And yet there are still 8 Mil players sending 1 minute trains...
what do you expect this is w20
And yet there are still 8 Mil players sending 1 minute trains...
thats true but im sure that stacks get a lot bigger also.
Can't stack them all, I like my fake trains after a mass clearing wave. People I attack think i'm stupid for launching all my trains after a half successful clearing wave on a group of villages when I'm actually dividing the support. Hence the crappy trains, you get good at them and then you just don't care because alot of people just can't snipe poor trains like that lol
Yeah, well not ME personally but someone else who then decides to noble nuke....the key sign to show there's skill.
Noble nuking is an effective strategy regardless of the skilllessness it requires. They're still noobs, but there's little option but to either do a retake or stack it. I've never met a defender good enough to snipe me really, but if I was going against someone as good as me who can defend well even with thousands of incomings and I was in a position where I couldn't get them to 10's of thousands of incomings, I might resort to noble nuking. Not sure what I'd do, never been in that situation unfortunately. As a defender, I'd much prefer going against a train than 4-5 noble nukes with hours between them. Of course you always have the noobs who think they're good who time their noble-nukes with small amounts of time between them. That's the worst offensive strategy I can think of.
I have also taken random accounts and never played more than a day, warred Hulk from K1, and a variety of other things. :icon_redface:No way? Crim did something other than spam and never getting that village he was suppose to get in k35?:icon_razz:
oh why don't they remember you?
Probably cus crim was around more before when they were prominent. But I don't remember crim ever fighting off an entire tribe lol. Don't remember really anyone doing that here. Maybe in other wars like E=MC vs. CLETUS or other non top-3 wars but only thing I can remember is when CLETUS or H-BOMB or whoever attacked Chevyh and I was sittin him when he was isolated. And then we gave up on that after awhile due to his isolation and moved him to another account. And even then he had sitters, so wasn't really one person against a tribe.
Contra is gunna be noobeh
Probably cus crim was around more before when they were prominent. But I don't remember crim ever fighting off an entire tribe lol. Don't remember really anyone doing that here. Maybe in other wars like E=MC vs. CLETUS or other non top-3 wars but only thing I can remember is when CLETUS or H-BOMB or whoever attacked Chevyh and I was sittin him when he was isolated. And then we gave up on that after awhile due to his isolation and moved him to another account. And even then he had sitters, so wasn't really one person against a tribe.
Contra is gunna be noobeh
I fought off an entire tribe once, mind you it was done through sits but i still did it xD
I remember this I fought Chevy(hulk) using the lady kathrina(h-bomb) Account..Which was once player assasinated by Cletus..The dispute then was chevy nobling our inactives...
What happened to Lady K? He was top 10 then disapeared, did he delete?
As I recall she was a huge point whore and barb nobler, no one was surprised to see her go down.
Catalina? I don't remember a lady K for some reason lol