This had to be done. I am stunned That nobody has brought up how much of a noob tribe INN really are. I have been in INN for a few months now, and if i was taking this world a bit more seriously, i would have left.
First of all INN are allied with GOTROB and GTC in the fight against PITA. Lets see how that's going.
Side 1:
Tribes: ~INN~
Side 2:
Tribes: PITA
Timeframe: Forever
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 40
Side 2: 215
Difference: 175
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 322,542
Side 2: 1,732,570
Difference: 1,410,028
Yeh, not to well.
Then they decided that they needed an easier target, so they declared on Mongol, a 6m Point tribe, stuck between Gotrob, GTC and INN (who are actually at war with GTC ) Reason Being that they were nobling too many barbarians! ~INN~ hate barbarian noblers!
Steady on tiedie. Mongol have no defence ? Lets see
They got more than your tribe BRO.
Anyway, i digress! So yeh, INN hates barb noblers! GRRR. Wait whats this.
Yeh quite a few barbs in that planner. OK, ok. They are high point barbs, its understandable that you cant noble your own inactives fast enough.
Oh btw mongol, get those claimed villages stacked.
Not done yet ladies and gentlespoons. Check these barbs out!
Tribes Total Conquers
Oh, thats quite a lot of barbs, but what about you non barb caps! Hopefully you can make up for your complete hipocracy.
ZOMG You managed to conquer 491 villages of yourself before they turned barbs!
But surely, with your 20m points, you should be able to eat Mongol for breakfast, esp. as they are under constant attacks from Gotrob and GTC?
Another big fat nope. So basically, Inn are a big fat bunch of barb nobling noobs. They call themselves International Noob Noblers and they actually are, as most of the time, thy noble themselves.
First of all INN are allied with GOTROB and GTC in the fight against PITA. Lets see how that's going.
Side 1:
Tribes: ~INN~
Side 2:
Tribes: PITA
Timeframe: Forever
Total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 40
Side 2: 215
Difference: 175
Points value of total conquers against opposite side:
Side 1: 322,542
Side 2: 1,732,570
Difference: 1,410,028
Yeh, not to well.
Then they decided that they needed an easier target, so they declared on Mongol, a 6m Point tribe, stuck between Gotrob, GTC and INN (who are actually at war with GTC ) Reason Being that they were nobling too many barbarians! ~INN~ hate barbarian noblers!
Steady on tiedie. Mongol have no defence ? Lets see
They got more than your tribe BRO.
Anyway, i digress! So yeh, INN hates barb noblers! GRRR. Wait whats this.
Yeh quite a few barbs in that planner. OK, ok. They are high point barbs, its understandable that you cant noble your own inactives fast enough.
Oh btw mongol, get those claimed villages stacked.
Not done yet ladies and gentlespoons. Check these barbs out!
Tribes Total Conquers
Oh, thats quite a lot of barbs, but what about you non barb caps! Hopefully you can make up for your complete hipocracy.
ZOMG You managed to conquer 491 villages of yourself before they turned barbs!
But surely, with your 20m points, you should be able to eat Mongol for breakfast, esp. as they are under constant attacks from Gotrob and GTC?
Another big fat nope. So basically, Inn are a big fat bunch of barb nobling noobs. They call themselves International Noob Noblers and they actually are, as most of the time, thy noble themselves.