Most of my friends by now know that i quit back in late January/early February because my parents split, so i went through a fair amount of crap, and only got resettled properly in April, and only got a laptop in early July.
Except this time i am quitting myself, my own decision.
And yet, i find myself quitting because of the 1 thing i always hated people quitting for. Incomings. I can handle incomings easily enough myself. But, they take up a lot of time. Before, whenever i saw a player quit because of incomings, i always saw it as cowardice, pathetic and a lot of other things. But, yesterday when i found myself trying to (and failing miserably cause im not used to the lag of this laptop - seriously, try changing laptop to one that only has 250 meg of ram and try sniping, its freaking hard to get used to) snipe a <200ms train, it hit me.
I am letting TW rule my life again. I went out the other day to my friends, and when he offered for me to go round to his again last night, for in a few days time, i found myself say no. I realised i was shouting at my mom because she wanted to use the laptop and i wouldnt let her, because of a few hundred incomings. I found myself telling my gf that id talk later, rather than then, cause i was busy, dodging and sniping. Shes gone to Russia again today, to go see her nan, who has catterax (however you spell it) and i wont see her for at least a weeks time from now, and i turned down talking to her because of a browser game. Ive been sitting 3 different accounts the past few days as well, which is something i swore never to do again when i came back.
Furthermore, i am starting college in like a weeks time from now. If i am getting pissy cause of incomings when i got some time to myself, im gonna be screwed when im at college, and hardly be able to get on weekdays, cause of being at college till like 4pm and then having to do homework, and still having a life (ie seeing friends and gf) so being online for a max of like 2 hours a day, unless i go back to having no life and messing up my schooling.
Yes, i did play tribalwars, during term time, quite effectively before i quit. However, that was mainly due to the fact i didnt have a life. Firstly, i didnt like going out because, well, i dont want to into it but all ill say is i didnt trust my father being alone with my mother, and theres also the fact that iwas letting tw rule my life. Trust me, if anyone else finds themselves sitting over 5 accounts during war time, like i did when DE-FI was fighting SSDD, just stop. dont make the same mistakes i did and sit infront of a computer all day wasting your life away.
Now, there is also the point - there are sitters for a reason. However, i do not feel at all happy to make all of my friends sit me whenever i have incomings because i like to have a life. I have been the sitt-ee before and know it isnt pleasant to be used, so dont want to do it myself, as it would be highly hypocrytical.
I would like to thank the members of FearUs for attacking me, and making me realise i cant cope before TW fully owns my life again. I would also like to thank all those who have sat me last night, and today, i would like to thank all of my friends, who have fought beside me, and all those who have gave me advise along the way. it has been a pleasure.
But, for now at least. I am quitting.
PS before i quit, i would like to say, i havent been playing the silentfrost account now for a while. I have infact been playing a different account. Also, to light one. We all know in NoProb that it is you on the farmer giles account.
I will still troll these forums, and be on skype, as i dont think ill ever be able to fully leave TW. Also, i talk to my gf on skype most of the time, cause its cheaper than texting or phoning each other
If you want to get ahold of me on skype, my username is:
- Rob
Except this time i am quitting myself, my own decision.
And yet, i find myself quitting because of the 1 thing i always hated people quitting for. Incomings. I can handle incomings easily enough myself. But, they take up a lot of time. Before, whenever i saw a player quit because of incomings, i always saw it as cowardice, pathetic and a lot of other things. But, yesterday when i found myself trying to (and failing miserably cause im not used to the lag of this laptop - seriously, try changing laptop to one that only has 250 meg of ram and try sniping, its freaking hard to get used to) snipe a <200ms train, it hit me.
I am letting TW rule my life again. I went out the other day to my friends, and when he offered for me to go round to his again last night, for in a few days time, i found myself say no. I realised i was shouting at my mom because she wanted to use the laptop and i wouldnt let her, because of a few hundred incomings. I found myself telling my gf that id talk later, rather than then, cause i was busy, dodging and sniping. Shes gone to Russia again today, to go see her nan, who has catterax (however you spell it) and i wont see her for at least a weeks time from now, and i turned down talking to her because of a browser game. Ive been sitting 3 different accounts the past few days as well, which is something i swore never to do again when i came back.
Furthermore, i am starting college in like a weeks time from now. If i am getting pissy cause of incomings when i got some time to myself, im gonna be screwed when im at college, and hardly be able to get on weekdays, cause of being at college till like 4pm and then having to do homework, and still having a life (ie seeing friends and gf) so being online for a max of like 2 hours a day, unless i go back to having no life and messing up my schooling.
Yes, i did play tribalwars, during term time, quite effectively before i quit. However, that was mainly due to the fact i didnt have a life. Firstly, i didnt like going out because, well, i dont want to into it but all ill say is i didnt trust my father being alone with my mother, and theres also the fact that iwas letting tw rule my life. Trust me, if anyone else finds themselves sitting over 5 accounts during war time, like i did when DE-FI was fighting SSDD, just stop. dont make the same mistakes i did and sit infront of a computer all day wasting your life away.
Now, there is also the point - there are sitters for a reason. However, i do not feel at all happy to make all of my friends sit me whenever i have incomings because i like to have a life. I have been the sitt-ee before and know it isnt pleasant to be used, so dont want to do it myself, as it would be highly hypocrytical.
I would like to thank the members of FearUs for attacking me, and making me realise i cant cope before TW fully owns my life again. I would also like to thank all those who have sat me last night, and today, i would like to thank all of my friends, who have fought beside me, and all those who have gave me advise along the way. it has been a pleasure.
But, for now at least. I am quitting.
PS before i quit, i would like to say, i havent been playing the silentfrost account now for a while. I have infact been playing a different account. Also, to light one. We all know in NoProb that it is you on the farmer giles account.
I will still troll these forums, and be on skype, as i dont think ill ever be able to fully leave TW. Also, i talk to my gf on skype most of the time, cause its cheaper than texting or phoning each other
If you want to get ahold of me on skype, my username is:
- Rob