Looking back into history, keep remind me about one thing: if at that cross points some person was give me more credit and give more confidence and free hand, now you,Ampac, you was write here on this forum, as member of a tribe part of big regression. I was make so hard coalition vs Prime that after we strike them they not even know what hit them
But things happen.. to much barbs to eat, to much personal feelings in middle, to much revenge let unsolved,people forgot that sometime is essential to forgot things and to move on -- I know , probably none will understand this reply and I will not enter in details about this. Few knows exactly about what I refer to.. so if you don't get it, don't start flame about this
Without trust you cannot have a progress to satisfy all.
I always trust into the good side of a person and I never got disappoint, no care if that person was part of Prime, or Fear, or Saw, or Sparta or Kono.
But again things evolve how they was and we could not give time back lol
Stopping Prime is not so impossible to do.