puts the whole village name into the tag which is highly annoying. It should allow for just the coordinates of the sending village.


New Member
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I noticed a lot of players were banned. That is great news! Thank you for protecting your players.

Is there a Ban list we can view?


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@Etho probably no, but some german scripter is workin on something about this issue, as today there was a relatively big ban wave at the german server too.


New Member
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@Etho probably no, but some german scripter is workin on something about this issue, as today there was a relatively big ban wave at the german server too.

Today a big wave of bans started ...on many servers .net , .ro ... Bobah on .de also ?

Is there any official answer from the in game staff ?


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Nope. It sometimes take weeks to get support tickets answered, forum is quit lost and the discord server outsourced. Atm i believe there is one payed mod for at least both german speaking TWs + grepolis called Katzenmarylou.
We have the problem that the script rules are (on purpose!) not very clear, so most banned accs didnt even cheated but just had scripts runnin, wich arrnt forbidden wether are they allowed. So the staff has free hand about interpretin da rules...

Its quit wyld ova ther^^ VPN-login and co-oping is the standard for most "pros" and many are using proxy accounts en masse.
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Tribal Wars Team
Community Management
Reaction score
I noticed a lot of players were banned. That is great news! Thank you for protecting your players.

Is there a Ban list we can view?
We are never going to share such information publicly. Every case is between the support team and the affected account in question and no one else, for privacy and security reasons.

We have the problem that the script rules are (on purpose!) not very clear, so most banned accs didnt even cheated but just had scripts runnin, wich arrnt forbidden wether are they allowed. So the staff has free hand about interpretin da rules...
Of course the moderation team (or more specifically, the Community Manager) will determine the interpretation of the rules. That is literally what they are there for. This is however not the appropriate place to discuss the moderation of another market, which I believe our forum rules make quite clear.


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The problem is that its possible atm to get scripts allowed (privately) at .net and then use it on the german market, because we have a rule that allows all/most .net-scripts, even if they break the german script rules. This is a big issue, and there are some way more critical at the gates. =(


New Member
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You forget to add a fourth improvment on the new Game Updates

Now, if we don't have account premium, we can't delete reports.

why did you do that and why didn't announce that either ?

best regards