How to beat Visine

  • Thread starter DeletedUser122633
  • Start date


After losing twice to Visine core late game now with IL and Burn, I think the only solution is...

5 tribe member limits on all future worlds. If all the other tribes are imploding, its only fair Visine should too.:p


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Would never work , Players in Visine are a tight nit group they would all still play for each other including the players who are in other tribes they would all be allies , spys , backstabbers etc . they will keep merging to make 5 accounts . There is just too many players who want to jump on their band wagon just for a chance to win instead of playing this game the real way and fight for the win .

Because of that when I lose every world I still feel like a winner because I know I stood up and at least tried and didn't bow to hug a winning spot . Hopefully one day enough players will see the way things are going here and fight against them .


ya i do not recruit good players so balian your out

only shittters who like to hug its why im regarded as a top duke pro strats and all that buzz <3

love ed xx

King Banana

(THIS POST IS IN NO WAY MENT TO TAKE ANY CREDIT FROM ANYONE, ANYONE PULLING A WORLD WIN IS AMAZING (except the swedes that won world 100 because of a greedy Alex))

If you want to understand how to beat the best you need to learn from the best.

You all talk about this core of players going from world to world taking wins.

How did this story start? Did it start with a team of 30 pro players? heh....

In my opinion this squads roots is from world 90.
On world 90 we signed up with 15 Norwegian accounts, most of them with solo or duo coverage.
We had one experienced .net player (David - Majestee) with us that helped us understand the politics and gameplay on .net (it was quiet different from national servers).
I am not saying the norwegian players were bad, but compared to a top level .net account we had our challenges.

How did the world procede? There was a hole filled in on the .net server, there was hard to be a part of a good core group, that had strong values and liked to war.
.net is one of the servers where diplomacy is a key to victory. No diplomacy will lead to slaughter.

So what was so special about this tribe full of norwegian unexperienced (.net) players?
WE CAME THOUGHETER! God damn, we all made mistakes, I remember an evening 80% of the players of the tribe sat dead silent on voice chat to hear why certain decissions were made and how we could improve for status quo.

Do you think we recruited anyone that had been top rank 10? We even declined accounts that had been rank one on past worlds, its not about their skills, it is how their skills can CONTRIBUTE to the tribe. Every tribe will have different goals and therefore different qualities.

That moment, the focus changes from individual performance to tribal performance, is a memoriable moment. You will see the motivational drive arise as it has never done before.
Cell phone numbers will be exchanged, "If you are attacked you better call me, we are not loosing another village over bad contact!!!"

If you ever want to create such a core group it is all about branding.
You need a duke with leadership abilities.
Leadership abilites? Lol I can recruit and plan for OP if I want.
Your on the wrong wave my friend..

There are two resources in tribalwars that can get you to your goal
1) People
2) Premium points/Events

What is the MAIN resource to win a world on tribalwars?
and why is it so hard to lead people in games?

So... What does this lead to? A leader/and or the group needs to be inner motivated, external motivation as top rank is not a prime motivation factor.

It is really hard,
but your starting position should not be faulty.

Start with five people, make sure you have the same goals,
it might take worlds, you might never reach it,
but on the road you will have a lot of fun,
when you are a team the desperation and frustration does not bite as hard,
as long as you are in the match thougheter.

If you want to win a world as a duke, or create such a core group, expect to use countless hours. Expect to fail a year at a study, loose a girlfriend.

To get where these amazing people have reached, it takes blood sweat and tears.
No Balian, we did not get good over the night.

I started to build my Norwegian network of players in 2009.

Good luck.

An example of an account that is not the strongest powerhouse, but THE best to have in a tribe, look at ROCKETSMAD. On weekly basis for years I have received messages like this:
"Hi boss! Great work! So happy for the work you put down. All my soldiers are ready to die wherever you want them sent!!"
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change Admin's and Visine will Lose :)

be happy ;)

wrong again


King Banana

For those interested to learn about modern leadership, read up on commitment-based hr and the success story around South West Airlines (USA).


Would never work , Players in Visine are a tight nit group they would all still play for each other including the players who are in other tribes they would all be allies , spys , backstabbers etc . they will keep merging to make 5 accounts . There is just too many players who want to jump on their band wagon just for a chance to win instead of playing this game the real way and fight for the win .

Because of that when I lose every world I still feel like a winner because I know I stood up and at least tried and didn't bow to hug a winning spot . Hopefully one day enough players will see the way things are going here and fight against them .

Players in Visine have total respect and loyalty for Jon and great trust in one another. Having that bond puts the egos aside, people start playing for joy of being part of the team, they support one another and are not afraid of challenge. This is why Kriger's, Odin's and Hazard's alliance will not succeed wining W104.

Good on you for trying though, Visine needs the challenge, it needs it to be remembered as one of the greatest tribes and Jon as one of the best leaders.
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Daffy Duck

Players in Visine have total respect and loyalty for their leader and great trust in one another. Having that solid bond puts all the egos away, people play for joy of being part of the team, they support one another and are not afraid of any challenge. This is why Kriger's, Odin's and Hazard's followers will not win W104.

Good on you for trying though, Visine needs that challenge, it needs it to be remembered as one of greatest tribes.

what you say :rolleyes:o_O

Babylonian Talmud

Skilled Soldier 2017
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I agree with most of the post, but I do not agree with that statement. World winning can be extremely easy at times. Many worlds have very low competition and other worlds mass recruiting can lead to a victory. A win where you spend long hours fighting and pulling out a tough victory is an amazing win in my book. I am happy to be achieving that with Jon and the rest of Visine who helped us out when we were kicked.

Seven Devils

Still Going Strong
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You want Visine to lose? Easy, put them up against a crew of swedish core players and the job will be done without complaints.



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I don't think you can claim the moral high ground Balian , we wouldn't recruit you even if you wanted to join us

Well you have 80 percent of the best players in the Community that will play for you , you need someone to fight and that's where I step in .