IDC Out - A story most unfortunate

=Bit Cloud=

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As the title states this is a story of IDC otherwise known as the tribe who may have been in the most unfortunate spot of everyone that joined this world. It all began in the creation much like the book of Genesis it is boring so I'll do a brief summary. IDC was never intended to be a standalone tribe as we did not have enough players to make up a full tribe past day 40 but also did not want to invite random players around us who we couldn't see a long term future with as I will get into later. So world creation day is where one of the first unfortunate things happened to us. Because we did not have the players for a full premade we wanted to be on the rim and then find a tribe to hook up with and merge. So we did not join the world right away but then only a few hours into world start the rim stopped growing so we ended up joining on average 17-20 hours later than those who started around us. On a regular world this isn't such a big problem but with this worlds settings it can spell big trouble. We did of course have min d requirements and overall troop counts and had good counts but did not smithy rush.

Whats next in our story? The diplomacy of k55. When we joined the world we noticed we joined right next to Ropeys premade which was ironic since that that was one of the groups we had talked about joining with initially. Naturally we made a deal which was just an NAP and a promise not to expand into each others area. Our other diplo right at the start was with the tribe Busch as we had a relationship with their Duke from past worlds. Next up was Family who we accepted their diplo deal however we were very weary of them as they kept recruiting in areas that was obviously hostile towards us so we kept our guard up. The Paul Walker account was also acting sus in less than 12 hours from creation of the deal wanting us to share our planner which we fully believed they would use to inform folks of our intentions and stack against us so they could move in and attack. So from here the story is simple Family broke our diplo with short range attacks and created false flags (putin esque) as to their validity in doing so. Contrary to popular belief we did not have any claims on them as I canceled them all once we had diplo. So Family got the drop on us and we didn't have Academies at that stage but we stabilized the situation after the initial losses. Then more recruitments happened to family and then even more. A lot of these accounts were accounts we had turned down for recruitment into our own tribe as we didn't want to use them just to force internal down the road as we don't play that way. Still we would lose only a village here and there but then stabilize and the cycle would repeat itself. Eventually we had some betrayals over to family and its funny that those players got nobled for spying (if they spied it wasn't for us) so I found it funny they got internalled by Family after betraying IDC and actively defending and attacking us.

So we are now to a stabilized point with family ops failing and others tribes realizing that Family may in fact be a threat so 404 was planning to hit Family in conjunction with us. Around this time Busch approached us about the possibility to join the war against Family. So contrary to what you may see on the world discord IDC did not approach Busch to hit them. Initially leaders of Busch seemed very interested and then once they got the info about 404 was going to hit Family they got quite then gave us an excuse of why they couldn't hit Family. Then just a few days later they attacked 404 as they were geared to hit someone else. So as you can see anytime IDC was about to turn the war somehow Family was always able to have a plant in a tribe to turn the mood (enter Lekwai on False Duke). So this is where IDC really began to turtle as we were virtually alone Ropeys premade had basically been taken out and XL was one of those that helped in the demise so we thought them unfriendly. So we lived on losing a village here and there but for the most part blocking Familys ops.

On to XL they realized the family threat so joined the war and were doing well against Family plants across the K and helped us block some bigger ops that were starting to come in. Sadly as we all know because of increased scrutiny of everything on this world they were banned and thus Family won the SE. Once this happened there was no point in IDC resisting in a meaningful way so we had players just defend their own trains just to be cucks but it was time to concede the K and play on elsewhere. We had been fighting a close range fight without coplayed accounts since February 13th with the odds never in our favor. Connor and myself the dukes of the tribe were both averaging just 2-3 hours of sleep a night for a month. Lesser players would have failed a lot earlier and for the most part we genuinely had fun defending and playing with each other again. I won't get into the Peacemaker account betrayal as that is still a raw subject for a lot of us and it hurt.

In conclusion Congratulations to Family or now Scam. Every time we had you stopped you found a way around it no matter how frustrating and infuriating your methods were. You own the SE in the end so you deserve to be congratulated. I look forward to fighting you again later in this world.

Enjoy my wall of text. I may have lost but I enjoyed the challenge.
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Tueur De Roi

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From what I've picked up in the history of the south before my forced relocation at the hands of the vile Deep, it was an incredibly wild continent compared to the more methodical K44/K45.

GG~ ♥
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=Bit Cloud=

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It wasn't boring, if you didn't like how things were going just wait 5 hours and it would change.

Mc DaDdy

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With all jokes aside, you guys were honestly a tough opponent, this whole continent was a tough battle from the start. The amount of premades that ended up here was insane!

=Bit Cloud=

Non-stop Poster
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It taught me join with your coplayers no matter what even if you are a smaller premade. The amount of sitblocks we had preventing us from nobling cleared village was enough for me to almost just delete on numerous occasions.

Tueur De Roi

Non-stop Poster
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It taught me join with your coplayers no matter what even if you are a smaller premade. The amount of sitblocks we had preventing us from nobling cleared village was enough for me to almost just delete on numerous occasions.
Just do what I did and don't play with any planned coplayers at the start. :cool: dont actually do this it was miserable as all hell holy crap so many nights of 3 hour sleep.


Well-Known Member
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Hey Bitcloud,
through Honesty and Integrity all things are possible, so write that down.
You did make a few obvious mistakes that did lead to your tribe and your brothers being rimmed:
1. You allied with “XL”, a tribe that notoriously cheated with the double 30% boost, got caught pushing and still decided to push again after they were banned once for it.
2. You betrayed Family at start up, you can keep lying and embarrassing yourself but you did have real claims on Family villages on start up. You mentioned our alliance with you as a “joke” and you planned to rim Family once you built trains. However the Family reputation is too impeccable to have let this happen.
3. Mid war, IDC approached us to join Family, but instead of being honest and giving realistic terms, IDC asked for a “ceasefire” and planned to betray us. Once again, if IDC were honest, we would have recruited accounts fo be apart of Family.

So in short, IDC are not the victims, they are the bully that got taught a lesson.

Deleted User - 10017355

Actively stating that you joined the world with intentions of merging your accounts on day 41 to circumvent the rule and making accusations of other tribe's ethics o_O

=Bit Cloud=

Non-stop Poster
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Hey Bitcloud,
through Honesty and Integrity all things are possible, so write that down.
You did make a few obvious mistakes that did lead to your tribe and your brothers being rimmed:
1. You allied with “XL”, a tribe that notoriously cheated with the double 30% boost, got caught pushing and still decided to push again after they were banned once for it.
2. You betrayed Family at start up, you can keep lying and embarrassing yourself but you did have real claims on Family villages on start up. You mentioned our alliance with you as a “joke” and you planned to rim Family once you built trains. However the Family reputation is too impeccable to have let this happen.
3. Mid war, IDC approached us to join Family, but instead of being honest and giving realistic terms, IDC asked for a “ceasefire” and planned to betray us. Once again, if IDC were honest, we would have recruited accounts fo be apart of Family.

So in short, IDC are not the victims, they are the bully that got taught a lesson.

It would be too much to expect you to finally tell the truth so I really won't go into detail about why what you say are lies. As for wikkiddeath's post we did not look to circumvent a rule we looked to follow a rule. The rule was set in stone and we followed it.


Non-stop Poster
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Hey Bitcloud,

1. You allied with “XL”, a tribe that notoriously cheated with the double 30% boost

Not sure why this idea gets thrown around that this was some kind of cheating. I'm a neutral observer in that war, but that strikes me as propaganda or misunderstanding. If it was cheating, they would've been banned for it. They exploited it for sure, but that doesn't make them cheaters in my eyes unless the mods said it was against the rules.


Well-Known Member
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Not sure why this idea gets thrown around that this was some kind of cheating. I'm a neutral observer in that war, but that strikes me as propaganda or misunderstanding. If it was cheating, they would've been banned for it. They exploited it for sure, but that doesn't make them cheaters in my eyes unless the mods said it was against the rules.
The “loophole” was patched from ever being allowed on .net no farming worlds again.
XL didn’t get banned because of a technicality of submitting a ticket asking if they can do it and getting a response from one staff member that it’s fine.
Considering that the staff patched this loophole from ever happening again, a discussion must have been had that it was unfair.

Eakshow McGee

Still Going Strong
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The “loophole” was patched from ever being allowed on .net no farming worlds again.
XL didn’t get banned because of a technicality of submitting a ticket asking if they can do it and getting a response from one staff member that it’s fine.
Considering that the staff patched this loophole from ever happening again, a discussion must have been had that it was unfair.
Doesn't make it cheating, they used a mechanic that existed, and turned out community didn't think the mechanic needed to exist so they removed it for future worlds. Also it has nothing to do with "no farming worlds", this mechanic existed for all the worlds with active effects still being active in the village after restart. It has nothing to do with them asking for permission that made them get away with it, i asked (before the mechanic became public) if it was a bug or not, and it wasn't, it was an intended mechanic.

Deleted User - 848968328

Lol, Busch was meant to be a basher tribe to IDC. False Duke came in and showed them they can achieve more than just being IDC's Bashing tribe... and GOD was he right.
Busch are thriving and are the powerhouse of the south.

Besides you can't be upset because a tribe didn't want to ruin their start up because of IDC's poor start. It's hard not relying on pp eh ;)
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=Bit Cloud=

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Lol, Busch was meant to be a basher tribe to IDC. False Duke came in and showed them they can achieve more than just being IDC's Bashing tribe... and GOD was he right.
Busch are thriving and are the powerhouse of the south.

Besides you can't be upset because a tribe didn't want to ruin their start up because of IDC's poor start. It's hard not relying on pp eh ;)

Not actually true there was nothing stating that Busch was to be our bashers and we never requested that of them. We were told they had a lot of people that were new to the game and that they would follow our lead but again nothing was ever talked about with them having to bash for us.

TG Smurf

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So starting with 2 tribes wasn’t enough. IDC had busch join for them too. The web of lies and dishonesty keeps unravelling


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The “loophole” was patched from ever being allowed on .net no farming worlds again.
XL didn’t get banned because of a technicality of submitting a ticket asking if they can do it and getting a response from one staff member that it’s fine.
Considering that the staff patched this loophole from ever happening again, a discussion must have been had that it was unfair.

Okay, so they even sent a ticket then to ask if that was okay? Didn't know that, sounds like the opposite of cheating to me even. Unfair? Idk maybe. Cheating, definitely not then.

Deleted User - 848968328

Busch joined for themselves, use some reading comprehension skills.
Why is it that its always the noobs that get destroyed in game and then cry in the forum about how everything was agaisnt them. Even worse then that is that you are lying about it also lol.

=Bit Cloud=

Non-stop Poster
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Why is it that its always the noobs that get destroyed in game and then cry in the forum about how everything was agaisnt them. Even worse then that is that you are lying about it also lol.

Please explain what I'm lying about would love to know.