Who else thinks this is all bs?
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Say no more... its definitely our very own Billy Nomates - dont worry :lol:The gammy 1 today at 20:16
New owner here...
Have I done something to offend you or are you allied with Plight/*MK*?
Endemonadia today at 20:54
Gammy is my nemesis... u should know that.
The gammy 1 today at 20:55
Like I said friend, new owner here.
Endemonadia today at 21:00
tut tut that last line is a total giveaway its still u Gammy...
i know u mate and trying to make out ur a new player it 100% what Gammy would do after he made enemies of absolutely everyone on this world. Being the most hated player in W16 kinda forced u to pretend ur a new player, afterall Gammy craves adoration and he ****ed that up, so starting again and pretending to be a 'nice friendly new personality' is the cowardly act with Gammy written all over it lol
The gammy 1 today at 21:01
Sounds like you two hated each other? Wish I had been informed of that.
Endemonadia today at 21:09
im not falling for your pathetic and cowardly attempt of being a nice guy... so quit the bullcrap
1 thing Gammy would def have told his new account holder was to kill me asap, so if u wanted to make it sound authentic then the 'new player' wouldve known who i am 4sure...
Be a man and show some balls and admit who ur... maybe u can save a little respect being honest for a change.
The gammy 1 today at 21:15
I see there is no making you understand. Carry on then.
Endemonadia today at 21:21
the fact ur only writing 1 line answers to me is the complete giveaway dude
your self-obsessed ego dictates u would do something like this, pretending ur someone else... dont worry mate im having an awesome lol at this pathetic move of yours... i dont care what tribe ur in, but pretending ur someone else cos ur embarressed to be yourself is priceless
I wouldnt be surprised that u block me next so u cant chat with me, cos u know u will give yourself away even more to me if u engage in a conversation
Oh ive been told about your attack style and it is exactly the same way u attacked me... dude ur fail face it lol
The gammy 1 today at 21:24
My attacks style?
I stick to basics, as I learned in W2...point shoot, clear noble. Fairly easy.
Again, you seem to have some type of hatred for the former gammy owner. I can't do much about it since I am now attached to this accounts name. All I can say again is I wish he would have told me about you.
Endemonadia today at 21:37
Keep reading from the script
Your pretence is so badly done mate, your 'lie' has too many holes in it. U have already given away your true identity so please stop trying to convince me otherwise... although on the other hand keep it up cos im in tears over here
The gammy 1 today at 21:43
You seem old enough to make wise decisions. I hope you still feel that way when I drop the niceties and stop being cordial.
I haven't a clue why the old owner never attacked you, or if he did, why nothing came of it. You are obviously still here. But rest assured, I won;t be as nice as he seemed to have been.
You keep attacking me and I will ruin your day.
Endemonadia today at 21:51
Said exactly as Gammy would
U tried for me how many times now and got nowhere every time... u dont learn do u mate. All of your actions on this world have proved how untrustworthy, pathetic and low ur, this badly designed ruse is the cherry on the cake.
U have gone to such lengths to try to 'win', u sacrifice all your respect and honour for a free online game... dude ur a sad man.
The gammy 1 today at 21:54
If I was still the previous owner, and how much of a hated player he was, why would the top tribe take him in?
Anyhow, this conversation is over. You have made your decision and you will regret it.
Endemonadia today at 21:57
I know MK and its exactly what C2 would do to win the game... ur a pawn in the game nothing more. I know when u started to talk to C2 and came up with this plan... your hatred for HRV and plight become mroe than C2 and it was an obvious move for u...
like i said, i dont care what tribe ur in, i laughing too much that ur trying to pretend ur someone else to try to protect the old Gammies principles... grow some and stand by your decision to defect, Robonot and kreamer did and i had respect for them. U sir.... *sigh*
The gammy 1 today at 22:00
You have issues friend, anger issues.
Now, if you don't mind, I have to continue my planned work. I'll deal with you soon enough.
The Gammy 1 said:I just found out something very personal happened in my immediate family
Nothing wrong with a little humor. :icon_wink:
I am in fact the new owner.
Now, nobody knows for sure my status or who I am. I like it that way.
Carry onwards with badmouthing someone you don't even know.
Here's a better idea: Stop inquiring as to who Gammy's account is being run by and start inquiring as to why you can't seem to stop the player, nor c2, from making you look bad:
[spoil]Side 1:
Players: The gammy 1
Side 2:
Tribes: Plight
Timeframe: Last 24 hours
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 36
Side 2: 0
Difference: 36
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 330,753
Side 2: 0
Difference: 330,753
That doesn't mean anything? Gammy just prepared some nobles, and obviously theres no defence there, since its the its not really a fair fight is it?
I must say, I enjoyed seeing you and Ende completely ignore the c2 losses and simply talk about Gammy...
They all know that it still the same lame gammy