FYI, it's /facepalm.
Boo, He Who Will Not Answer His Mail!!!:icon_redface::icon_cry:
edit: ...and has teh best sig.
FYI, it's /facepalm.
Whats An Alias today at 16:12
You wants 2 merge into mine tribe?
oldabom today at 16:13
why would i want to merge into your tribe when we are the best tribe on the game
Whats An Alias today at 16:15
Because I wont fail.
oldabom today at 16:16
you are the only member though why would i move 147 members for the sake of you
Whats An Alias today at 16:17
Because I am pro. I has an alias XD XD XD
oldabom today at 16:18
lol okay then have fun with your tribe mates
boby mc boby today at 16:00
one of your members have threating us we will not take this we want you to diss miss him from your tribe or us and the famly will attck
boby mc boby today at 16:08
we will be attcking [player]Mr Smiley[/player] if we are at war on not he will be farmed by the tribe we will not be threated
stevel100 today at 16:10
blah blah blah
boby mc boby today at 16:12
do you want to see the mail
stevel100 today at 16:21
na im ok blah blaah
stevel100 today at 16:49
boby mc boby today at 17:19
your respons have showen us that you are a un worthy leader and we have now decleard WAR! on you are your tribe
stevel100 today at 17:21
good thanks alot oh yeah Btw
ITS BP you cannot attack /facepalm
boby mc boby today at 17:22
just wait un till it is over
stevel100 today at 17:23
ok then let me see
stevel100 today at 17:24
boby mc boby today at 17:25
like you said they well fail and so will you
stevel100 today at 17:26
really lol wait wait wait let me take that in HA
you will fail
boby mc boby today at 17:27
we are bigger than you in points and in members agence the famly you will fall
stevel100 today at 17:28
yes a family mass recruiting noobs all i can say
Mr Smiley on 18.02. at 21:52
Would you mind doing me a favour?
angelcake on 18.02. at 22:29
no wat is it
Mr Smiley on 18.02. at 22:35
I'm a really nice guy who would really appreciate you starting over so I can have a nice grey next to me.
angelcake on 18.02. at 22:37
get stuffed
Mr Smiley on 18.02. at 22:37
Pretty please with cherries on top?
angelcake on 18.02. at 22:40
no way get some elseto iam here to stay iam in a tribe and not moveing
Mr Smiley on 18.02. at 22:44
You stay in the smae tribe, but your place changes and you suddenly get 500 of each resources.
angelcake on 18.02. at 22:46
no iam not dum if i ould chosee and keep my points then i would but no i can't
angelcake on 18.02. at 22:47
i have been playing for 4 weeks and my brother has been playing for 3 years he has all ready asked you to back off
Mr Smiley on 18.02. at 22:47
Points mean nothing, troops ftw!!!
I once restarted on W33 and got a paladin and 1 spear in my new village.
angelcake on 18.02. at 22:54
liyer but brother has cheaked you out your only on one world
Mr Smiley on 18.02. at 22:57
Its called an alias, I have many different names numpty.
angelcake on 18.02. at 23:01
how many names do you have
Mr Smiley on 18.02. at 23:02
Not telling =P
angelcake on 18.02. at 23:02
i bet there not yours prove it
Mr Smiley on 18.02. at 23:03
Yep they are. Me and my friends play different ones, called coplaying.
Mr Smiley on 18.02. at 23:15
You'll regret it otherwise, yes this is a threat.
angelcake today at 16:50
he has threating me can you help
This message has been forwarded by angelcake.
boby mc boby today at 16:51
ok i will
This message has been forwarded by boby mc boby.
stevel100 today at 16:51
what can you do
boby mc boby today at 16:53
at this time not a lot but were growing faster than you and i know the that qout a few of my members have troops
boby mc boby today at 16:53
i have them a well
stevel100 today at 16:53
wow we all do check it you are mass recruitng we are not
boby mc boby today at 16:55
if we are mass recuting how would you know
stevel100 today at 16:55
well you invite everyone insight and you said we have more members congrats
boby mc boby today at 16:56
wats wrong with that the top tribe in the world do that
stevel100 today at 16:57
well they will fail in a week
dearshadowlord today at 16:49
ive been getting threat from your player [player]MR smiley[/player]IF they dont stop im taking act of war on your tribe we have the rights to this world as well as you and if he wants a fight we will bring the hurt
stevel100 today at 16:49
blah blah blah
stevel100 today at 16:50
Right i will be more serious now
1.) BP cannot attack us
2.) war us i do not care nothing will happen
Mr Smiley knows what he is doing
dearshadowlord today at 16:51
ok then you attack us and your die doom i more experience than u thuo im amoung the top tribe on world 20 so u just made your death bed on this world see u in hell
stevel100 today at 16:52
lol threats death bed its a game fool check me out then rank 4 tribe on w18 so erm yeah hell im alive
dearshadowlord today at 16:53
ok than well see who wins when where up tp power
stevel100 today at 16:55
keep talking rubbish go on this is going to funny ingame mails
dont make a topic about us![]()
DEMON possible leader thinks hes already owning the whole world =)sadder2 today at 18:11
Who the hell do you think you are?
You're messing with one of the strongest tribes of the world, and to you, is the strongest. (k section dominance)
You have an active and powerful player from Demon right next to you, if another of your messages come from you, You shall be held responsible for the 13 players of cookie in k45 (including you) being forced to join your wonderful rim squad by a 97 player attacking party.
Calm your insults or else be relocated to a more "friendly" or "accepting" k section.
Don't be fooled by will run out and you will be overwhelmed unless you take te appropriate Action.
cookie thinks their owning whole world. but hey, you never know.
cookie thinks their owning whole world. but hey, you never know.
cookie thinks their owning whole world. but hey, you never know.
cookie thinks their owning whole world. but hey, you never know.
right you stop bashing a tribe just becuase yours is more useless then a rash you cannot get rid off
so please if you have nothing to say do not say it:icon_eek:
and a minute later he blocked me XDbluddorgy today at 03:42
Hello, do you not think that making a tribe based on the third Reich is not going to have a positive feedback , and could even get you banned by the moderators?
In any case, I am interested in your grandiose ideas for the tribe. How indeed, will you commence this thid Reich, and how would you even control such a inhospitable war machine?
Achilles the brave today at 10:16
i dont think
Achilles the brave today at 10:16
its a game.....i am not nazi
bluddorgy today at 10:17
It is still insulting to some people. I did not say I find it offensive.
Achilles the brave today at 10:18
yes i know....thats why in our forum we decided to change the name
bluddorgy today at 10:18
Why are you inviting my fellow tribe members?
Achilles the brave today at 10:19
lets make a fusion...what do you say??
bluddorgy today at 10:20
I am NOT going to merge into you you idiot.
Achilles the brave today at 10:20
ok....maybe your teammates will
Hehe... I lol alot nowadays, people are making plenty of funnies![]()
Why not lmao, rofl, or even zecheznbatega.
(Zoo eats cat he eats zoo 'nd bites ally the elephant gingerly again.)
kazzzz on 18.02. at 15:37
Islandrules on 18.02. at 15:40
hi. i will see what happens in the future
kazzzz on 18.02. at 15:40
Arsaces today at 21:18
T'is teh sexy from teh Forums!!!
I wuv yoo =P
realmlord1 today at 21:21
yep, i ♥ u too =)
Arsaces today at 21:29
W00t =D
Wanna Cookie?
realmlord1 today at 21:30
oh ya i wantz a cookie!!! wat ones u gotz? =o
Arsaces today at 21:32
Well, theirs Chocolate Chip, Rasin, Vanilla, Smartie's...
And meh personal favourit...
SPAM flavour.
Arsaces today at 21:32
Take yeh pick =)
realmlord1 today at 21:36
oooo i wantz teh spam flavour
Arsaces today at 21:37
You are teh Winner!!!!
<passes box of SPAM Cookie's to teh winner>
realmlord1 today at 21:39
oooo om nom nom nom nom mmmm that waz yummy
---------- today at 02:38
Pandemonium x on 20.02. at 19:03 Quote
Cookie is marked as a NAP for the purpose that it is easier to see them apart from *-V-*. We are still at war with them.
killinyouisfun on 20.02. at 19:03 Quote
alright you got it... master
K6a6o6s on 20.02. at 19:05 Quote
yes o great master of the newbs
bows down and slowly exits the room
sai shadow on 20.02. at 20:00 Quote
we well need a aliiance with some one to help us
PoliticalPower on 20.02. at 20:01 Quote No alliances yet... we're fighting noobs, remember?
kranjcarn on 20.02. at 20:01 Quote
We can ask freinds from other worlds that are different tribes to help us with the attack as we know that they are not noobs
PoliticalPower on 20.02. at 20:03 Quote
Sure... as long as they're not in *V* or Cookie
killinyouisfun on 20.02. at 20:14 Quote
i still got full support from demon lol... so i could get them to rid cookie sence there are cookies in k45
K6a6o6s on 20.02. at 20:20 Quote
i have friends all over K54 from W15 lol
blobmania on 20.02. at 20:21 Quote
Ill see if i can pursuade {F-6} to declare war on Cookie and Victors.
Marcus of Aurelius on 20.02. at 22:50 Quote
I'm all about targeting Cookie and *V*.
But declaring war before having nobles is n00b mistake #4080.
Kind of defeats the purpose of the name of our tribe.
SILVIU.17 on 20.02. at 22:55 Quote
we'll scare and threaten them to death , or till we have 5 villages, and THEN we'll start a war...we'll just ask them to "stand still" and not support each other while we take turns attacking them , lol
Edited by SILVIU.17 on 20.02. at 22:56
K6a6o6s on 20.02. at 22:57 Quote
SILVIU.17 wrote:
we'll scare and threaten them to death , or till we have 5 villages, and THEN we'll start a war...we'll just ask them to "stand still" and not support each other while we take turns attacking them , lol
lol i like that idear, that is my kind of playing
Marcus of Aurelius on 20.02. at 23:01 Quote All I'm saying is if you start premature wars you stunt the tribes growth and before you know it you and your enemies are obsolete and there's new superpowers to deal with that were smart enough to lay low and grow.
It doesn't take much for a tribe to loose morale and have it's members start jumping ship.
PoliticalPower on 20.02. at 23:02 Quote
Marcus of Aurelius wrote:
All I'm saying is if you start premature wars you stunt the tribes growth and before you know it you and your enemies are obsolete and there's new superpowers to deal with that were smart enough to lay low and grow.
It doesn't take much for a tribe to loose morale and have it's members start jumping ship.
That's my point.
PoliticalPower on 20.02. at 23:04 Quote
I'm the one who said the four or five villages thing. Go with me, if you're in doubt
SILVIU.17 on 20.02. at 23:05 Quote
Marcus of Aurelius wrote:
All I'm saying is if you start premature wars you stunt the tribes growth and before you know it you and your enemies are obsolete and there's new superpowers to deal with that were smart enough to lay low and grow.
It doesn't take much for a tribe to loose morale and have it's members start jumping ship.
I totally agree with that idea. but One player says we shouldn't start a war until we have 4 or 5 vills, another one says we're already at war, and with Two tribes...can we make up our mind please ? lol
SILVIU.17 on 20.02. at 23:05 Quote
PoliticalPower wrote:
I'm the one who said the four or five villages thing. Go with me, if you're in doubt![]()
good to know
PoliticalPower on 20.02. at 23:06 Quote
I was being sarcastic... but I'm still right lol
Marcus of Aurelius on 20.02. at 23:07 Quote Yep, if you could play Cookie and V against each other that would be brilliant.
Just tell them you're backing off and then feed them misinformation so they go at each other.
----------- today at 02:43
read this too
sai shadow on 20.02. at 14:37 Quote
So we are at war with V right
Pandemonium x on 20.02. at 14:37 Quote
Of courseNo telling anyone about it till BP is over.
PaulStuartPTY4 on 20.02. at 14:39 Quote
Aha, seems like I'll be in the middle of the warzone, this should be fun.
sai shadow on 20.02. at 14:39 Quote
aww ok lol im going to barg about PRO in pub forums
Pandemonium x on 20.02. at 14:40 Quote
This will prove who has troops.
K6a6o6s on 20.02. at 14:45 Quote
i have a friend in there who will set me as sitter when ever i need =P
PoliticalPower on 21.02. at 07:21 Quote
Let's not be to aggressive. Don't waste troops needlessly, or we'll fall behind. I wouldn't really start a war until we have 5 or so villages each. Yes, they're pointwhores. Oh well. Let them grow for awhile, they'll eventually crumble themselves