I only said I don't care that you are under the impression you are superior to me. It's okay, we all make mistakes ^_^
Fictional title as in it doesn't hold any real value or meaning, The King of England had power and responsibility and the like, the King of Spam is a title that has just been invented out of thin air and holds no actual value, power or responsibility. Notice the difference between a title and a name, be careful of the slippery slope, your taking one point and then taking it to the extreme by using leaps of logic. Saying its a made up title = saying you don't exist? Yeah, just a few leaps of logic there.
I had results of speed tests on my school server (which is getting new internets tomorrow), firewall stopped me from doing ping test though >_<
I'll post the 3 results I got tomorrow, and I'll test it again next Monday (or sooner).