Forums are getting a bit quieter...


Just a funny little something that landed in my mailbox this morning...

gx2002 May 31,2013 04:53
can you eat godlies
he is very not firendly
when i ask join tb2
he only say no
he donot like small player join to they
he only want big village player
not want own a online player
can you talk to me/?
what tribe is your allies in k 25 24 23???
help me join to there ok??
now tribe only 5player
i thinl sunday will gone = =
i donot give up


Lol, I don't think he will mind, i've had to hear how shit TB! are for a while now. Me and Dennis are solid honey ;)

That's what i say. Dennis talks good about you, you d better do the same with him. I know for a fact that you are not that big of a jack that you are pretending to be. :icon_cool:


That's what i say. Dennis talks good about you, you d better do the same with him. I know for a fact that you are not that big of a jack that you are pretending to be. :icon_cool:

I fail to see where I have talked bad about Dennis. Another one of Naz's stories it seems.


Hmm last time i talked with him he said you were checking his mails in w65 despite you have had agreed not to mess with w65 while you co in w68.

But i guess that's typical dallow. Fairness at it's finest level.


How would I be able to check his mails? We don't play on the .William Wallace account on W68. Nice try though Naz, typically talking shit.


You know, I'm somewhat curious how that's possible. I mean, their account isn't on W68, so how could they be coplaying on W68?

Only a little fun; typical Naz, unconcerned with the little things :icon_wink:.

Are you mad because your tribemates are starting to wise up to their horrible leadership?

I'm kinda excited really, would be better for competition if we fought a competently led TB!.
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I can't believe that an end world rank 2 tribe could have a leader that is so greedy and only cares for herself. Although this isn't a surprise as you recruited from Wobble to form that big tribe, I bet the people who deserted us now are really regretting that. :D

Deleted User - 11521651

I think Wobble and TB are both awesome! Keep up the good works guys! Except you Chris. Your website made my eyes hurt, my head dizzy, and my ears wishing they had been bitten off by Mike Tyson. Upon opening your webpage, I immediately felt as if my brain was being molested by two flathead screwdrivers which were inserted directly into my nose through each nostril. You violated me today, Chris. And you should feel bad about it.
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I think Wobble and TB are both awesome! Keep up the good works guys! Except you Chris. Your website made my eyes hurt, my head dizzy, and my ears wishing they had been bitten off by Mike Tyson. Upon opening your webpage, I immediately felt as if my brain was being molested by a two flathead screwdrivers which were inserted directly into my nose through each nostril. You violated me today, Chris. And you should feel bad about it.

Im sorry pal :(

It isn't my website (dino shown me it, blame him :p)


How would I be able to check his mails? We don't play on the .William Wallace account on W68. Nice try though Naz, typically talking shit.

There is a program called teamviewer. Dennis says you know to use it rather well..


There is a program called teamviewer. Dennis says you know to use it rather well..

[01/06/2013 20:19:41] Dennis Lans: I just read the forums, I never said to naz that you were checking my mails lol. how can that even happen when I dont have my own account there on that world

Thats funny because he says your lying as well.

Getting desperate aren't you Naz...

Deleted User - 11521651

I think your all honest people and I just want you all to know, I appreciate you guys! Except Dino, for all I care, he can go buy expensive plane tickets to an exotic country of his choosing, then drive to the airport to catch his flight only to realize that he forgot his passport, and consequently the plane leaves without him!! MUAHAHAHA!!!! What a waste of money, Dino!
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Reaction score
I thought that story ended in a strip search while i was reading it... but nope it was rather uneventful.

Not cool story bro.


He didnt said that to me, but to a good friend of mine.

.William Wallace today at 19:26 (yesterday)
Oh and you guys shouldn't worry about that spy in the north, there is none. I was doing some teamviewer stuff with Dallow regarding Opera and he read my mail that way :) (Dallow is my co on w68 and he is in wobble on w65). If you don't believe that I don't really care. My stats speak for themselves, I'm no spy, never was and never will be.

For history reasons, i do beleive that Dennis never spied. He was always loyal to us but got stack with this world. I do beleive what he also wrote that dallow propably did some search stuff on his own.
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Naz, your desperation is showing:

[spoil]Side 1:
Tribes: Wobble
Side 2:
Tribes: TB!, TB!2

Timeframe: Last 24 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 23
Side 2: 7
Difference: 16


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 219,252
Side 2: 65,222
Difference: 154,030


With leavers/kicks:

[spoil]Side 1:
Tribes: Wobble
Side 2:
Tribes: TB!, TB!2, SVG, DOMINO
Players: ChemicallyImbalanced, Haters Gonna Hate.

Timeframe: Last 24 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 51
Side 2: 7
Difference: 44


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 481,722
Side 2: 65,222
Difference: 416,500


And we can't even include jarycco, who barbed out on ya.

Don't be mad because players don't like your tribe, and don't accuse people of things they didn't do if you're not sure they did them. Which you clearly aren't, because Dennis himself says he never thought Dallow checked his mails.

And might I add that if that was our source of mails, it wouldn't reach back nearly far enough to explain all the information people are sending us for free? Now put that desperation back somewhere else, k?


I've been waiting for my invite you promised. I'd be a little more solid and consistent than your current leadership at least :icon_wink:.

Don't get your hopes up :icon_razz:.