IMP are most deffo noobs


Guyver I have so much respect for you, don't make be on the other side of the argument. :icon_neutral:

I suppose berry did teach me better, but like I said in the beginning, I tease amm like a brother.

Guyver, you know me better than anybody in THIS world, and you know the majority of that isn't true. :icon_confused:

I'm not going to argue with you, I can't do that, you know that.


Guyver I have so much respect for you, don't make be on the other side of the argument. :icon_neutral:

I suppose berry did teach me better, but like I said in the beginning, I tease amm like a brother.

Guyver, you know me better than anybody in THIS world, and you know the majority of that isn't true. :icon_confused:

I'm not going to argue with you, I can't do that, you know that.

So when someone from W20 turns up you stop acting like a dick ? Hmm ok.


So when someone from W20 turns up you stop acting like a dick ? Hmm ok.

Guyver has more respect from me than most people ever could, if he thinks of me as a noob, that's his opinion. Which I think is a ridiculous opinion since I was his "disciple" 2 days ago, then somebody goes crying to him about me flaming them so he comes here to defend his members and he decides that now I am a "noob" and he does not like me anymore... :/ That's a a quick decision guyver, but your decision is yours, I will still respect you no matter your opinion of me.

As for you amm, I've played in a tribe with you HERE. Maybe you act different for him and your tribe there, but I've known you longer, I should no more about you then they should. Maybe you have gotten 20x better in what? a month? That is kinda hard to believe, but if it's Guyver teaching you... Maybe. But you will always be in my eyes as a traitor, so I will never respect or trust you Amm. That is something between the 2 of us, just because me and you are like that, me and Guyver don't have to be. Guyver can talk to me by mail if he has something to say about my attitude. But he knows I was trained by the best, who were and still are his friends, so he knows what is true and what is not. It his decision to speak the truth or not, if not, he can mail me and say why. If he has something to say about my gameplay, I would love to explain to him my future plans for W20. ;)


Back on subject: ~IMP~U just went up about 2mil points over the last couple of days, they see us of MPFC chasing them in rank, so yet again they transfer/recruit somebody to their tribe to grow even further away from us in rank again, that's pretty pointwhorish/nooby of them. Tsk tsk.

Oh well, we don't care about rank, I just like to point out how much ~IMP~U/~IMP~ does. :icon_cool:

scarlet ash

It's IMP.... though it still costs IMP in both points and effiecintcy what they already seem to be lacking but it is fact imo (that kind of contradicts the fact part :D) that your less organised and effiecent when your not in the same tribe.


It's IMP.... though it still costs IMP in both points and effiecintcy what they already seem to be lacking but it is fact imo (that kind of contradicts the fact part :D) that your less organised and effiecent when your not in the same tribe.

They don't care about organization or efficiency, they just want rank. :lol:


they lost a rank to Dr.No so it didnt work.

Plus, if you dont care about rank then you shouldnt mind if they deny you moving up a rank. If you do care, as you obviously do because you moved to MPFC to get a bigger account, then dont complain about others caring.

scarlet ash

in all fairness though compare -AAS- to MPFC, i mean theres a clear distinguish between both tribes skill wise, not saying -AAS- have no skill or anything as they do, just not MPFC level overall, not saying aswell that players in -AAS- arn't skilled enough as they do have some skilled players. It's just that MPFC overall as a tribe I personnally would say have more skill than -AAS- by quite a bit.


they lost a rank to Dr.No so it didnt work.

Plus, if you dont care about rank then you shouldnt mind if they deny you moving up a rank. If you do care, as you obviously do because you moved to MPFC to get a bigger account, then dont complain about others caring.

All your posts scream out 2 things... "Gimme attention!" and "I am noob!"

I don't mind, like I said I'm just pointing out how much they care about rank. Can you read? :icon_neutral:

So since I moved from AAS to MPFC, I have to care about rank...?
Bcuz it can't be these reasons, huh?
- MPFC is better than AAS
- MPFC is more elite than AAS
- I actually have a chance in this world in AAS
- MPFC actually has a chance in this world
- Did I mention MPFC and I will actually have a chance in this world? :icon_eek:
- People around MPFC have somewhat of more skill than the people around the GA, one guy specific up here does. I will get him though. :icon_cool:

Are those not good reasons to take a new account in MPFC...?

Noobs these days...


Guyver has more respect from me than most people ever could, if he thinks of me as a noob, that's his opinion. Which I think is a ridiculous opinion since I was his "disciple" 2 days ago, then somebody goes crying to him about me flaming them so he comes here to defend his members and he decides that now I am a "noob" and he does not like me anymore... :/ That's a a quick decision guyver, but your decision is yours, I will still respect you no matter your opinion of me.

As for you amm, I've played in a tribe with you HERE. Maybe you act different for him and your tribe there, but I've known you longer, I should no more about you then they should. Maybe you have gotten 20x better in what? a month? That is kinda hard to believe, but if it's Guyver teaching you... Maybe. But you will always be in my eyes as a traitor, so I will never respect or trust you Amm. That is something between the 2 of us, just because me and you are like that, me and Guyver don't have to be. Guyver can talk to me by mail if he has something to say about my attitude. But he knows I was trained by the best, who were and still are his friends, so he knows what is true and what is not. It his decision to speak the truth or not, if not, he can mail me and say why. If he has something to say about my gameplay, I would love to explain to him my future plans for W20. ;)


Back on subject: ~IMP~U just went up about 2mil points over the last couple of days, they see us of MPFC chasing them in rank, so yet again they transfer/recruit somebody to their tribe to grow even further away from us in rank again, that's pretty pointwhorish/nooby of them. Tsk tsk.

Oh well, we don't care about rank, I just like to point out how much ~IMP~U/~IMP~ does. :icon_cool:

Lol, because i played W21 seriously. Chad im only going to say one thing
I didn't go crying to Guyver about anything, if you cant handle his opions of you please dont take it out on me.


Lol, because i played W21 seriously. Chad im only going to say one thing
I didn't go crying to Guyver about anything, if you cant handle his opions of you please dont take it out on me.

I can handle any of his opinions, I usually love his opinions.

Until just yesterday, his opinions of me were good. Just bcuz you can't handle getting flamed doesn't mean you need to ruin mine and Guyver's friendship.


chad; Me saying 'you obviously do care about rank because you moved to MPFC' was an attempt to annoy you, it appears to have worked.

You actually went further than pointing it out, you were critisising them for caring about rank so much, at least thats what your words meant.

Why is your fallback reply when you have nothing really to say always 'noob'?


I can handle any of his opinions, I usually love his opinions.

Until just yesterday, his opinions of me were good. Just bcuz you can't handle getting flamed doesn't mean you need to ruin mine and Guyver's friendship.

Oh looks like i put the foot in your and guyvers specail relationship, no i didn't actually say anything to guyver, get your facts straight, and i dont care about getting flamed, its only a game, and games are for fun, im having fun :D


chad; Me saying 'you obviously do care about rank because you moved to MPFC' was an attempt to annoy you, it appears to have worked.

You actually went further than pointing it out, you were critisising them for caring about rank so much, at least thats what your words meant.

Why is your fallback reply when you have nothing really to say always 'noob'?

This is why people don't like you... :icon_neutral:

Yeah, I was making fun of them, it is quite pathetic. :p


only people i ever try to annoy are people who already dont like me, atm thats you, Ladycounsel and Midnight.

If you were making fun of them then you are as bad as i am to you


Oh looks like i put the foot in your and guyvers specail relationship, no i didn't actually say anything to guyver, get your facts straight, and i dont care about getting flamed, its only a game, and games are for fun, im having fun :D

I'm sure Guyver doesn't check all your forum posts and joins in all your convo's to make sure nobody is flaming you. :icon_confused:

Whatever, I don't care.

I'll make sure that when it does come down to that time when PnP and MPFC have to face each other that you are removed first, and if we don't get any further than that. I'll be fine with it. :)

I'm done with you, if Guyver still wants to stick up for you even after seeing your forum posts, that is his choice. Even though I don't understand it. OMG would be embarrassed seeing one of his friends(you) posting like this. :icon_neutral:


chad; Me saying 'you obviously do care about rank because you moved to MPFC' was an attempt to annoy you, it appears to have worked.

You actually went further than pointing it out, you were critisising them for caring about rank so much, at least thats what your words meant.

Why is your fallback reply when you have nothing really to say always 'noob'?

Why the hell would you try to annoy him?


Why the hell would you try to annoy him?

Because even though he spent months on saying that he hates how people argue/flame in these forums, it is actually what he craves. He is what I usually call most girls, a "drama queen".


only people i ever try to annoy are people who already dont like me, atm thats you, Ladycounsel and Midnight.

If you were making fun of them then you are as bad as i am to you

I like you. And you anoy me.


Because even though he spent months on saying that he hates how people argue/flame in these forums, it is actually what he craves. He is what I usually call most girls, a "drama queen".

i only once mentioned that someone was arguing too much and that was because it had turned into people insulting eachother.....
Also....a drama queen?...'Someone who turns something unimportant into a major deal. Someone who blows things way out of proportion when ever the chance is given. An overly dramatic person.'? not what i was doing.

A better, and very accurate, description would be that i am pedantic, i will argue over the smallest things purely because i want to.

shtaal;I was annoying him because, to be honest, i dont like him......