now you got him suiciding for you Barb
his loyalty is admirable
his account is 10 years old!
only 17 posts
last 3 all today, defending you from me
when it was you who started our beef, for no reason, with a stupid post accusing me of a stupid post lol
what a crazy story here
awper, i am going to use kid gloves for now with you
clearly, there are some basic elements you do not grasp
1. Strawberry Queen sent my school multiple devices for those students to be online, others have provided help as they were able, folk i met in TW
this ^^ speaks to purpose & sense of me interacting with TW players, some are worth knowing & clearly i can draw attention
2. H0lly offered an hour podcast with me & 2 other guests if the offer got 15 upvotes, it got 20 in hours
he even warned you all about me
this ^^ speaks to that, not only do i draw attention, clearly i draw support, though equally clear is the fact i draw haters as well
right Jirki?
i am also active on twitter skype, sometimes i visit random online chatrooms
i played TW in the past though, my being here is not random
3. i did not brag about my admittedly blessed life till you insulted it
4. i did not start the shit with Barb
i asked a neutral question, a good question, the community is toxic? not my fault, i don't create the reality
5. would the kids cheer me? duh?
basically, everything you posted is demonstrably wrong, from ALL evidence in a single page alone
we could meet, i posted 2 videos showing what i look like, i'm not hiding bro
what is obvious is that you are blindly loyal to Barb
i promise, everybody here would prefer you leave folk like Martin & Michael to come to his aid, he has no shortage of folks with thousands of posts who hate me
nobody wants to see me vs you
You take ignorant and delusional to a whole new level.
Yes, I have 13 posts in 10 years, around 20 posts in 13 years with my other account. So what? I have spent my time playing the game, which clearly you don't seem to understand that these forums are for people who play this game.
Like I said before, I don't know barbarian, never spoke to him before (as far as I'm aware) and have no "loyalty" to him whatsoever. I just don't like people like you who go around talking a load of shit in places where they're clearly not appreciated. Every world you blab your mouth on slowly dies and I actually like this world so would rather you piss off to your blessed life.
1. Who the hell cares? What is your point? If those kids or their parents saw the way you talk online you'd hear a whole lot of something and it won't be cheering. If you are part of a teaching board, would they be happy to see all your comments here?
2. Who the hell cares? What is your point? Because 1 person made a joke about including you in a pod cast, that makes you feel special or something? You being here obviously isn't random. You can't just RANDOMLY register and start being an idiot on a community forum for a dead browser game.
It's like balian saying that he posts so much because theres someone out there in TW who cares so it makes sense for him to keep posting... right?
3. Like I said, delusional. Every post you make on any world always mentions your blessed life which you choose to run away and hide on the internet from.... Weird isn't it.. if I had a shit load of money, travelled everyone and was well respected by "children" in education.. I god damn sure wouldn't be spending my spare time insulting people and causing drama in a gaming community. With all the money, time and respecty you "have", you could make this a better game, not shove it further down a toxic hole.
4. You started shit by bringing his family into this post for whatever pathetic and sad reason. If not for that, I would have continued to ignore you like i have since you came back on w94 and I made a fool out of you where you ended up leaving your own w94 world chat because you couldn't handle a debate.
Btw, when you say shit like "my kid gloves" and you work with kids.. that is really creepy shit.