lol.. yeah, on W20
In the south, in my opinion..the influential tribe is H-Bomb- I think we controlled more continents than any tribe..
H-Bomb and Emc2 took control more continents than Hulk.. players at that time in the south were strong, jhill94, damm4ever, julius,najj canmauler..
Lol, but the world consiperd against us everyone declared war on us I remember Maxxjd declared war on everyone..
Just my opinion of course..
Hey long time no hear my friend...Your with the group of jhill94 who took over the k94-k95 fronts...You guys coordinated attacks on assasination..Hehehehhe...:icon_biggrin:
lol.. yeah, on W20
@dorin - look at it like this (hypothetical)
bad players
ok players
decent players
good players
advance players
elite players
@dorin - look at it like this (hypothetical)
bad players
ok players
decent players
good players
advance players
elite players
If a bad player looks at a decent player with never knowing an elite player that is what you would consider elite. where others would look and say no he/she was average at best.
That's a very good point and I completely agree.
That happens all the time. Just look at the silly "Hall of Fame" and "The Greatest TW Player ever" threads. You can tell who is clueless because they say, "Well, gee, I don't know any of those people, but I think so-and-so was the greatest because he was a good friend and tribe mate, so what if he was ranked #1000th and got rimmed a few times by other people". The Hall of Fame one is just the same. You can't be great if your success can't translate to other worlds. In at least one world someone plays they can end up lucking into a good spot, riding the right coattails, keeping out of good players ways until they quit, etc., etc. Great players will win against 99% of the other players no matter what position they are in. For the most part, anyway. There are always gangbangs by noob tribes which can't always be accounted for. Nothing worse then a mass recruited tribe of noobs early on. They listen to a psychotic dictator who only half knows the game, but is usually greedy for his own power and sends them on suicide runs against good players who laughed his mass recruiting attempts off.
[/spoil]That happens all the time. Just look at the silly "Hall of Fame" and "The Greatest TW Player ever" threads. You can tell who is clueless because they say, "Well, gee, I don't know any of those people, but I think so-and-so was the greatest because he was a good friend and tribe mate, so what if he was ranked #1000th and got rimmed a few times by other people". The Hall of Fame one is just the same. You can't be great if your success can't translate to other worlds. In at least one world someone plays they can end up lucking into a good spot, riding the right coattails, keeping out of good players ways until they quit, etc., etc. Great players will win against 99% of the other players no matter what position they are in. For the most part, anyway. There are always gangbangs by noob tribes which can't always be accounted for. Nothing worse then a mass recruited tribe of noobs early on. They listen to a psychotic dictator who only half knows the game, but is usually greedy for his own power and sends them on suicide runs against good players who laughed his mass recruiting attempts off.
No mention of crimsoni.![]()
sorry mate i heard or seen you a few times... you play world 4 or 8?
don't think i knew you from this world....
im suprised you didnt know him from this world. he did some crazy shit. holding off an entire tribe. in the early part of this world.
Most influential players of all time eh... I'd certainly say Harry reigned strong down in the south, especially in old SEL territory, I dare say, BSM and it's remnants, would of stuck a tiny bit longer, if Harry had still been playing also.
Oh hai everyone.
You had better put me in there, after all of you noobs I taught subsecond trains and the rest of the game to lol