scared of getting rimmed i guess
not at all but i would rather kill gotrob from inside out
scared of getting rimmed i guess
jump account and run your mouth epic player totaly bow down to u btw
im one to talk were have i hidden myself mate im dmcd1980 everywere here skype ingame im not in hidding u are heres your chance to be a man take it youl just jump to another account anyway lets be honest thats all youve ever done
revolutions are nearly always against the leading power, gotrob isnt the leading power (not in terms of points anyway) if you want to start a revolution start it against pita, if you want to have a war then its against us.
i am at war hehehe but if you add you and gtc together your are the leading power add esl then your the super power
When all of the members of a tribe move to a new one, I'd consider it sticking with the tribe. So, yeah, he did stick with his tribe. I guess the people in FiG were never your mates, then, eh dmc?
When all of the members of a tribe move to a new one, I'd consider it sticking with the tribe. So, yeah, he did stick with his tribe. I guess the people in FiG were never your mates, then, eh dmc?
why didnt u then ahhhh i no why good chance i proberly rimmed u and hate is a strong word mate i dont hate anyone in the GAME because at the end of the day its a GAME im just getting a bit sick of all these games and backstabbing
lol ok, we can see how scared you are spitting out half nukes at our walls lol
These stats are a few days old, but shows the general idea of how the war has been going:
[SPOIL]Side 1:
Tribes: GotRob, =GTC=
Side 2:
Tribes: -34-
Players: Bradders the Bold, chuckmi, sonofmutley, CT King, croc stormcloud, MichaelBarrymore, Bad1Brad, Liamishere2, Cookie Nomster, Zobalob, wolfgyone, kawa900, MooCFC, dougiep234, senbel, The Newer England, tooter365, mitchthemakem, DeathSurgeon, Name it Lesss, Dajudge163
Timeframe: 23/05/2012 00:00:00 to 12/07/2012 02:40:21
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 951
Side 2: 179
Difference: 772
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 8,336,396
Side 2: 1,445,019
Difference: 6,891,377
Jul 14
17:42 The tribe -34- (disbanded) was defeated.[/SPOIL]
why was sonofmultey kicked from -34-
did someone tip you off he was a spy