Good & Bad News


Still Going Strong
Reaction score
Hey Guys

The Good news is that today officially marks the day that World 63 turns one year!

The Bad news is I'll be quitting this world along with Tribalwars. Meaning I just do not have the time to play, but I am not quitting forever (~^,)

Its really unfortunate. I wanted to keep this world entertaining for as long as I possibly could. I'm seriously short on time. I'm working 18 hours a day (#true story), i basically just get up eat go to work and go to meetings. I usually put TW first before my Real life if I have the time to spare :p. But currently I have no time to spare at all. I'm seriously wearing myself out.

Those who know me, know I relate a lot of ingame situations to real life and vice versa. Because the way you play here is a reflection of your true self. A person does not spend hours a day on this game without showing who they really are. This world has truly being a great source of learning for me. I grew a lot in terms of a player and as a strategist. I've wanted to do alot here but unfortunately i'm short on time.

It's literally being a roller coaster ride on this world, for myself and my account. I just want to thank everyone for making this world what it was. I hold no grudges towards anyone, never did and never will. I'll definitely see a lot of you on future worlds when I have the time to play again. As to my friends, our conversations will sorely be missed. But please anyone add me on twitter or facebook (Sheldon Eldred Etico)

I do not see me leaving this world as failing to achieve what I set out to do. I never gave up. Through all the hatred everyone had for me at one time or the other. My ultimate goal was to change people's perceptions of what they thought was the truth, which I did achieve with some of you. The big one was with Ciranore. Quite shocking but he eventually came around and saw the person I was.

Anyway this means that Fools win is now virtually secured. My account was suppose to join Solo if i quit, however thanks to Swen's remarks I now have no obligation of doing such a thing and my account will not be fighting any friends. The other accounts might hit delete, go to other tribes or be gifted to deserving friends and players to help them achieve a higher rank before the world closes. I will remain in Worthy. If you have hatred, animosty or anything of that nature towards me or anyone else. LET IT GO. Its a waste of time to have hatred. You could hate someone meanwhile they will be enjoying their time.

I just want to leave you all with something, something I truly live by and I hope that you all try and live by aswell:

[Spoil]People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.[/Spoil]

Cheers guys its been a real blast (~^,)
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All the best. Just because I don't agree with how you have done things of late do I think you are a bad person. I've enjoyed getting to know you and wish you all of the best.



Max you entertained me even if we ended up on different sides and I will miss your posts even if I disagree with some of them. All the best.

Bad Influence


Oh? I didn't expect that. Are you really leaving?

Well, you probably know I thought you were being overly dramatic lately, but we had some fun time fighting and chatting. Good luck.


Gl max who knows maybe we'll end up in the same tribe someday. If your guys in Worthy need a place to call home let me know I'm sure they'll be abit confused with you gone but Zomby or even Solo could take them in without a doubt depending on what side they want to play for which they ultimately got no choice but to decide now with you leaving and without you there to talk your friends in Fools down.

But best of luck and see you around.


Because the way you play here is a reflection of your true self. A person does not spend hours a day on this game without showing who they really are

think that makes you quitter all round :)
You played both sides to your own advantage and now youve been called out you run away with your head down in shame

dont waste anymore time postin crap, and before you go rename your tribe Wanting because your not Worthy of anything


think that makes you quitter all round :)
You played both sides to your own advantage and now youve been called out you run away with your head down in shame

dont waste anymore time postin crap, and before you go rename your tribe Wanting because your not Worthy of anything
lets not turn this into a bashing thread its for a farewell. If you can't handle it don't post pretty simple. Your also forgetting yes Fools is not still there due to one player along yes but max is responsible for quite a few of its founding movements and saved the tribe more than once without him doing so Fools wouldn't be there now. Don't forget that part. I think you owe him at least a snippet of respect.


lets not turn this into a bashing thread its for a farewell. If you can't handle it don't post pretty simple. Your also forgetting yes Fools is not still there due to one player along yes but max is responsible for quite a few of its founding movements and saved the tribe more than once without him doing so Fools wouldn't be there now. Don't forget that part. I think you owe him at least a snippet of respect.

Not bashin but this is a public forum so dont tell me not to post because you dont like to read it

Max leavin dont suddenly make him a better person. You might think hes a martyr I think different :)

He played both sides, fact is he leaves only when hes been called and his lies are worthless. That was his game because he wanted this tribe to fall on a personal argument with a couple of the leaders and thought he could convince the World with his crap.
He bragged about the damage he did by again tellin tales and being dramatic
Some will still entertain him as they dont want him to give his villas to the enemy. Me I dont care what hes does, hes been shown for what he is which I cant post publicly lol

I had respect for SoLo before, I now have much respect for their duke for his postin of Max's mail

I dont owe Max respect and he knows what I think, its not hate but like Ive said I dont have the time of day for the guy
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Max was expecting all the players to join him actually.Very few did.


Good luck Max and all the best. I'll beat you senseless in the next world your on ;) if i ever come back after 63's ended.
Hope work doesn't become to much for you, everyone needs a rest once in awhile.


Max, you can transfer the premium to dd1980, i'm playing the casual world ;)

WaTz PopPiN?

It says alot when a very important person in your tribe quits, and posts it in the worlds for all to see....


Good luck in RL Max, its been fun playing in W64 with you and W63 against you :)