Deleted User - 11252347

With W100 seemingly off to a very slow start & limited hauls having most players sitting on their hands most of the day - I thought I'd take this time to make my formal entrance to W100. For those of you who don't know me, I am Fleezus Clyde .... or Fleezy or Sleazy or Chris or Clyde ... and I'm just your friendly neighbourhood degenerate with too much time on his hands currently

Now I'm sure a lot of you are sitting there thinking "Well we already have a W100 blog & we like it; go away Clyde." but let me explain to you with one word why I cannot allow this to stand on such a milestone world for this game I love so dearly.

And no I'm not talking about the trademarked 1935 board-game by Hasbro that notoriously ruins friendships & destroys families.
......So if I'm not talking about the board-game how does this word relate to these blogs? Well according to a monopoly is:
“When a single supplier, helped by various barriers to entry, controls the market for a particular good or service, thus benefiting from the freedom to set prices and quality levels without the pressure of competition.”
Currently with just 'The Compendium' to read, the average forum users of our fine game are dependent on news from a "single supplier." Furthermore by pinning their blog they are effectively helped by "various barriers to entry" and thus 'The Compendium' effectively "controls the market" for news on this world. By controlling the press, The Compendium can benefit from the freedom to set the level of quality for their posts without any pressure from competition. In other words, they'd like you to accept their word as the absolute unbias truth. Now while I have no issues with the quality of 'The Compendium' whatsoever, I have too often seen world forums flourish and die, solely based around their most active poster and I intend to give the writers of "The Compendium" a push to constantly strive to post more & better posts.
So without further ado let's jump into the introduction of..... "Fleezers: The World's Best News Site."
What Is Fleezers?
Fleezers will be an extremely informative & 100% unbiased news source that will provide an alternative view of the world than the one shown by "The Compendium." We will provide articles, interviews, conspiracy theories and more to satisfy any avid readers out there and to really explore every dark nook & cranny of this world.
Who's on The Fleezer Team?
We also boast quite the roster of reporters. Forum Personality 2015 & Inaugural FacePalm 2018 winner "@DisplayOnly" aka Goldie has been forcefully conscripted into our ranks, as well as computer wizkid #LinearLogicOnTheBeat, and like three or four fine young gentleman who all seem to go by the name "James." I've lost count in all honesty. :s

Our team is always looking to expand so if you think you have what it takes to be a writer for Fleezers; then please send us a video interview explaining why you always wanted to join the team. Coordinated Dance routines to Hannah Montana are optional but strongly encouraged. Bonus points if you sing along.
What do we have planned for you?
Well here at Fleezers we constantly strive to bring new & edgy material that provokes deep introspective thought that sparks loving and meaningful banter between friends and enemies alike. One of the first things on our agenda will to be to launch our website - we think this will be a very important step for the future of TW news & it's method of delivery. Below is a little sneak peak at what our homepage could look like with a few sneak peaks at some future planned articles...

Don't worry we aren't actually making another website
and please appreciate the satire <3
Lots of other stuff is planned too lol .... but its all secret right now
I used a bigger font to take up more room like I'm currently doing with this filler sentence so that it would feel like you're reading a much longer article but you're not. Is it working? Did you read this sentence too?
We are nearing the end of our fine introduction into W100 - but we would be remiss to go on without providing our first interview of the world. Now instead of tracking down a mainstream player; we decided to find an up and coming player and ask for their opinion on the world thusfar. Y'all are in for a real treat as we were able to track down Guest379584, the current highest ranked guest account for comment and for his thoughts on W100.

Anyhow - I hope you all enjoyed our little introduction to our news room - I would like to ask that no one please comment on this thread as we are going to only be posting our articles here and do not want them to be cluttered up now do we
For Comments Please use one of our two official Discussion Threads linked below:
Srs Discussion:
And Mods when you get a chance please sticky this thread
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