Flame Fireeyet and discuss Swat's recruitment patterns

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now since some of you seem to want to do this, I don't mind, go ahead, take it out of your system. no need to take other threads off-topic :lol:

here you go daz, I'll answer everything for you.

1. Who's that orich guy if you didn't recruit anyone from NiNi?
orich joined march 8th, nini disbanded feb 23, how is that recruiting from nini. all of the players you left behind were supposed to rot and not be recruited anywhere? and srsly? talking about swat taking in 1 player vs what phat and MM took in? you're being ridiculous.

2. Looks like a merge to me with Think, you even had to make a family just to hold them all.
it can look like whatever you want it to look like. If you don't know the concept of spoils of war, I can't help you much I'm afraid.

3. Well, you say a couple of plague now because all of them you since dismissed. But originally you'd taken all their top players that didn't directly border me.
so wait a sec you're complaining about us kicking members too now? you confuse me ... as for players not bordering you, don't flatter yourself too much.

So your great claim to fame is fighting a tribe that was largely based 2 K's from the area you were fighting. Bravo! And you'll follow up with a war declaration on CCH? I think they have a few members within range.. Omg! YOu could call it a war and pwnzer like.. a member and then feel good for a month!(if you're lucky, it might even be an inactive!)

you asked me if we ever warred a top 10 tribe alone and I said yes. what's the problem again?

Right, you're not saying anything like that :p
yes, saying swat has done more than MM is not the same as saying MM is not doing fine, or should I explain with apples and oranges so you start to understand?

No, I don't think anything you do will ever be anything other than what NiNi did. Declare, recruit, conquer!
you don't like ppl who declare and conquer? when did nini declare on 2 top 10 tribes in one declaration? or better yet when did nini ever declare? I must have missed some stuff.

And no, it's not the declarations that define huggers or not, it's how many players you try to fit into a family when they come running that does. After all, every tribe gets those, yours is just the one that finally says yes.
I'm afraid I didn't understand half of what you say here ... if you write it again, I'll try and do my best in replying :icon_neutral:
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you asked me if we ever warred a top 10 tribe alone and I said yes. what's the problem again?

you don't like ppl who declare and conquer? when did nini declare on 2 top 10 tribes in one declaration? or better yet when did nini ever declare? I must have missed some stuff.
four conquers from nini and recruitment of CCC, awesome warring u did there.^^

i think we did only one single declaration, against KJ's first coalition against us and nini took out several top10 tribes along its existance.



[SPOIL]Side 1:
Tribes: -MM-
Side 2:
Tribes: RIM

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 11
Side 2: 0
Difference: 11


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 91,076
Side 2: 0
Difference: 91,076



That takes us to 70 positive.


Side 1:
Tribes: -MM-
Side 2:
Tribes: =DIRT=

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 23
Side 2: 2
Difference: 21


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 192,618
Side 2: 19,372
Difference: 173,246



That takes us to 91 positive, they were a top 20 tribe until this week.

So in the last week MM fighting the wars it is in against top 20 tribes that have a combined value of quite a lot of points lets add them up the value of those tribes last week, thats their value on the 8th of this month.

RIM: 6,643,341
Buddys: 5,147,337
=DIRT=: 4,389,994
AXE: 2,715,208
Smile: 6,930,052

So a total of 25,825,932. Now why do I mention their total points well they are all allied they all shared a forum they call themselves "The Alliance" what firetwit seemed to miss what I put "The Alliance" (Family)the family part because they might as well be.

So any argument that we are not fighting a large number is complete rubbish 25 million points of rubbish.

Now where am I going with this I hear you cry? Lets take a look at the SWAT war abilities shall we?

Now so far you have really fought one war thats it the rest of your points have come from merging, remerging adding some FAmILy tribes and inactive tribes to noble from.

Your one war with NiNi might as well forget CCH or CCC or who ever it was seeing as you made no conquers against them so you have fought one thats right folks ONE top 20 tribe that was NiNI. From NiNi you managed to take a grand total of 86 villages but lost 25 to them so a difference of 61. EPIC in fact it is LEDGEN (wait for it) DARY!!!

From NiNI the villages that you took were nearly all synhk who by all accounts looks like he was inactive maybe a former NiNi guy would like to confirm that.

So in the only war that you have fought the ONLY one you managed to take 61 villages we did half of that again last week alone.

Tell you what you are good at though.


You have mastered the art of nobling your own tribe, your inactive holding tribe and tribeless players and barbs. In fact lets have some more pictures!


19.66% Barb conquers, MM is 7.78% btw.

Lets have losses against players shall we?


The top 10 players you lose villages too are 9 of which are in your tribe. Seriously why go to war you are perfectly good at taking villages from yourself.

Now stop trolling MM and trying to imply that we don't or can't fight I am getting seriously fed up of it, go away to your FAmILy tribe and do what you do best which according to stats is nobling yourselves.
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you asked me if we ever warred a top 10 tribe alone and I said yes. what's the problem again?

You mean other than everyone can clearly see on the map the recruitment however your CCC conquers from your 'war' are like.. 13 from your tribe's stats. I'm not sure what your familie's total conquers vs. them are however. And that's your big top 10 war? Looks more like a merge to me with a bit of pre-merge internal nobling :D

so wait a sec you're complaining about us kicking members too now?

Who complained? I just said you did it. Probably because you guys didn't want it to look like a merge. So you then kicked the players who were supposed 'long time friends' which was why they were(supposedly) recruited even though they'd been under attack in recent hours. But then again, who can believe you anyways, you're just a liar on here.
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synhk had quit, that was the sole reason swat went for it, they just didn't expect that any of us would bother sitting it. the same move they are doing on hicut. altho they declared on us later, after which they practically got no villages from us.


save your fighting a bunch on small tribes is nowhere near the same as fighting a bigger tribe with co-ordination etc so all that gibberish you posted is frankly a load of crap.

minaise you kicked synhk we carried on nobling it so the stats would of been more im sure we both know that.

once we got round to finishing synhk you disbanded so really that is no fault of our own rather the fact that you and others in leadership decided to quit and merge with other tribes around you.


minaise you kicked synhk we carried on nobling it so the stats would of been more im sure we both know that.

Yes, truly epic. You'd have had another inactive under your belt. I feel for you that you were cheated from your stats, you could've like said you'd warred a tribe or something if that 1 inactive wasn't removed.


Yes, truly epic. You'd have had another inactive under your belt. I feel for you that you were cheated from your stats, you could've like said you'd warred a tribe or something if that 1 inactive wasn't removed.

indeed daz


indeed daz

Good thing your long time friends in Plague's leadership ordered an Op on me during the same time frame or you'd have never gotten a single village off synhkk. Lucky thing that it happened just then too or I'd have not passed the sitting.


save your fighting a bunch on small tribes is nowhere near the same as fighting a bigger tribe with co-ordination etc so all that gibberish you posted is frankly a load of crap.

Load of crap? How about I just go at our total conquers against top 20 tribes? 384 on RIM alone. You managed 61 so it must be a load of crap.

All of those stats prove that your tribe is a complete failure.


Load of crap? How about I just go at our total conquers against top 20 tribes? 384 on RIM alone. You managed 61 so it must be a load of crap.

All of those stats prove that your tribe is a complete failure.

we were at war with nini for about 2 weeks you have been waring RIM for how long 3-4 months ?

now if anything is crap that is it :icon_biggrin:


So no actually intelligent response or defense of your FAmILy tribe (Did I ever mention I hate with a burning passion family tribes) no response to those stats whatsoever as there is no defense you can give other than agree that you have no right to critique other tribes whatsoever.


we were at war with nini for about 2 weeks you have been waring RIM for how long 3-4 months ?

now if anything is crap that is it :icon_biggrin:

No it was 1 week you at war with NiNi for. MM has been at war with RIM for quite a long time now but at least they are the only ones fighting them. Also who was this tribe who had lots of co ordination. You took no villages off CCC and only 17 when they changed there name to THINK and as has been said before NiNi didn't have much co ordination as their leadership had quit and they were being beaten. RIM must have so co ordination aswell as they did manage to stack warrior


lol dave check my siggy :lol:

you like? why don't you give me another one of those and leave the forums? :lol:

So you did all that whining about dragging stuff off topic... just to drag this one off topic? Are you just trying to outfail everyone on here? Like.. you do know there's no awards for that right? Failing the most on the PnP?


why off topic, that was like a +1 to everyone posting here ... don't be silly ... I love the theme of this thread ... why would I let it go off-topic?

in case you didn't notice, the thread is partly about me ... nothing I write can ever be off-topic here ... so who's the fail again Mr.?


why off topic, that was like a +1 to everyone posting here ... don't be silly ... I love the theme of this thread ... why would I let it go off-topic?

in case you didn't notice, the thread is partly about me ... nothing I write can ever be off-topic here ... so who's the fail again Mr.?

And when did the topic become 'omgz, i'm freeyet, did you all see what i did with my skype quote? OMG GUYS! DID YOU SEE!?'


mmm ... read the title of the thread ... "flame fireeyet"? do you even know what that means? :icon_rolleyes:


hey, I'm just feeding the masses what they want to be fed ... instead of everyone following me around on every single thread ... they can do it here, you know contain the epidemic :icon_biggrin:

i know it doesn't have anything to do with dave leaving a skype chat

considering he flamed me post after post and then wrote that .. I'd say it does :)
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