Glory: The New Superpower?!


In my opinion all the southern tribes are trying to do is gang bang Zombie.


Sadly, it is.

I have to reject your offer, you know, a lot of merge makes your tribe weak, if you what i mean. ;)
That's not true. A merge can go amazingly. But it can also turn into a catastrophic mess. But there are two sides to the fence. But if there is a huge merge simply for power, it will crash and burn sooner than later.


Glory, who? :lol:

Right. We're all noobs. Watch your barbs people,<33 I like gray. It's sexy.

Don't make a fuss of us. We were hardly even mentioned this whole time. :( other than that we wouldn't make it past the gang bang in the first week of the world.


ZOMBIE merged with `Venum' or something, downhill from there.


The "superpower" lost almost 1 mill points from two players leaving. Any speculations?





Whats up whit this? GLORY vs Venus?
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Gangbang FTW...if you checked my location(as an individual) I am/was literally surrounded by them in every direction. I've fended off as much as I could, sniped what I could...lot's of the trains consisted in the first and third of the noble attacks being full nukes.

It has been great fun, props to Glory! 8v1 or something like that, hundreds of fakes and lots of laughs :)

I'm sure you could expect something like that when you've fended them all off from your own defence =p

Alex and Tall I respect most highly, great blokes! They've done a great job :) Along side Sezu, though Alex and tall, I've had some nice convos with. As for the rest...meh. Spartan attacks me with no rams :S

Keep it up Glory :)<3
May the best man win!...well...uh...maybe in this case its not so much the best man, more quantity in numbers :icon_rolleyes:


All recapping will do is delay it further, the point DreamSweeper is trying to make is that he is getting attacked by a few good players, he is literally surrounded by them. look on TWMaps. A good leader will acknowledge that all it is Glory cleaning up their core. A small border dispute, you would have to be extremely hot headed to go to war because of such an ordinary occurrence. So no, no war as far as I know. Not now or in the immediate future. Glory V NS however...


Yea but then DreamSweeper should have joined GLORY if they are all around him not Venus. Just saying. If he knew that he is in middle of GLORY, why join Venus. This choice would make big arguments in future any way.


Yeah, well the point he made is true that it will just delay me being nobled. I personally will not attack Alex nor Tall, I've become fond of them too much. As I got around 400+ incomings, I decided to do a lot of the attacking first, just in case offensive villages were taken etc. so I cleared a few offensive villages, I catted a few villages smithies down to 15- and catted farms to 22- etc etc...I've killed multiple full D as well. Currently a lot of my defence is too low to use to recap as the villages are now stacked. A fair few offensive villages were taken too.

Glory offered me a spot, though what fun would it be in a tribe where I'm clustered in, aye?
I joined Venus along side cwburke as I've gotten along with OD(initials to one of the co players) he leads the tribe. We had big plans for the future and they will still go ahead, my loyalty, respect and honour is very strong with Cwburke.
Glory are a decent tribe and xBoss is a great guy :) Though I do know around 5-10players who don't plan on staying with Glory :icon_sad:


To bad. This is they way this game is meant to be played. Good luck, maybe you can still stay here for some time. Try to noble some barb in Venus territory. ;)


I got banned...accepted the punishment(cost=4villages)
I supported villages for premium :lol:
I haven't read the rules in a while :icon_rolleyes:
Didnt know it wasn't allowed :icon_eek:
Though I'm not complaining, I was in the wrong, whether or not I knew. For example if in a country canobalism is allowed and you were from that place, yet moved to a country which didn't allow it and chose to eat a guy, I'm still to be trialed and punished for it as it's my duty to know the laws of the land. In this case me not reading the rules in some years time.

Kind of an interesting example lol ^
I openly accept the punishment, I understand it is also not allowed to be 'complained' in forums. I am in no way complaining :)

Koodo's from me for taking the battering like a man. Don't see it very often now days without the good old "RL kicked in"