IMP are most deffo noobs


I'm sure Guyver doesn't check all your forum posts and joins in all your convo's to make sure nobody is flaming you. :icon_confused:

Whatever, I don't care.

I'll make sure that when it does come down to that time when PnP and MPFC have to face each other that you are removed first, and if we don't get any further than that. I'll be fine with it. :)

I'm done with you, if Guyver still wants to stick up for you even after seeing your forum posts, that is his choice. Even though I don't understand it. OMG would be embarrassed seeing one of his friends(you) posting like this. :icon_neutral:

Ok number one you know nothing about OMG dont bring him into this, you dont know the situation me and him are in.
Two, OMG is not the type to cry over what i write, he wouldn't care, jsut say yer ll i like that noob.
three, i came to coplay with nathan on the Kethrin account, he quit, i came to co-play, not play a account i told Mrs.B that i would no longer be plaing Kethrin and quit the account.
I was actually talking to Ampac about how someone from SPARTA was flaming me on the W21 forums, i didn't even mention any names, i can give you the evidance if you want, screw it ask Ampac yourself !
Lol guyver knows im noob, and that i like to LOL in the forums, i didn't go crying to him like, ZomgZ i R gettInz Fl4m3D In T3h ForumZ and he was like guyverman to the rescue, hes not my little bitch, even if he does speak it :lol:


Ok number one you know nothing about OMG dont bring him into this, you dont know the situation me and him are in.
Two, OMG is not the type to cry over what i write, he wouldn't care, jsut say yer ll i like that noob.
three, i came to coplay with nathan on the Kethrin account, he quit, i came to co-play, not play a account i told Mrs.B that i would no longer be plaing Kethrin and quit the account.
I was actually talking to Ampac about how someone from SPARTA was flaming me on the W21 forums, i didn't even mention any names, i can give you the evidance if you want, screw it ask Ampac yourself !
Lol guyver knows im noob, and that i like to LOL in the forums, i didn't go crying to him like, ZomgZ i R gettInz Fl4m3D In T3h ForumZ and he was like guyverman to the rescue, hes not my little bitch, even if he does speak it :lol:

Not completely true, I do know stuff about OMG, me and him got along quite well. We are actually much much alike. Ask gaz, he knows from when me and OMG where in his ~VOID~'s forums. :)

In the beginning I guess you could've took it as me flaming PnP, which I in no way meant it in that way. I just thought it was funny that they would have somebody like you playing one of their accounts, when a tribe 200k P less than them(MPFC) wouldn't let you play one of our accounts...

You took it to you not being a noob, so I took it to showing how you were a noob. In no way was I flaming Sparta or anything about them, I pointed out that my tribe was winning the war, that's it. I know BSM is skilled, if I was in their area I would've actually tried to join them. Before I joined Sparta, and if I was in between BSM and Sparta, I would've joined BSM any-day. However, definitely not now, as I have gained much loyalty to Sparta and they are much better than people say. You guys are now split into 2 tribes, and people jumped onto flaming you guys right away, I didn't. You can not say my insults to you are in anyway directed to your tribe in W20 or any of your tribe-mates, if they wanna get mad, then whatever.

If anything, your his little bitch, which isn't a bad thing, Guyver is a good pimp. :icon_wink:


haha. i remember that. OMG went skitz on some noob player lol.


Anyone else noticed a change in Chads posts, im just going to leave it now and to not comment back to your post.


Anyone else noticed a change in Chads posts, im just going to leave it now and to not comment back to your post.

Bcuz I'm freaking tired of arguing with you, I tried to end this many posts ago, you keep going.

My full opinion, the whole real thing:
I respect Guyver, I respected BSM(they aren't a tribe anymore). If Guyver wants to dislike me just bcuz I dislike you, that's a pathetic reason to do so. But that's his choice.

Your a noob, I will flame you when I have time/when I want. Prove yourself, I'll stop flaming you.

I'm done with this, I'm busy making fun of alexis and ~IMP~F by mail. :p


Bcuz I'm freaking tired of arguing with you, I tried to end this many posts ago, you keep going.

My full opinion, the whole real thing:
I respect Guyver, I respected BSM(they aren't a tribe anymore). If Guyver wants to dislike me just bcuz I dislike you, that's a pathetic reason to do so. But that's his choice.

Your a noob, I will flame you when I have time/when I want. Prove yourself, I'll stop flaming you.

I'm done with this, I'm busy making fun of alexis and ~IMP~F by mail. :p

Sure thing.


If you're going to flame him, do it about w21 and leave w20 out of it. Amm does a good job for someone who's just filling in. He gets annoying and has been renamed doodie head on my skype so no, I'm not posting in his favor I just don't appreciate people taking credit for something they had no hand in.

Noone is raping anyone, if I wanted to I could do what siandona did and target inactives then send someone from another world to take over an account and gift the villages to the tribe. It was someone from this world, who I made sure was rimmed.

Your excuse for not fighting prime was because you were too busy nobling berry's old barbs while prime, never mind PBR/dejan90 was having his way with your friends from aos and fear. So you went to sparta, who has a nap with prime and take credit on here...a totally different world for inactive nobles?

Yes, you really are something. Leave w20 out of your ego fueled flaming on here because I will get an account here and there will be nowhere to hide.
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If you're going to flame him, do it about w21 and leave w20 out of it. Amm does a good job for someone who's just filling in. He gets annoying and has been renamed doodie head on my skype so no, I'm not posting in his favor I just don't appreciate people taking credit for something they had no hand in.

Noone is raping anyone, if I wanted to I could do what siandona did and target inactives then send someone from another world to take over an account and gift the villages to the tribe. It was someone from this world, who I made sure was rimmed.

Your excuse for not fighting prime was because you were too busy nobling berry's old barbs while prime, never mind PBR/dejan90 was having his way with your friends from aos and fear. So you went to sparta, who has a nap with prime and take credit on here...a totally different world for inactive nobles?

Yes, you really are something. Leave w20 out of your ego fueled flaming on here because I will get an account here and there will be nowhere to hide.

I will give you that, I should leave W20 out of here, you are right on that.

Yes, that was my excuse, was it really what it was? No, and I'm not afraid to tell you. FEAR sucked, it was one of the worst tribes I was ever in. I didn't wanna be in it, the only tribes near me are tribes that aren't in a war against Prime, so it was useless to start attacking Prime when I was soon going to join a tribe that wasn't at war with Prime, am I right? I'm not going to fight a war that was guaranteed to lose, especially one while being in a tribe like FEAR, their OPs were terrible, all of it was pathetic.

You can't call me a tribe jumper, you can't call me a barb muncher, and when you know who taught me who to play this game, you can't call me a noob.

I don't take credit for Sparta's noblings, as I didn't do ANY of them. I simply pointed out my tribe was winning the war, WAS. Now we don't even know who we are at war with since your tribe's split.
The inactives are always the first ones to go, you know that. That's in about every war. Primes war against AOS, on both sides. Prime vs. FEAR, just about every war. Like I said.

Eventually you guys will run out of inactives, then I'll be joining the war. :icon_wink:

NOW, if you wanna talk about W20, please message me or I'll just message you.


I will give you that, I should leave W20 out of here, you are right on that.

Good, now let's go get some cookies >.>

FYI, fear are noobs along with prime and everyone else who prefers to fight with the support ticket system than with their nukes.

I shall take my leave now from this board :p

EDIT: I've had four offers on my skype for accounts :D
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Side 1:
Tribes: PnP

Side 2:
Tribes: ~IMP~ ~IMP~U

Timeframe: Last 3 months

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 575
Side 2: 51
Difference: 524


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 5,394,239
Side 2: 465,520
Difference: 4,928,719



Thanks for putting it back on topic, and lets be nicer.

Thats right I AM BACK!


Hi all

Im not sure if any IMP family are on these forums or not, but im interested to know how much of a fight they are giving PnP???

They seem extremely happy to retaliate to attacks that have been sent at them by myself, although, the players i attacked cannot actually hit me back on just there own, without getting there tribe mates into the action.

IMP family, as ive said on my profile, maybe if you put as much effort into warring PnP, as you have put so much effort into running away to K93 and nobling all the baby barbs present there, you may be able to minimize your losses ;) (not much though)

Im not sure if a 700k player really merits the efforts of three 1.7mill + players - although, clearly in IMP's case it does!!! Keep going IMP, im sure you'll prove your worth as a tribe sooner or later, until then, you just keep running from PnP, although, nobling in K93 wont be easy for you now :)

Some opinions would be good from IMP regarding there joke tactics lol


Im not sure if a 700k player really merits the efforts of three 1.7mill + players - although, clearly in IMP's case it does!!! Keep going IMP, im sure you'll prove your worth as a tribe sooner or later, until then, you just keep running from PnP, although, nobling in K93 wont be easy for you now :)

Some opinions would be good from IMP regarding there joke tactics lol

Well yes it does to be fair to IMP. It's called teamwork, sharing the spoils, whatever term you want to use.

Tribes are supposed to work together - IMP may have many failings but criticising them when they actually do start to show some kind of attempt at organising themselves and operating together as a unit is a tad unfair.

From what we have heard on this forum, this is an improvement.


Tribes are supposed to work together - IMP may have many failings but criticising them when they actually do start to show some kind of attempt at organising themselves and operating together as a unit is a tad unfair.

From what we have heard on this forum, this is an improvement.

So why make such a huge effort against someone who isnt really a threat to the whole tribe - yet run away from a whole tribe that is wiping them out?

I dont mind the incoming at all, in fact its enjoyable and exciting considering virius wouldnt have done this - but with PnP kicking IMP all over the place, they suddenly start to organise against someone so small - sounds cowardly to me, why not show co-ordination against PnP? Are they too happy running from them? :)


Alexis in her profile said:
the Gaint tribe PnP has attacked small humble tribe of IMP....
to know what it feels like for the PnP members, i went out side, and kicked a small cute puppy..
it made me feel bad :(, so i do not know the enjoyment that PnP feels...

IMP is not small and IMP is not cute.

I guess Alexis's tribemates enjoy kicking puppies. However, this puppy called G.Barb will bite back!

Seriously, IMP, stand up and fight your enemies. All you know how to do is run from them. You are adopting the same fail method that the GA took--nobling baby barbs further and further into the rim. It's not working for the GA and it won't work for you either.


This is the funniest thing I've read in W21 forums in a long time :)


IMP is attacking Dr. No so they might not have time for PnP

PnP is making excellent ground, i can recall where they first started and the calls to try and stop them from crossing into certain K's

how it would be ok now which K's have they not moved into

As long as IMP are there it is keeping PnP happy and active. As a race internally to see who can obtain the most