Funny IG mails.


joelsmith69 on 14.02. at 18:16
So, you would need about 3 FULL NUKES to clear 1 of my vills... I guess that evens out the numbers you have in villages over me :D

madmaz on 14.02. at 18:17
If I need 3 full nukes to clear 1 village (which I highly doubt) then you're a turtle.

joelsmith69 on 14.02. at 18:18
Yup. Pretty much :D Not many offensive vills. In my W37 account, it is the complete opposite. When I came to W32, I was surrounded by alot of strong players and the only way I could survive was to be a turtle. I hate playing that way, but what cha gonna do? lol

madmaz on 14.02. at 18:19
Thanks for letting me know.

joelsmith69 on 14.02. at 18:19
NP. Im looking forward to my ODD rising :D

madmaz on 14.02. at 18:20
You won't be looking forward to nothing.

joelsmith69 on 14.02. at 18:23
;( why not?

madmaz on 14.02. at 18:24
Like I said, thanks for letting me know.

joelsmith69 on 14.02. at 18:26
Letting you know what? I am a turtle?

madmaz on 14.02. at 18:26
No. That god gave you a banana.

joelsmith69 on 14.02. at 18:34
LMFAO Indeed he did... How do you know Im telling the truth?

madmaz on 14.02. at 18:36
Because I'm god.

joelsmith69 on 14.02. at 18:37
Thanks for the banana, BTW :D

madmaz on 14.02. at 18:40
No problem.

joelsmith69 on 14.02. at 18:44
So who's your target?

madmaz on 14.02. at 18:46
Stupid questions don't get answers.

joelsmith69 on 14.02. at 18:47
No such thing as stupid questions... Didn't anybody ever tell you that?

madmaz on 14.02. at 18:48
Clearly it is.

joelsmith69 on 14.02. at 18:49
Clearly you answered it lol

madmaz on 14.02. at 18:52
Clearly I haven't considering the fact that you asked me who I was going to attack, yet didn't give you any information on that matter, therefore you don't have a clue who I will attack. In which case, no I didn't answer your question.

joelsmith69 on 14.02. at 18:54
Hey, "God", how many offensive vills you got in K2 and 22?

madmaz on 14.02. at 18:59
More then you.

He didn't say anything after that :lol:


skoornn on 13.02. at 23:49
You searched for war?

ZAKIPOO on 13.02. at 23:51
were you?
u were attacking me and few of my members,.. naturally were attacking back

skoornn on 13.02. at 23:52
ok no problem its war between your tribe and mine

ZAKIPOO on 13.02. at 23:53
lol your tribe is getting owned beside you attacked us first so u were calling for it.

skoornn on 13.02. at 23:55
what? we'll see who loses the war there more members near me to my tribe than the tribe

ZAKIPOO on 13.02. at 23:57
i dont care,..

you dont belong in K14 anymore

heh o well


yeah... because making fun of french people have never been fun...


Ohai on 30.01. at 12:01
Can u please try to get me into [player]TQ[/player] ?

thirsty on 30.01. at 12:07
Why should I?

Ohai on 30.01. at 12:07
because ur leader dosen't read my mails ...

thirsty on 30.01. at 12:10
Recruitment is closed. But if you consider yourself lucky then contact [player]jinxie[/player].

Ohai on 30.01. at 12:11
thanks for the information ;)

thirsty on 30.01. at 12:12

Ohai on 30.01. at 12:14
Do u think I have any chance to get in ?

thirsty on 30.01. at 12:15
Not at all

Ohai on 30.01. at 12:19
ahhh ...

thirsty on 30.01. at 12:20
sorry :(

Ohai on 30.01. at 12:26
I am disperate , I need to find a good tribe around me !

meh, not funny but i felt like posting a mail here.

Poor guy was a refugee i think. Either way he was awful i believe.
also, this is not the full mail.


thirsty on 30.01. at 12:15
Not at all

made me lol

Glad :)
thirsty on 10.02. at 19:37

SHaKeSPeaReD on 10.02. at 21:08


thirsty on 10.02. at 21:16

SHaKeSPeaReD on 10.02. at 21:41

thirsty on 10.02. at 21:42

SHaKeSPeaReD on 10.02. at 21:44

thirsty on 10.02. at 21:45

ANother match? but you start this time. :)

SHaKeSPeaReD on 10.02. at 21:46

thirsty on 10.02. at 21:46

SHaKeSPeaReD on 10.02. at 21:49

thirsty on 10.02. at 21:50

SHaKeSPeaReD on 10.02. at 21:51

why the sad face ha ha ha.

SHaKeSPeaReD on 10.02. at 21:52

thirsty on 10.02. at 21:53
is more like deformed eyes lol


SHaKeSPeaReD on 10.02. at 21:54

Another draw..we will have to settle this with nobles lol..talking of which I have to go and launch some ;)
Good game.

thirsty on 10.02. at 22:06
i was thinking if one losses then the loser should give up a village :p

SHaKeSPeaReD on 10.02. at 22:14
Which one can I have lol..


I dont like to lose ha ha.

thirsty on 10.02. at 22:18

Pick which ever you like. They all sexy :p

thirsty on 10.02. at 22:19


SHaKeSPeaReD on 10.02. at 22:19
Ok something with long legs and sexy..oh and must be female lmao.

thirsty on 11.02. at 01:52
damn it. I was going to order my villagers to shave their legs.

SHaKeSPeaReD on 11.02. at 14:04
LMAO.. Iv seen worse.

thirsty on 11.02. at 14:55
like female with ***************************************?

SHaKeSPeaReD on 11.02. at 14:58
Err no I will leave that to you mate lmao.

thirsty on 11.02. at 15:00
lol,no thanks :p

This mail looks familiar, doesn't it? :icon_wink:


Been a while since I contributed here.

Part 1:
Subject: please set the record straight (16)
Technika3 today at 12:00
sorry to bother you but i would like you to set the record straight in your forum,

your post
If you didn't notice above, AWD is not an independent tribe. They are still connected and thus, basically still family as they always were with Otori and 555. Anyone who keeps up AT ALL with the history of the world is fully aware of surprised there seems to be much ignorance on the matter. Past week's stats only on this family and Time:

can i just say we are in no way connected with AWD and would like that to put right. or Otori for that matter, what otori and AWD have in common i have no idea.

Yours [player]tecknika3[/player]

*Huntress* today at 16:36
You're all refugees from the same family tribe.

Technika3 today at 17:35
i was and never was a feugee from AWD

Technika3 today at 17:35
would like to know where you got that info?

Technika3 today at 17:45
oppps meant to say i was not and never was a refugee from AWD

*Huntress* today at 18:55
You were in =QRA= when they declared war on Time. Anyone who was is considered a refugee...we just can't get to all of them at once.

Technika3 today at 19:14
that statement is wrong? i was in =QRA= but not when i was there did they ever declare war on TIME EVER while i was in that tribe. I was in that tribe and hated every minute of it for 20 days if you check way before they declared war with yourselfs then they disbanded or something to that effect or they changed names

Technika3 today at 19:19
555 was created and i was in this tribe b4 we were as a tribe asked to join =QRA= i hated the way the tribe was run, next thing i knew they had declared war on yourselfs nothing to do with me or 555

Technika3 today at 19:20
they declared war on you way after i left the tribe i was in heard they had declared war nothing to do with us or me

*Huntress* today at 19:28
If you were not in there when the declaration was made, then I'm sure we'll take no issue there. Basically, the entire SW was riddled with HKM, and they split and split and split again, until we got tired of keeping up with it and essentially declared on the entire SW, once HKM. Nonetheless, I don't think you'll have any problem from us anytime soon.

Technika3 today at 19:52
that is fair do's i totally understand your frustration i think the whole of w32 heard the story and yes i agree with you entirly that they split and split and split again, and when one of there small group start a war with you they go do the samew thing over and over they run and hide not us in 555 we are some of the original tribe we stand our ground and those that chose to go with the ones you are after thats fine with us just wanted to clarify we were not and never will be a family with AWD or OTORI they are all a bunch of liars

*Huntress* today at 19:57
Hmm, yea, actually you guys were part of that family. You may not have personally been at the time of the declaration, but yea, 555 was once merged with HKM/QR.

Technika3 today at 20:15
we were never merged with any HKM/QR

Technika3 today at 20:19
we have never been part of those people, you must have picked me up wrong we as 555 are some of the original 555 the others chose to go where they wanted to

*Huntress* today at 20:30
Sigh. You did. The original 555 split and went to ==QRA== in November.

*Huntress* today at 20:38
Dunno why they just got so concerned all of a sudden.

This message has been forwarded by *Huntress*.
Part 2:
Just to set the record straight. (6)
AreYouKidden today at 20:43
None 555 15th October 2009 - 01:00:02 64,673
555 =QRA= 06th November 2009 - 22:00:01 138,489
=QRA= TOF 26th November 2009 - 19:00:02 226,413
TOF None 12th December 2009 - 01:00:01 328,457
None 555 12th December 2009 - 13:00:02 328,544

We take issue with all of these tribes.

555, became part of QRA, and you were a member there for 20 days, fine you left, then you went to another piece of HKM -> TOF, who we also have continued to fight, then you joined back up into 555 which still to this day contains refugees from HKM, making you all victims sadly, but yes, we are still going to come after you, as long as you associate yourself with them.

Keeper of Straight Records.

Technika3 today at 21:12
who are the original that you talk about? and may i add you also have taken people in your tribe that were part of both tribes =QRA= and TOF

AreYouKidden today at 21:33
and may i add you also have taken people in your tribe that were part of both tribes =QRA= and TOF
As is our right to do so, when a tribe goes to war with us, we claim their territory, and will take it in whichever means we see as more beneficial to us.

Just to humor you, players who have been in HKM, or one of the breakoff tribes:

HK-R =QRA= 05th November 2009 - 22:00:02 773,756
=QRA= None 11th December 2009 - 04:00:02 1,300,317
None 555 17th December 2009 - 01:00:01 1,357,153

BLEED! Otori 08th February 2010 - 04:00:01 183,491
Otori 555 13th February 2010 - 13:00:02 243,568

None =QRA= 11th November 2009 - 01:00:02 134,402
=QRA= None 16th November 2009 - 01:00:02 161,453

555 =QRA= 05th November 2009 - 07:00:01 201,388
=QRA= None 05th December 2009 - 13:00:01 356,367
None TOF 08th December 2009 - 22:00:02 362,896
TOF 555 12th December 2009 - 01:00:01 395,039

OTK HK-R 27th October 2009 - 22:00:03 171,043
HK-R None 07th November 2009 - 01:00:02 212,808
None =QRA= 07th November 2009 - 19:00:01 214,640
=QRA= None 11th December 2009 - 04:00:02 289,157

555 =QRA= 05th November 2009 - 07:00:01 375,266
=QRA= TOF 26th November 2009 - 19:00:02 558,416
TOF 555 12th December 2009 - 01:00:01 996,573

Reaper Assassin
SoW =QRA= 07th November 2009 - 01:00:02 261,456
=QRA= AWD 06th December 2009 - 07:00:01 551,907
AWD 555 12th December 2009 - 16:00:02 562,173

OTK TOF 07th November 2009 - 01:00:02 239,901
TOF 555 12th December 2009 - 01:00:01 560,595

And yourself of course.
Need I go on?

Keeper of Straighter Records.

Technika3 today at 21:47
thats fine and fair enough, but we have no quams with your tribe TIME at all,
people go from tribe to tribe sometimes and yes we made a mistake people make mistakes we are human after all.
WE have not a problem with you whatsoever but to still class us as the family of people who were warring with you.

AreYouKidden today at 21:49
Families sometimes fight, it sucks I know.

Technika3 today at 21:51
lol i just don't like the fack we have been classed with AWD and |OTORI they are in no way associated with us as 555


Thread's been dead for awhile...

Anyways, a Water member posted an offer on their forums that anyone who sent him a report of them attacking me would get resources from him (about all he could offer after I nuked him)

kdspuhler on 03.03. at 05:28

Can I attack myself as part of this resource drive you're hosting?

Shadow Eclipse on 03.03. at 13:35
How do you know of this...?

kdspuhler today at 03:56

But I'll send you reports of me attacking myself if you send me packet per report sounds fair right?


arfnot on 07.03. at 01:41

We are tribe on the rim and TQ beats the crap out of us.

Sinse you n The QUEERSare allies cud we be alliz too so war stop and we all can be friends?!???????/ :p



arfnot on 07.03. at 21:23
Answer so your tribe can be put into our protection!

.NaMi. on 08.03. at 00:02
What happens if I say no?

arfnot on 08.03. at 01:10

And you canrt say that we r protctng you!!!!

.NaMi. on 08.03. at 14:43
Hmm, I want to know what happens if you're not protecting us. Does that mean you will attack us? :S

arfnot today at 03:25
yes!!!!!!!! duh

.NaMi. today at 10:49
Go ahead.

I rofl'd


Thats awesome........ like one of the best here....... We should all send some nukes his way!


In response to him mailing one of my members about nobling barbs around him....

windowsven today at 16:00
Take another barbarian around me and you will loose all your villages near me.

Fade2Black on 02.03. at 16:25
We dont take threats too lightly, would you like something to worry about other then someone nobling barbs around you? Just mail me in game...

windowsven on 02.03. at 16:33
Better let him STOP taking barbarian villages around me.

Fade2Black on 02.03. at 16:41
better STOP crying about it

And hence no further response or actions from him or his tribe...


In response to him mailing one of my members about nobling barbs around him....

windowsven today at 16:00
Take another barbarian around me and you will loose all your villages near me.

Fade2Black on 02.03. at 16:25
We dont take threats too lightly, would you like something to worry about other then someone nobling barbs around you? Just mail me in game...

windowsven on 02.03. at 16:33
Better let him STOP taking barbarian villages around me.

Fade2Black on 02.03. at 16:41
better STOP crying about it

And hence no further response or actions from him or his tribe...

where is the humor in this? from what i can see windowsven is in the right, here :icon_wink:


@ Fade2Black

Didn't really do yourself any favours by posting that man, if my calculations are correct I think you will find most people taking windowsven's side in that exchange.

A) The message isn't really funny at all.
B) I know I would be sending a message similar if someone was gobbling up barbs near me.
C) Barb nobling has such a bad habit, why would you advertise it here?
D) 'Don't take threats lightly'... I had a bit of a giggle at that. Just keep taking the barbs and see if there actually is any consequence. I would like to know if Windowsven would spark another war when they already have [H] to deal with.