Your name takes me directly too a tribe that failed even more, dark energy.
How many times did that piece of crap return, merge with sci, return yet again, and yup, straight too sci again?
I lost count, but you, as gloriously failed leader of that sucky tribe must kept the count.
It may not have been the most organized tribe, but it had good players and I had a blast with my buddies there.
For the record, it returned twice. Once after INW was dying and again when my last small group of surviving friends from that tribe decided to fight VVV after shedding the name of =RS=. So it returned two times. It merged into SCI only ONCE. The first time was a split between the leaders, about 5-6 disgruntled players (Hydrus, Notlehs Emanon, and Horusthesin, among others) joined SCIOVA. The vast majority reformed under INW with Kidum, Omnama, and Undergroundscream at the top. I later was promoted duke with the first two deleted. The merge you speak of occurred when INW as a tribe was done for, and I brought it into [SP] with SCIOVA's permission.
So if you are losing count at the number two, I would suggest not quitting Kindergarten in your next life.
I, on the other hand, can at least count to seven, which is the number of players who joined YOUR sucky tribe called 1337. 5 are now dead, and 2 will be soon.
I would not be so quick to commend others on past failures, when you have clearly shown you are quite prone to them as well.
Still, although I fight for SCIROS, there is no tag I would rather fight under than Dark Energy, regardless what dead players like you say about it.