Funniest Mails EVER

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lol...i aint fat....if u wanna see my pic then go to the thread...which says
Showurself posted by cowulffgirl....


oh of course im a big noob, wow do you say that too everyone??? your worse than sean 5500(people of w 24 know who im talking about) and you state that i need to get my act together?? how is my act not together may i ask? and honestly the one who needs to get their act together is your tribe, maybe you should try staying off the forums more and staying in the game more so your tribe wouldnt be getting thier asses beat by [r] so bad? oh and im the noob sir? big words for someone who main entre is barb villages. and i would love to continue this lovely convo with you sir, but im going to take my own advice and just leave you to yourself. I will not reply to you anymore, so goodbye and hopefully you will meet me in the battlefield one day :p


bye bye...loser :lol: by the way..just for info...i dont noble anything below 9 k points.....and their are few barbs with tht much definitely i cant be a barb nobler..but hey if u wanna go barb then give me a buzz...i will be more then happy to noble them for ya.......and by getting ur act together i meant to refrain urself from using in
a** which u so wonderfully used in ur previous post...this is the public forums were people of all ages come...including a lot of young innocent please act in a more descent and polite manner....and note...noob is not a bad means newbie...which u definitely are....and as for the tribe thing...just wait a little longer until u guys are within range...then u will see something wownderful :)
note: we arent noobs to be wasting 30 to 40 nukes per day...on a target 50 hrs away and still not getting it....example..besla huge odd thanks to u guys :icon_cool: keep it coming...i know thts wat he will say...:lol:
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oh wait i just checked...u have 0 points...guess i missed my chance to meet u in the battlefield.....:icon_cry:

and here i was looking forward to it....:icon_twisted:


oh ya that wouldnt be because im coplaying another account, of definitely not :( and actually my account is about your size, see you if you can make over here


heh, it wasnt sword who got made a fool out of himself via pm ;) I'm thinking that you guys are just po'd that you got shown up for what you are

As to an invasion of privacy? What the heck? I think that shrink may be a good idea... XD

judgek-what do you mean by multiple accounts? Hrst is not an account of mine....?


WOW mommy must be really proud of you you snot nosed brat.....A whole 15 and think you know it all. Got news for ya sunshine you got a lot to learn and a very RUDE awakening coming.

I think that it may be a good idea if you guys just stop talking. You are just digging yourself a bigger hole. I see that you got a friend of yours to mail me, and that mail will be showing up here soon lol

I do have to say that world 46 would be quite boring without you XD


Ah well, so true, I am sitting in my moms basement, a total loser who is... making a fool of you!

Well I think you are funny also, at least you trying lamely to insult me is anyway. I hope you arent decieving yourself into thinking that you noobish insults are going to show anything more than that you are a complete noobkien (to borrow swords word)


oh ok, i just heard you mention my name in your second to last post and was wondering what you meant


Its not really about being a puss to send attacks at a noobkien. I would say that since you are 166 hours away from me by axe, that it really would only be a waste of time to do that.

You didnt seem to know that they were fakes yesterday, you seemed a little bit freaked out. If you have some problem with me, you can send your own attacks, instead of just insulting and trying to scare me away. Your big mouth is getting you nowhere except into the shrinks office ;)


Here's a nice chat I had. tsk tsk, the grammar is terrible though, I cannot believe it :O

Oyler125 today at 21:03
your lucky your several k's away
ampatriot today at 21:05
Why is that sir?
Oyler125 today at 21:10
im friends with vengeful fist, do you really have nothing better to do than harrass a smaller tribe, and someone that isnt as experienced as you.
ampatriot today at 21:15
Oh, what a nice character, that vengefulfist. Have you read the mails from that encounter? If you have you would know that they made fools of themselves, I barely had to help them. Personally, I would never try to protect someone that noobish, but you can do what you want. Also, you probably should not try to threaten me, especially when you cannot even use proper grammar.
isnt- is not or isn't (the apostrophe is key)
your- you are or you're (once again use the apostrophe)
im- I am or I'm (I wonder what your English teacher would think about your grammar?)
Also, run on sentences are not usually permitted.
Once you and your friends begin to work on their grammar and their behavior, then I will start talking to you ;)
Oyler125 today at 21:22
your cute, and i know she is that the most experienced of players but like all noobs(even me in the past and you when you first started) she has potential. And with the right training she can be a great player just like anyone can. and yes i know about grammer, and besides the use of double negatives i really dont care for grammer on tribalwars for it is a game and shouldnt require us to ameliorate ourselves grammer wise for schooling is in the phase of disconstinuety. in small words for you i dont have to perfect my grammer because school is out right now.
ampatriot today at 21:31
Why thank you! I try my best :) I do agree that I was of course once a noob, and everyone is to some extent. However, as a noob, we have the right to take advantage of and give a hard time to them.
The first training that she should have (and of course you also) is a proper English class. Your lack of grammar only shows that you do not really care about this conversation.
I notice that you try to overwhelm me with your vast knowledge of the English language by using such words as "ameliorate" and "disconstinuety" both of which you mispelled. Thank you for then translating your Shakespearian language into format that simple peasants like myself can understand, if you had persisted with your loftiness you would have lost me in your dust.
I am not as brilliant as your highness and will never have your grasp of grammar and speech. I am in awe of you and your awesomeness.
I am not sure what school you go to, but with your incredible grammar, I am sure that you participate in the phenomenom known to us peasants as "Summer School"
Thank you for taking your precious time to speak with rabble such as I, and I hope that you will stoop and speak with me again. XD
Oyler125 today at 21:36
no sir never been to summer school actually i just graduated with the valedictorian, which means i was the very top in my class, and will be attending a university that is rated number one in the world for aeronautical engineeing :p, and yes i dont care much for this convo, for all i said was your lucky your several k's away. you assumed that i said you were lucky because if you where in my k that i would attack you, but thats you assuming, i could have meant that your lucky because your k has prettier grass. :) see i never threatened merely you just assumed. and you know what assuming does :). and no i did not spell those incorrectly. true thats not how you spell them in modern english but where those words are derived from(classic latin) i spelled them correctly :)
ampatriot today at 21:50
Well I am not sure what they call it in your land, but in my kingdom they do not call the class fool Valedectorian.
I have not heard of this aeronotical engineeing, but if it is anything like Engineering I am sure that you will have fun ;)
I think you misinterpreted what I said about you threatening me. Your mere presence is what is threatening me, not what you said. I am in fear of your mighty speech and incredible engineeing prowess. I felt that you were threatening me with your great intellect and brilliant words.
My native language is Latin and those words are not from my tonuge.
If you are really a scholar of my langauge, which God do you serve? If you are a Zeus worshipper I will have to slay you, while if you serve Jupiter as I do, then I will spare you.
Oyler125 today at 21:57
haha my b, as i said i am not focusing on grammer much in this thread, and the funny thing about latin is that its a dead language, so there is absolutely no way latin is your original language :), also sir zeus is greek, so would have no relevance in roman mythology :)
ampatriot today at 22:02
Exactly, I was wondering if you were a Greek, the motherland will not allow any Greeks to survive, as they are blasphemers and worship Zeus.
What is this nonsense about Mythology? You do not believe in the gods?
I live in the Roman Empire, and my language is indeed latin. Why do you say it is a dead language, all of my countrymen speak it.
I do not believe that you know how to spell at all, you probably should go take some "Summer School" with the rest of the "Valedectorians" that you speak of.
Oyler125 today at 22:05
you spelled valedictorian wrong sir :) um so you live in modern day italy, lol i get what your saying and yes latin is a dead language, and if your so fluent sir, say the branch fell.
ampatriot today at 22:08
Actually, I spelled it correctly in my native language, and no, I do not know of this Italy that you speak of. I live in Rome, in the midst of the great Roman Empire.
I will not use my native language in the presence of barbarians like yourself.
By the way, you still have not told me who you serve. Where do you live? Persia? Greece? Saxony?


OHH TRUST ME MY ATTACKS ARE COMING AND WON'T BE NO FAKES INVOLVED. and your tribe isn't going to back you on it. you wanted to make this personal well you got it jr. I'm gonna wipe you from the face of TW and nobody is going to save you. And I take every attack seriously so no you didn't freak me out I just hate punk bullies

Ok, we will see if my tribe backs me up or not. :icon_twisted:

I wanted to make this personal? What are you talking about? This was not personal at all lol, I just like to get some entertainment from noobs, and you provided me with more than enough, and actually, you still are.


oh ya that wouldnt be because im coplaying another account, of definitely not :( and actually my account is about your size, see you if you can make over here

Don't care....

WOW mommy must be really proud of you you snot nosed brat.....A whole 15 and think you know it all. Got news for ya sunshine you got a lot to learn and a very RUDE awakening coming.
err....mommy isnt home...and i m 15+5=20 hope ur tiny brain can comprehend such intimate and divers mathematics....:icon_cool:

OHHHH Jr how sad you truly you seriously think that these folks don't know who and WHAT you are? nothing more than a pathetic little boy stuck hiding in mommies basement because your zits are so bad the girls won't have anything to do with you. And as far as Oyler goes he did that one all on his own and I'm sure he's going to want to have more than one word with you. As far as I'm concerned your just a punk who thinks he's funny

wtf? zits....take a good look at my picture.....its on the other thread...go find it if u want......i m easily more good looking then u....and as for girls.....already have 4 hotties as my gf for now...but the numbers change every can't really be bothered....

OH shove the noob thing up your backside it OLD and CHILDISH. I got more experience than you could ever hope to have I just don't brag about it. OHHHHHH big deal you got me on some BS little kids game. Drop it punk back your big mouth up ingame. Now PUT UP OR SHUT UP why don't you try sending some real attacks to me instead of the pathetic fakes you sent yesterday or are you too much of a PUSS

improper conduct....u dont see us do you....:)
and as for being experienced....i almost became a daddy like 5 times already :icon_eek: and heck i m just 20...:icon_cool: still have a long ways to go...that easily tops wat ever minuscule experience you may have contracted through you long and unhealthy life.....this was a small inside into the real life of swordalchemist...:icon_cool: sponsored by....Coca Cola (little drops of joy in every bottle)......

all further pathetic posts will be replied for now....i need to rest my wary mind and exhausted body from all the laughter u guys have given me....thanks for entertaining and insulting yourself so wonderfully....u guys truly are the definition of pure noobkiens....

hope to hear from you soon...
yours sincerely,


no your tribe won't back you I've already made sure of that. Seems your digging your own grave

Is that so? I could pick out 5 people off the top of my head that would help me out :D

Fortunately though, I dont need anyone's help, I would say that my villages are quite nicely build :p


@ BigRooster5


@ ampatriot

*gets popcorn*:icon_cool:


You said what I wanted to say, only better and less trollish and more to the point. :icon_cool:


And one more thing be fore I go for the evening the picture that is supposed to be you.......Is a picture of the guy they called Coach on Survivor it from when he was younger I remember them showing it at the end of the season......So now busted.... your a LIAR as well as a punk

How the f*** does this look like some old fart from some crappy tv show.....

take a good look at it with ur poor diminishing eye sight......if u cant distinguish it then i suggest you go to a doctor quick....before u really turn blind.....:icon_eek:

note: fart is not a bad word....its what fat old people such as urself do....wen in public....this keeps the masses a considerably distance away from you......thus resulting in ur misery.....

also crappy is not a bad word.....its wat you do in ur bed and have some nurse who was unlucky to have fallen in ur pathetic clutches clean later on...or maybe a helpless women who have had the bad fate of becoming ur wife....(hats off to the wife for dealing with such a loser...)

ok i guess i should stop now...this has gone far please save urself from replying with further pathetic posts and thus resulting in the misery of begin buried even further....u have already crossed the crust....anymore will result u in being in the core....:icon_eek:
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hey cant take swordy seriously at all. just check his pic on the show yourself thread. just a little kid man..lololol
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