Good Ole' Days


I remember being impervious to grade 'A' slander and being a supermassive epic tribe hopper.

I remember Eru, God I miss Eru. :'(

Hai Arky! and Cecy!


Well he doesn't miss you at all



one of my fond times was when Sci attacked DA in K25 and K35. Me and hermit lost about 90% of our villages in the first wave but thanks to a little help from SVBD in the form of 200k troops to each of our last 7 villages between us.

They had that support their till mine and hermits own arrived then we started taking back a village here and their and they couldn't figure out who was supporting the taken villages at the time. :)

The best part was the members that they had join from DA in the area was spies the entire time and was feeding me with all kinds of info. Most was bs but some was good stuff.

Now as for the Thana discussion from a few pages back I just want to add my two cents.

While thana and I never agreed on much and we argued off and on and me leaving DFB because of her recruiting Topat. She was a damn good leader. She was the sole reason DFB survived as long as it did after the other leadership had left. That woman ate, drank and breathed DFB. At any given time she was sitting no less than 5 accounts and 2 of them being under heavy attack. I can't remember how long she sat that one DFB account that RFG was pummeling for months on end and the player had long since left the game but she never gave up on defending that account.

The way I see it Thana learned her skills in DFB and she used them to help her tribe in every way she could so gargareth you want to chime in that you kicked her from your tribe twice and dance around then go for it because I think I can speak for all of the Ex DFBers and the LFKD those that are still around and those who have left us. That we thank you for giving us Thana.

Oh and Hi Mattius I still think your a jerk but a cool one off and on that I have the urge to nuke every time we chat. I remember the first civil conversation we had in irc. After we talked you left and hilstead was like "omg no bloodshed are you two sick?"


Anyone remember The Knights Templar, truly terrifiying tribe...


Only 2 tribes in this world where i really liked to be, but not that one kk, i was never there anyway.
Your tribes on other worlds were truly terrifying KK! :D


It's always nice to see a good joke on the forums from time to time.
Thanx Jake.

They had a nearly as terrifying allie in Order of the Black Hand (Most will remember Darlek!) and a ferocious enemy called Clash ran by a Joker who then renamed as.... oh damn, memories finally gone...

Oh well... these were the good ole days :icon_wink:


I for 1 have no memories of what you talk about, you sure you are on the right worlds forums? :p

Good old days where when =V= went to war with VVV and pawned them then merged into VVV -.- xD LOL


Yes, it was much of a joke!

Our tribes were mere easy pickings for the bigger tribes. Psycho, Sciros, PK's and yes, V had just formed back then.

Nice to see Sciros made it to rank 1.

The Knights Templars had a leader who got attacked over night, lost 6 of his 12 villages in a few hours. After his cries for help were met with a handful of tribesmen sending maybe 100 sword each and marching two days to his defence, he deleted his account. My first experience as a tribesman :icon_biggrin:

I changed my IGN so looking at my join date on this forum, it would be the summer of 2007.
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Yes, it was much of a joke!

Our tribes were mere easy pickings for the bigger tribes. Psycho, Sciros, PK's and yes, V had just formed back then.

Nice to see Sciros made it to rank 1.

The Knights Templars had a leader who got attacked over night, lost 6 of his 12 villages in a few hours. After his cries for help were met with a handful of tribesmen sending maybe 100 sword each and marching two days to his defence, he deleted his account. My first experience as a tribesman :icon_biggrin:

I changed my IGN so looking at my join date on this forum, it would be the summer of 2007.
I don't think that anyone is interested in the history of a worthless tribe like the knights templars.


Well everyone has to start in some tribe, Pk's wouldn't have had a guy who sent his first two nobles in the same wave...

I remember the beginning of the war between LFDK and Sci. Sciros being ranked 5 and LFDK taking higher rankings. Scovia were quite a tribe too and also Scirion not far behind.

I've learnt the game since 2007 and also quit playing. It's always interesting to drop by from time to time...
These times when your learning the game just can't be beaten for enjoyment and fun I've found.


Well everyone has to start in some tribe, Pk's wouldn't have had a guy who sent his first two nobles in the same wave...

I remember the beginning of the war between LFDK and Sci. Sciros being ranked 5 and LFDK taking higher rankings. Scovia were quite a tribe too and also Scirion not far behind.

I've learnt the game since 2007 and also quit playing. It's always interesting to drop by from time to time...
These times when your learning the game just can't be beaten for enjoyment and fun I've found.

The issue with tw is there is no end in sight, hence the fun died along time for me also, can only dedicate so much of your personal life.


Time is a big factor, especially if your very competitive.

Damn I loved this game but there's no way I could start a new account.