Been keeping track and they have been nobling vils more than 400k a day for a few times now, are they the new super power?
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Been keeping track and they have been nobling vils more than 400k a day for a few times now, are they the new super power?
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To many tribe chances per week, meaning they are not satisfied with what they have, and want more more more... They shall fall soon once they get into a war with a northern tribe, as so far it seems all the experience is north, and the numpties are south.(General speaking, majority)
Who cares?
Who cares?
GLORY is a joke, well depending on the observation theyve done on those 2 players of bAd, they got owned by those 2, until 1 got banned and 1 got kicked.
Apathy or Music! my personal bet.
I am rooting for , apathy, and Venus.
Venus, i bet theyre just filling the gaps, establishing some good front.
Its pretty obvious actually
And I was referring that they wont merge when they war with whoever they wants