:icon_twisted: :icon_eek: o.0 .. **sniggers** 0.o:icon_eek: :icon_twisted:
yeah wonder who could have had that conversation with me ^^ :icon_confused:
braves2907 today at 00:18 o'clock
-_-Learn to read. I know how the hell to play the game and don't need the advice of some damn family. I'm not even going to offer an alliance your so nooby.
Lt.Mike today at 00:07 o'clock
I hereby offer you to join the glorious brotherhood of metal.
The BoM can offer you powerful allies experienced advice and a better future.
in hope to see you fight by my side in the future.
Haha, this guy is such a noob. He uses his Circ-mail privs to send this:
**** on 24.07. at 22:56 o'clock
attack abandon villages for resources trust me we will become the best if u attack abandon villages with a paladin.
Later, when we start spaming his mailbox because of his stupidity, this is what he sends, again as a circ-mail, and this proves his idiocy:
Title---> everyone do not reply my message or i will get pissed
**** on 24.07. at 23:05 o'clock
Naturally, I replied to both. :lol:
Do I have grounds to report him?
lol what you talking about... who actually does want to join him...???
if you had only 2 choices to join him or me...??? which one...???
please try and speak english properly...