Dear Skynub,
My english is imperfect. I am not a native speaker and I never will be. Does that mean that I have a lesser understanding on what is going on on W75 or what you are trying to accomplish with your somewhat rasist remarks .
In any sport or game there are always two winners.
1st, there is the person or the team who actually won.
2nd. This is where you and Norse belong. You would have been the acual winners if not IF had stood in the way. Norse would have won
IF not inactivity hit them
IF not leadership failed them
IF not IRL hit them etc etch. They have now accepted defeat and I will not drag them down any further as I know they are all good people and I am sure I will be happy to play both with and against them again in the future.
Then there is players like you with the most flawed logic avaiable. You have a totally insignificant account and have not made much on this world. still claiming that you are not defeated. You sounds a little little a a football player not good enough to actually join the team so you have to sit on the bench. Where your team lose the finals you refuse to accept defeat because you were not beat. You on the bench were not beat.
Or if that metaphore was to hard to comprehend, you are like a local amateur boxer. When the new heavyweight chamion is celebrated you refuse to accept it because he has not beaten you. You might still have to go 2500 matches to even get to the same arena as him but you still dont except your place since you are not defeated.
But by all means. you are free to sit there and claim nondefeat as much as you like. You can even pick on my spelling or gramma here. Or why not look in a dictionary and write som obscure passage that I will have to use google translate to understand. Please do.
Because it wont change a thing. facts is a facts.
You failed on w75
You are friends with Norse or Norseplayers and you hate that they lost out.
You will keep redicule yourself here as long as there is anyone replying.
Thats fine with me, as it will take away focus from what really matters, and that is that you will never get to our levels (Sorry Anton, stole you phrase