How long till the world gets closed?


yea let me and steve coplay your account. We'd have sooooooo much fun :)
0_o woah i missed these posts :D You would make my acc look like a fairy :p Hit me up on skype and its yers lol

Yeah Vic, give it to me and LT for a week bro thats all I'm asking I'll even give you a year of premium.

A year? For someone that is gone this summer? :icon_smile:

I think they forgot about this world. It should clearly be closed already and Won by these 2 hugging tribes. Turn off the lights, bring in the bulldozers.

Sour much? Did you not make it to the hugging tribes? Thats a Shame we can see how much you bring to the table with your very informative posts!!!


Looks like this wont be happening for a while now that DVADER and XVI are warring