It has been a month already since this war started and since it is apparent the promised daily stat posting is not occurring, time for another update:
GotRob, =GTC= vs -34-
Side 1:
Tribes: GotRob, =GTC=
Side 2:
Tribes: -34-
Players: Gods Of Wars, Bradders the Bold, raggae, senbel, coldstone, slugger64
Timeframe: 23/05/2012 20:14:02 to 23/06/2012 21:42:01
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 671
Side 2: 115
Difference: 556
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 6,007,719
Side 2: 938,137
Difference: 5,069,582
In addition, since they have deleted and cannot be added to the stats, the following additional villages were nobled from -34- after the following players have left the tribe. As is customary, war refugees are part of the stats.
BlacKnight- 40villages
jebusmonkey89 7 villages
The total war stats should be:
GotRob, =GTC= 718 war caps
-34- war caps 115
In addition, I noticed that -34- did manage to have 192 internal nobles (or approx. 80 more than their number of war caps) in the same time period.
They have also managed to keep their total membership fairly steady, despite recruiting
23 new members in that time frame.
For a clearer view of each tribe:
GotRob, =GTC= vs CAN
Side 1:
Tribes: GotRob, =GTC=
Side 2:
Tribes: CAN
Timeframe: 23/05/2012 20:14:02 to 23/06/2012 22:12:22
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 12
Side 2: 0
Difference: 12